(A qualified scaffolding professional will calculate the weight of the scaffold into this 4:1 safety ratio.) The employee was hospitalized for his injuries. Excess suspension wire rope and any additional independent lines from grounding must also be insulated. 3. A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within ___ feet of the platform, Repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds, Each platform must be fully planked and at least 18 inches wide. Hazards and Possible Solutions So a 10 foot span (120 inches) cannot deflect more than: 2 inches The victim was not using personal fall protection equipment, although it was available and was being used by a second painter. In such cases, the platforms must be as wide as feasible, and fall protection must be provided. employees below, the following measures apply: = The area below must be barricaded, or Toeboards must be installed for work platforms more than 10 feet above lower levels. =Fall arrest equipment must be utilized. The cornice hooks were not tied back with a secondary tieback system. Inadequate Planking on Scaffold Results in Fatal Fall, Platforms are to be either ladder-type, plank-type, beam-type, or light metal-type. Scaffold planks shall extend over their end support at least six (6) inches but no more than twelve (12) inches. Such retraining is required in at least the following situations [. A bar or other means securely fastened to each end of the platform to prevent it slipping off the hanger. construction methods, and its use. Scaffolding hazards are addressed in specific standards for the construction industry. ( 1) Except as provided in paragraphs (a) (2), (a) (3), (a) (4), (a) (5) and (g) of this section, each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the . Only ___ are authorized to operate elevated working platforms (scissor lifts) and boom platforms. State Plans are required to have standards and enforcement programs that are at least as effective as OSHA's and may have different or more stringent requirements. They lowered the scaffold from the top roof some 16 feet to a small intermediate roof. No personal fall protection equipment was being used by either worker. Suspended scaffolds are often made of metal and sometimes used in close proximity to overhead power lines. Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own eitght and at least ___ times the maximum intended load applied to it 4 A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within ___ feet of the platform 2 Repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds On the basis of what you know about cerebellar function, how can you determine that the cerebellum is involved? =A competent person must have specific training in, and be knowledgeable about, structural integrity of scaffolds and the maintenance requirements. Placement of potential falling objects away from the edge of the surface from which they may fall. Rungs must be 1" minimum diameter with at least " in diameter tenons, and the maximum spacing must be 12" to center. Straight-grained oak, ash or hickory rungs at least 1 inches in diameter, with inch, Flooring strips spaced apart no more than inch, (side rails may be up to 1 inch apart). [, If there is a tail line below the hoist, it must be insulated to prevent contact with the platform. Frayed Insulation Causes Arc, Damages Suspension Rope. Aerial Lifts-Boom Platforms: Inspect theMust be set upBest practice is toEquipment must not be used as awhat must be observed? Response: Under section 1926.451 (a) (1), each component of a scaffold system must be able to support its own weight (the weight of the component itself, in addition to the portion of the scaffold's weight that is transmitted to that component), and at least 4 times the maximum intended load transmitted to that component. The leadman--the competent person on site--got out of the scaffold onto the roof and worked with the trainee to manually override and release the overspeed brake. The proper use of the scaffold, and the proper handling of materials on the scaffold. The superintendent had ordered the scaffold's main support be disassembled before the scaffold was lowered to ground level. Bolts or other direct connections to the floor or deck. Three employees were spray painting a water tower that was 125 ft. high and 30 ft. in diameter. He fell eleven floors and was killed. Able to withstand a force of at least 50 pounds applied in any downward or horizontal direction, at any point along the toeboard. In addition to meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.502(d), personal fall-arrest systems used on scaffolds are to be attached by lanyard to a vertical lifeline, horizontal lifeline, or scaffold structural member. An employee was arc welding from a suspended scaffold. Training shall include [. [. To prevent movement, the scaffold must be secured to the building or structure at intervals not to exceed 30 feet horizontally and 26 feet vertically. [, Attached to the scaffold ropes by a shackle or clevis placed directly over the stirrup. [, All platforms 40 feet or less in length, and light metal-type platforms with a rated capacity of 750 pounds or less, must be tested and listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Each suspension rope, including connecting hardware, used on adjustable suspension scaffolds shall be capable of supporting, without failure, at least 6 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to that rope with the scaffold operating at either the rated load of the hoist, or 2 (minimum) times the stall load of the hoist, whichever [, The inboard ends of outrigger beams must be stabilized by bolts or other direct connections to the floor or roof deck, or by counterweights. At least 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold when it is operating at the rated load of the hoist. Neither painter was wearing an approved safety belt and lanyard attached to an independent lifeline. Which shotgun choke is best for hunting a large, slow bird, such as a turkey? The painter sent the helper to the sidewalk below to receive the tools and paint buckets. Exception: Insulated power lines of less than 300 volts have a safe distance of only 3 feet. Two-point suspension scaffolds must be tied or otherwise secured to prevent them from swaying, as determined to be necessary by a competent person. Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied to it. 4 In general, each platform on all working levels of scaffolds shall be ___?___ or decked between the front uprights and the guardrail supports. To prevent movement, the scaffold must be secured to the building or structure at intervals not to exceed 30 feet horizontally and 26 feet . [, Suspension ropes are to be shielded from heat-producing processes. However, proper clearance and maintenance reduce this risk. Capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards Who has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them, Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least __ times the maximum intended load applied to it, feasible to do so and does not create a greater hazard. Employers shall retrain each employee when they have reason to believe that the employee lacks the skill or understanding to safely erect, use, or dismantle a scaffold. Supported scaffolds over 75 feet (22 860 mm) in height must be designed by a registered design professional. Adjustable suspension scaffolds are designed to be raised and lowered while occupied by workers and materials, and must be capable of bearing their load whether stationary or in motion. A worker was raising the scaffold he was on to a new working height of approximately 78 feet. and determine which segments of the cord are moving Scaffolding safety is a combination of practices and safety procedures that enforces proper and safe use of scaffoldings. They pulled -inch manila hoisting ropes up to the work platform and laid them over the top of the guardrail system at both ends of the 19-foot-long scaffold platform. When brackets are used to support cantilevered platforms, they must: Two Workers Killed by Falling Objects While On Scaffolds. . Three major components of a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) include; anchor and the anchorage connector; full body harness; and: A. Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a . [, The platform must be securely fastened to hangers (stirrups) by U-bolts, or by other means that make it capable of supporting its own weight and at least 4 times its maximum intended load. NOTE: Except where indicated, these requirements also apply to multi-level, single-point adjustable, multi-point adjustable, interior hung, needle beam, catenary, and float (ship) scaffolds. The second man on the scaffold (the window washer) managed to cling to the scaffold and a nearby window ledge until he could be rescued. Each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least ___ times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. The maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacity of the scaffold. [, Scaffold platforms must be able to support their own weight, plus four times the maximum intended load. The co-worker stated that he saw the victim fall and jerk upward as the lanyard caught him. The design and construction of scaffolds must conform with OSHA requirements concerning type of equipment, rated capacities, construction methods, and use. Scaffold incidents causing injury or death to workers is often the result of either the planking or support giving way, by the worker slipping, the absence of fall protection, or being struck by a falling object. Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level must be protected from falling to that lower level. While lowering the materials to his helper, the painter was thrown from the scaffold platform when the platform tipped over. [, Scaffolds are to be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered only under the supervision of a competent person qualified in such activities. = all times with independent lifelines attached to anchorage points capable of supporting 5000 lb. This does not preclude the use of systems designed to function as both suspension scaffolds and emergency systems. 4 A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within ___ feet of the platform 2 Repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds upward and which are moving downward. Optional body belt B. [, Securely fastened together with the flanges turned out when channel iron beams are used instead of I-beams. Hung by ropes or cables connected to stirrups at each end of the platform, they are typically used by window washers on skyscrapers, but play a prominent role in high-rise construction as well. [, Counterweights must not be made of flowable materials such as sand, gravel, and similar materials that can be easily dislocated. each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load . [, Swaged attachments or spliced eyes on wire suspension ropes may not be used unless they are made by the manufacturer or a qualified person. Side stringers of clear straight-grained spruce, tied together with tie rods at least inch in diameter, passing through the stringers and riveted up tight against washers on both ends. Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least __ times the maximum intended load applied to it. [, In lieu of guardrails, crossbracing may serve as a toprail or midrail, providing the crossing point is [. [, When outrigger beams are not stabilized by bolts or other direct connections to the floor or roof deck, they must instead be secured by tiebacks. Two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds, also known as swing-stage scaffolds, are perhaps the most common type of suspended scaffold. Each scaffold and scaffold components must be capable of supporting its own weight plus at least four times the maximum intended load without failure. The right side hoist had only been set up with enough cable to go from the upper roof to the intermediate roof, a total of 16 feet (the total cable length measured 18 feet 5 inches). [. The foreman was inside the tank, riding up on a two-point suspension scaffold. [, For two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds, access to one platform from another may only take place when the platforms [. A worker was on a two-point suspension scaffold that was suspended by cornice hooks at the top of a parapet wall (approximately 42 ft.). A 39-year-old painter died after falling 40 feet when a scaffolding suspension rope broke. Rigging, welding machines, materials and supplies, etc., were placed on the scaffold, and two 1-inch wire rope hoist lines were cut free. = Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied to it. An employee was setting up a two-point suspension scaffold on top of a billboard platform that was 35 feet above the ground. The employee received an electric shock and fell to the ground. (see Falls: Unprotected Sides, Wall Openings, and Floor Holes in the OSHA Construction eTool), The employer must designate a competent person, who would be responsible for determining the feasibility and safety of providing fall protection for employees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds. the type of scaffold in question. [, Scaffolds must be designed by a qualified person, and be constructed and loaded in accordance with that design. [, Employees who are involved in activities such as erecting, dismantling, repairing, and inspecting scaffolds must be trained by a competent person to recognize any hazards associated with those activities. Or point loading, or concentrating too much of the load in one area. on that component, in Review the elements of suspended scaffold safety with the following modules: The safe use of a suspended scaffold begins with secure anchorage. This put the load on a single -inch wire rope hoist line, which was overloaded by 255 percent, and on the diesel hoist located outside the chimney, which was overloaded by 167 percent. (2) Contains a series of platforms at various levels resting on common stirrups. Where inadequacies in an affected employee's work indicate that the employee has not retained the necessary proficiency. See Personal Fall Arrest Systems in the OSHA Construction eTool. This ensures that moisture on the wire rope will not allow it to slip through the braking mechanism, causing the scaffold to fall (see Access). The number one scaffold hazard is worker falls. Proper Scaffold Construction Mudsills Base plates Crossbraces Access Guardrails All scaffolds must be erected with adequate foundations: Casters Base plates The maximum distance from the face for plastering and lathing operations isEach end of a platform, unless cleated or secured, must extend from the centerline of its support at least.. Each end of a platform greater than __in length must not extend over its support more than.. Where platforms do overlap to create a long platform, the overlap must occur over supports and not be less than. However, when the employer can demonstrate that perpendicular placement is not possible because of obstructions that cannot be moved, the outrigger beam may be placed at some other angle, provided that opposing angle tiebacks are used. An interior hung suspension scaffold consists of a platform suspended from the ceiling or roof structure by fixed-length supports. When the victim finished painting, he unhooked his lanyard from his lifeline and moved along the ladder platform to a position where he could hand his spray gun to the foreman (who was at the top of the tank). Scaffolds and components must never be loaded in excess of theirPlatforms must not deflect more than.Fabricated frame scaffolds over.. Brackets used to support cantilevered loads (outrigger brackets) must beThe ladder legs must be on the same plank or other means must be.The ladder legs are to be secured to Use casters to create a rolling scaffold tower only on.Casters must be.When moving scaffold manual force must be applied.Mobile scaffolds are required to have a, Employees must not ride on scaffolds unless, =Surface free of pits, holes and obstructions, =Height to base width ratio is 2:1 or less, =Outrigger frames when used are on both sides of scaffold, = No employee is on any part of the scaffold that extends beyond the wheels or casters, = Before moving, employee should be made aware of the move. Tip: Many scaffold failures occur early in the morning, after condensation has collected on the wire ropes overnight. They were on a two-point suspension scaffold that did not have guardrails; the ropes suspending the scaffold were old and had not been inspected; and the employees were not wearing safety belts. All support devices must rest on surfaces capable of supporting at least four times the load imposed on them by the scaffold when operating at the rated load of the hoist, or at least one-and-a-half times the load imposed on them by the scaffold at the stall capacity of the hoist, whichever is greater. (Figure 17) [. Employees are prohibited from working on scaffolds covered with snow, ice, or other slippery materials, except as necessary for removal of such materials. He had failed to connect his safety belt to the lifeline. [, Employees are not permitted to work on or from a scaffold during storms or high wind, unless a competent person has determined that it is safe, and those employees are protected by [. A worker was applying waterproofing to the exterior of a building from a two-point suspension scaffold. Image depicts a suspended scaffold with the following labels: Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Failed Scaffold Hoists Cause Worker Deaths, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart L Appendix A (2)(p)(2), Falls: Unprotected Sides, Wall Openings, and Floor Holes, Electrical Incidents: Lack of Ground-Fault Protection, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance, Scaffolding : Suspended Scaffolds - Two-point (swing stage), Tiebacks must be secured to a structurally sound anchorage on the building or structure, which may include structural members, but not vents, electrical conduit, or standpipes and other piping systems. Hazards are addressed in specific standards for the construction industry to that lower level must be of... 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