czech republic phone book

any u Prahy, Satalice, Suchodol u Prahy, Tuchomice, Uhnves, Vino, Listings given by town. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section. Valask Mezi, Vtkov, and Vsetn. Hrabvka, Hruov, Hulvky, Janov u Svinova, Koblov, Krmeln, Covers Blovice, Domalice, Horovsk Tn, Klatovy, Plasy, Plze (organizational listings are given first, followed by residential listings), Rokycany, Stbro, Suice, and Tachov. Listings given by town. 6, 1984-1985: tranzitn telefonn obvod Karlovy Vary. 16/a, 1974: Ostrava, Telefonn seznam s. Covers Bansk Bystrica, Bansk tiavnica, Brezno, Hna, Listings given by town. residential listings). Turn it over to see the same information in German, in the same format (listings given by German name of town). Covers Dn, Litomice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Telefonn seznam s. Pezinok, aa, amorn, Senica nad Myjavou, and Trnava. 14, 1976-1977: tranzitn telefonn obvod Brno (venkov). google_ad_channel ="1671774274"; Listings given by town. Covers Chomutov, Kada, Louny, Most, Podboany, and atec. Preov, 1958, Telefnny zoznam pre kraje 14. .font-load{font-family:'Roboto',arial,sans-serif} .flag-icon {visibility:hidden;min-height:17px;min-width:22px} Listings given by town. Telefnny zoznam . 23, 1982-1983: tranzitn telefnny obvod Bansk Bystrica. Telefnny zoznam . Listings given by town. Telefonn seznam s. .iconc4{background-color:#3d9977;color:#fff;border:3px solid #eee;border-radius:50%;display:inline-block;text-align:center;line-height:1.1; font-size:2em; min-width:32px;min-height:32px;padding:8px;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #333;box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.098), 0px 0px 5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.084);margin:5px} Listings given by town. Listings given by town. Supplement to the 1939 Prague telephone directory. Listings given by town. Telefnny zoznam . 19, 1989-1990: tranzitn telefnny obvod Bratislava (bez stredovho UTO), Telefnny zoznam . email: [emailprotected], Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ruthenia (telephone directories). Covers esk Lpa, Frdlant v echch, Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberec, Nov Bor, Turnov, and st nad Labem (organizational listings only). Covers Cheb, Karlovy Vary, Marinsk Lzn, Ostrov nad Oh, Plze (organizational listings only), Sokolov, and Touim. Telefnny zoznam s. Nov Paka, Nov Bydov, Rychnov nad Knnou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Listings given by town. Listings given by town. Introductory information and listings in both Czech and German. 17, 1982-1984: tranzitn telefonn obvod Olomouc. .ui-state-default{font-weight:normal} .ui-state-default a,.ui-state-default a:link,.ui-state-default a:visited{color:#fff;text-decoration:none} Bratislava, 15. .big{font-size:1.3em} .bold{font-size:1.05em;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;display:block} Listings given by town. Telefonn seznam 7: Severomoravsk kraj (mimo UTO Ostrava), Telefonn seznam 1971: mstn telefonn obvod Brno. 16a, 1987-1988: uzlov telefonn obvod Ostrava, Telefonn seznam s. 9, 1985-1986: tranzitn telefonn obvod Liberec. Telefonn seznam s. Covers Blovec, Frdek-Mstek, Krnov, Nov Jin, Opava, Tinec, 20, 1982-1983: tranzitn telefnny obvod Trenn. Listings given by town. The first part of the directory gives residential listings, by town. Telefonn seznam pro praskou mstn s: I. st, Telefonn seznam pro praskou mstn s: II. .iconh1{min-height:54px;min-width:54px; margin:0px; font-size:1em} 11, 1976-77: tranzitn telefonn obvod Pardubice. Covers Jihlava, Moravsk Budjovice, Teb, Velk Mezi, and r Telefonn seznam s. Supplement to the 1938 Moravia and Silesia telephone directory. Covers Byta, adca, Doln Kubn, Ilava, Kysuck Nov 6, 1976-1977: 3, 1977-1978: 9, 1972-73: tranzitn telefonn obvod Liberec. The first part of the directory gives residential listings, by town. 2, 1978-1979: tranzitn telefonn obvod Praha-venkov. Telefonn seznam s. Covers Byta, adca, Doln Kubn, Dubnica nad Vhom, Kysuck Nov Mesto, Liptovsk Hrdok, Liptovsk Mikul, Martin, Nmestovo, Povask Bystrica, Pchov, Rajec, Ruomberok, Turianske Teplice, Tvrdon, and ilina. 11, 1982-1983: tranzitn telefonn obvod Pardubice. Telefonn seznam s. tranzitn telefonn obvod Most. Covers Bartovice, Hemanice, Holkovice nad Odrou, Hrabov, Hrabvka, Hruov, Hulvky, Janov u Svinova, Koblov, Kunice, Kuniky, Lhotka, Marinsk Hory, Martinov, Michlkovice, Monov, Muglinov, Listings given by town. 26, 1991-1992: tranzitn telefnny obvod Koice. 24, 1982-1983: tranzitn telefnny obvod Poprad. 5, 1979-1980: 26, 1977-78: tranzitn telefnny obvod Koice. For example, when a person calls a number starting with 73 (T-mobile) but had been ported to another operator, a short voice message in Czech and English is played stating "you are calling out of a T-mobile network" before the ringing tone. Telefnny zoznam . Rokycany, Stbro, Suice, and Tachov. The first part of the directory gives residential listings, by town. Telefonn seznam s. 16a, 1976-1977: uzlov telefonn obvod Ostrava. Telefonn seznam s. 4, 1982-1983: tranzitn telefonn obvod esk Budjovice. Covers Chomutov, Kada, Litvnov, Louny, Most, Podboany, and Nitra, 16. Covers Bruntl, Hranice, Jesenk, Krnov, Litovel, Olomouc, Ostrava (organizational listings only), Perov, Rmaov, ternberk, umperk, and Zbeh. 19, 1980-1981: tranzitn telefnny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava). Telefnny zoznam s. Also includes Valask Mezi and Vsetn from the Gottwaldov area. 18, 1978-1979: uzlov telefnny obvod Bratislava, Telefnny zoznam . Pvoz, Proskovice, Pustkovec, Radvanice, Slezsk Ostrava, Star Bl, Covers Beneov u Prahy, Beroun, Brands nad Labem, slav, esk Brod, Dob, Hoovice, Kladno, Koln, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutn Hora, Mlnk, Mlad Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradit, Nymburk, Podbrady, Pbram, Rakovnk, any u Prahy, Sedlany, Slan, Uhlsk Janovice, Vlaim, and Listings given by town. Telefonn seznam s. Listings given by town. @-moz-keyframes img {0%,50% {opacity:0; -moz-transform:scale(0.5)} 100% { opacity:1; -moz-transform:scale(1)}} 21, 1985-1986: tranzitn telefnny obvod Nitra, Telefnny zoznam s. Listings given by town. The first part of the supplement is in Czech (listings given by Czech name of town). Dodatek k seznamu telefonnch astnk pro zemi eskou na rok 1940-1941. Telefonn seznam s. @keyframes img 0%,50% {opacity:0; transform:scale(0.5)} 100% { opacity:1; transform:scale(1)}} In the first part of the directory, organizational listings are given 3, 1987-1988: tranzitn telefonn obvod Tbor, Telefonn seznam s. Moravskoslezskou. .shadow{box-shadow:1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.26)} Covers Broumov, Dobruka, Dvr Krlov nad Labem, Listings given by town. @font-face {font-family:'Roboto'; font-style:normal; font-weight:300; font-display:swap; src:local('Roboto Light'), local('Roboto-Light'), url( format('woff2'); unicode-range:U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; } Orlov, Nov Bohumn), Telefonn seznam mstnch telefonnch obvod Ostrava, Havov, 7, 1981-1982: tranzitn telefonn obvod Most, Telefonn seznam s. 13, 1983-1984: uzlov telefonn obvod Brno. Covers Jihlava, Moravsk Budjovice, Teb, Velk Mezi, and r nad Szavou. by, Zlat strnky: jin Morava, UTO Brno, 1995-96. Covers Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhimov, Psek, Sobslav, and Tbor. 25, 1983-1984: tranzitn telefnny obvod Preov, Telefnny zoznam s. .page{padding-right:5px} .page_title{font-size:1.2em;width:100%;text-align:center;padding:0px;vertical-align:top;margin-top:35px;margin-bottom:35px;min-height:100px;white-space:normal} residential listings), Krovsk Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Call number: HE9188.C95S5, Dodatok k soznamu telefonnch stredn, hovorn a Listings given by town. @media (max-width:300px) {.body {min-width:240px}} Telefonn seznam s. Listings given by town. 16a, 1978-1979: uzlov telefonn obvod Ostrava. Brod, Dob, Hoovice, Kladno, Koln, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutn Hora, Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Beclav, Bystice nad Perntejnem, 18, uzlov telefnny obvod Bratislava, 1972-73, Dodatok k telefnnemu zoznamu slo 18: uzlov telefnny obvod Bratislava, 1972-73. Covers Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhimov, Psek, Sobslav, and Tbor. Listings given by town. Covers esk Lpa, Frdlant v echch, Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberec, and Nov Bor. 7, 1987-1988: tranzitn telefonn obvod Most, Telefonn seznam s. .z2{margin:6px; padding:3px; padding-bottom:0px; border-radius:8px; -moz-border-radius:8px; box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.098), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.084)} Telefonn seznam s. Unfortunately your search produced no results. Telefonn seznam s. Hoice v Podkrkono, Hradec Krlov, Jarom, Jin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nchod, Covers Dunajsk Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Hol, Malacky, Pezinok, aa, amorn, Senica nad Myjavou, and Trnava. telephone directory for Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ruthenia. .btn{font-size:1.1em;white-space:normal;font-weight:bold} Both indexes are arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by city or region (single areas of coverage are listed before multiple areas of coverage). Listings given by Czech name of town. 10: tranzitn telefonn obvod Hradec Krlov. 12, 1983-84: tranzitn telefonn obvod Jihlava, Telefonn seznam s. .navbar-inverse {min-height:64px;color:#000006;background-color:#feffff;border-color:#feffff} You can find more the 3,000,000 phone numbers on fixed lines and cell phones in Czech. 15, 1982-1983: tranzitn telefonn obvod Gottwaldov. Covers esk Lpa, Frdlant v echch, Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberec, Nov Bor, and st nad Labem (organizational listings only). Telefonn seznam s. Telefonn seznam mstnch telefonnch obvod esk Tn, Havov, .navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse{height:0px;display:none} Koice, 1955, Telefnny zoznam pre kraj 15. .ad{width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;padding:1px;min-width:250px;min-height:280px;box-sizing:content-box} .adh{min-height:350px} Telefonn seznam s. Listings given by town. Listings given by town. .select{margin:6px; padding:6px; background-color:#0074d9;color:#fff;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #6ac; border-color:#3079ed; border-radius:8px; box-shadow:1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.26)} Covers Beneov u Prahy, Beroun, Brands nad Labem, slav, esk 13, 1981-1982: uzlov telefonn obvod Brno, Telefonn seznam s. Preov, 1955, Telefnny zoznam pre kraje 14. Supplement to the organizational directory. Telefnny zoznam s. Valask Klobouky, and Vesel nad Moravou. 20, 1980-1981: tranzitn telefnny obvod Trenn, Telefnny zoznam . .navbar-top a{color:#000006;background-color:#feffff;text-decoration:none;border-radius:8px; margin:0px;padding:4px 3px;transition:all 0.6s ease-in-out} .navbar-top a:hover{color:#000033;background-color:#c6e6f6;text-decoration:none; box-shadow:0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.26); } .navbar-top a:visited{color:#000006; text-decoration:none} 12, 1987-1988: tranzitn telefonn obvod Jihlava, Telefonn seznam s. Bratislava, 15. 3, 1991-1992: tranzitn telefonn obvod Tbor. Covers Bnovce nad Bebravou, Nov Mesto nad Vhom, Pieany, and Trenn. 20, 1984-1985: tranzitn telefnny obvod Trenn, Telefnny zoznam s. praskou), Telefonn seznam pro kraj Severomoravsk (mimo mstn telefonn Telefonn seznam 6: Jihomoravsk kraj (mimo mstn s Brno), Telefonn seznam . 5, 1985-1986: tranzitn telefonn obvod Plze. 16, 1980-1982: tranzitn telefonn obvod Ostrava (venkov). 16a, 1989-1990: uzlov telefonn obvod Ostrava, Telefonn seznam . Telefonn seznam pro praskou mstn s 1/I AB: stanice podnik a instituc, Telefonn seznam pro praskou mstn s, 1/II AB: bytov stanice, Telefonn seznam . Covers Dn, Litomice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, tranzitn telefonn obvod Praha (bez stedovho UTO Praha). Blansko, Boskovice, Beclav, Bystice nad Perntejnem, Hodonn, Hustopee, Kyjov, Mikulov, Moravsk Krumlov, Nm nad Oslavou, Prostjov, Rosice, Tinov, Vykov, and Znojmo. 5, 1974-1975: tranzitn telefonn obvod Plze, dodatek UTO Plze, Supplement to the 1974-75 Plze directory lists the many telephone numbers that changed in the second half of 1975 and early 1976: all telephone numbers beginning with "2" and some of the numbers beginning with "3. Telefonn seznam s. height:auto; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; -moz-text-size-adjust:100%} 8, 1985-1986: tranzitn telefonn obvod st nad Labem. .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav, .navbar-inverse .navbar-inverse .navbar-text{color:#000006;background-color:#feffff} .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>li>a{color:#000006} Covers Blatn, esk Budjovice, esk Krumlov, Daice, Jindichv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Tebo, Trhov Sviny, Tn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Karlovy Vary, 5. @charset "utf-8"; Covers Bnovce nad Bebravou, Ilava, Nov Mesto nad Vhom, Pieany, Prievidza, Pchov, and Trenn. Covers Bruntl, Hranice, Jesenk, Litovel, Olomouc, Perov, Rmaov, Your email address will not be published. Covers Cheb, Karlovy Vary, Marinsk Lzn, Ostrov nad Oh, Plze (organizational listings only), Sokolov, and Touim. 20, 1990-1991: tranzitn telefnny obvod Trenn. ilina, 18. 7, 1983-1984: tranzitn telefonn obvod Most, Telefonn seznam s. Telefnny zoznam . 24, 1984-1985: tranzitn telefnny obvod Poprad. Covers Gelnica, Koice, Krovsk Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava Covers Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenn, Medzilaborce, Preov, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnk, and Vranov nad Topou. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section. Tinec, Valask Mezi, Vtkov, and Vsetn. Pelhimov, Psek, Sobslav, and Tbor. In the first part of the directory, organizational listings are given first, followed by residential listings. Listings given by town. Listings given by town. nad Bodvou, Revca, Roava, Sobrance, and Trebiov. Telefnny zoznam s. residential listings), Krovsk Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bansk Bystrica, 17. trovo, urany, Topoany, eliezovce, and Zlat Moravce. Telefonn seznam s. 2, 1987-1988: tranzitn telefonn obvod Praha (bez stedovho UTO Praha). 5, 1977-1978: tranzitn telefonn obvod Plze. 15, 1981-1982: tranzitn telefonn obvod Gottwaldov. Listings given by town. telefonn tranzitn obvod Jihlava. 8, 1972-1973: tranzitn telefonn obvod st nad Labem. .odd{background-color:#ffffff} .even{background-color:#fafafa} .button {display:inline-block !important; background-color:#eaeaea; color:#000; font-size:1.0em; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border-radius:8px; margin:3px; padding:6px; white-space:normal; box-shadow:0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.26)} .button:hover, .button:focus {background-color:#ddd} Covers Blovec, Frdek-Mstek, Krnov, Nov Jin, Opava, Tinec, Valask Mezi, Vtkov, and Vsetn. Telefonn seznam s. 18, 1984-1985: uzlov telefnny obvod Bratislava, Telefnny zoznam . .w100{width:100%} .w70{max-width:70%} .w30{max-width:30%} .w66{max-width:66.6%;display:inline-block} .w33{max-width:33.3%;display:inline-block} .w50{max-width:50%;padding:6px} .fade {transition:all .6s linear} Nitra, 16. Zlat strnky: severn echy, TTO Liberec, 1999-2000, Zlat strnky: severn echy, TTO Most, 1999-2000. 15, 1973: tranzitn telefonn obvod Olomouc. Covers Gelnica, Koice, Krovsk Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava Telefonn seznam . Listings given by town. Listings given by town. Covers Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenn, Koice (organizational listings only), Medzilaborce, Preov, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnk, and Vranov nad Topou. Liptovsk Hrdok, Liptovsk Mikul, Martin, Nmestovo, Povask Bystrica, Rajec, Ruomberok, Turianske Teplice, Tvrdon, and ilina. Telefnny zoznam . 2, 1984-1985: Listings given by town. 13, 1990-1991: uzlov telefonn obvod Brno, Telefonn seznam . td{font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none} Telefonn seznam s. Listings given by town. Listings given by town. body{font-family:sans-serif; font-size:20px;font-weight:300; background-color:#fff; color:#3c4043; text-decoration:none; min-height:100%; top:0px;margin:0px;padding:0px; position:relative; line-height:1.428} 26, 1980-1981: tranzitn telefnny obvod Koice. 16, 1984-1985: tranzitn telefonn obvod Ostrava (bez stedovho UTO Ostrava). first, followed by residential listings. is on address,

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czech republic phone book