protein staining dyes

The Kjeldahl method was performed on a Foss Kjeltec 2200. We declare we have no competing interests. Stay up to date with G-Biosciences by signing up for our newsletter. Different amounts of protein marker were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. Therefore, to achieve high efficiency for protein detection in vitro or in vivo, novel fluorescent probes with high specificity, resistance to interference from foreign substances, ease of use and broad dynamic range are highly desired [1619]. Herein, we report an interesting compound, named (Z)-1,2-dimethyl-4-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)-1H-imidazol-5(4H)-one (PyMDI), which could bind with proteins specifically in the presence of Zn2+ ions as a light-up probe through emitting strong green fluorescence. 0000014519 00000 n 0000008664 00000 n Therefore, the cytotoxic potential of PyDMI-Zn was investigated with Alamar Blue Viability assays, showing that PyMDI-Zn would not reduce the cell viability of HepG2 as long as its concentration is less than 200 (electronic supplementary material, figure S7). (c) Fluorescent intensity was collected in the presence of excess DNA, RNA, glucose, glycogen, starch and BSA mixed with PyMDI-Zn, PyMDI-Zn for background control. 0000008949 00000 n 0000007090 00000 n, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. (d) Excitation spectrum (blue dashed line) and emission spectrum (green solid line) of PyMDI-ZnBSA complex. 0000126535 00000 n 0000010171 00000 n (b) E. coli cells stained with PyMDI-Zn were performed on MoFlo XDP Cell Sorter (Beckman Coulter), including E. coli cells without staining (black), E. coli cells stained with PyMDI-Zn, excited at 355 nm and detected at channel FL10 (457/50) (blue) and 488 nm for channel FL1 (529/28) (green). Although both the PyMDI-Zn method and Pierce Kit provided consistent results which were not interfered with by melamine and urea, the protein concentration measured by PyMDI-Zn probe is closer to that of the Kjeldahl method. The zinc ions react with the polyacrylamide gel, turning it opaque white. 0000032914 00000 n 0000008854 00000 n They also provide minimal protein-to-protein variation so they can be used for quantitative protein comparison. Bovine serum albumin (BSA), human serum albumin (HSA), Brilliant blue R250, Pyronin Y, DAPI and SYPRO (R) Orange Protein Gel Stain were purchased from Sigma Chemicals Co. All other chemicals are of analytical reagent grade. (b) Protein samples were commercial protein markers, which contain proteins of 80 kDa (100 ng l1), 60 kDa (100 ng l1), 40 kDa (200 ng l1), 30 kDa (100 ng l1) and 20 kDa (100 ng l1). Fluorescent spectrometry is of particular interest for the staining and visualizing of proteins because of its high sensitivity and convenience. 0000015079 00000 n 0000008759 00000 n Sensitivity: Linear responses over the range of 0.5g-50g protein, Flexible Protocols: Suitable for tube or Titer plate assays, Ready to use assay reagents and no preparation required. 0000009136 00000 n 0000017968 00000 n 0000142640 00000 n Most fluorescent stains (e.g., Rhodamine, FITC) have simple and robust protocols, making them ideal for high throughput applications (e.g., mass spectroscopy, microsequencing, and immunostaining). 0000004951 00000 n 0000008571 00000 n These results demonstrate that the fluorophore PyMDI-Zn described here is a versatile light-up probe for protein research and food quality control. The detection limit was 0.9 g ml1 (signal-to-noise ratio was 3.0). 0000009397 00000 n 0000015767 00000 n 0000025885 00000 n To test the application of PyMDI-Zn in protein analysis, we first applied PyMDI-Zn for protein staining in SDS-PAGE. 0000007181 00000 n 0000126511 00000 n Methods currently used for the determination of the protein content of foodstuffs, including the Kjeldahl and Dumas Methods, depend on the determination of nitrogen [29,30]. 0000060949 00000 n 0000102485 00000 n The zinc stain is also fully reversible. Spectral behaviour of PyMDI-Zn (a) Absorption (ab) and emission (em) spectra of PyMDI. Nucleus was stained with DAPI, nucleolus (white arrowhead) was stained with Pyronin Y, nucleus and nucleolus could be stained with PyMDI-Zn in the meantime from the merged picture. Visible dyes (Coomassie blue and silver nitrate), fluorescent dyes (Sypro Ruby, Deep Purple) and cyanine labeled methods were compared. Protein analysis with rapid response, high sensitivity and easy handling is of fundamental importance for understanding the diverse functions of proteins. We obtained the same staining result as that of CBB method (figure2c), which is comparable to the commercially available fluorescent probe for protein gel stain (electronic supplementary material, figure S4), revealing that PyMDI-Zn could respond to proteins with a wide range of molecular weight (10120 kDa). 0000031767 00000 n (c) Total proteins of E. coli (JM109; DH10B and BL21) were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. Oligo Submission Form, Product Brochure Hence, these unexpected results triggered us to carry out more experiments to investigate the property of PyMDI-Zn. %PDF-1.3 % Coomassie dyes work by binding to proteins through their sulfonic acid groups via Van der Waals interactions. 0000025296 00000 n HepG2 cells were counterstained with PyMDI-Zn, DAPI and Pyronin Y. (a) Nine proteins were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE, RecR (22 kDa); RuvA (24 kDa); RuvB (38 kDa); RecA (39 kDa); T4 DNA ligase (55 kDa); BSA (66 kDa); HSA (66 kDa); MutL (69 kDa); Taq polymerase (94 kDa). 0000004816 00000 n (a) PyMDI-Zn, (b) DAPI, (c) the merged image of PyMDI-Zn and DAPI, (d) Pyronin Y, (e) the merged image of PyMDI-Zn and Pyronin Y, (f) the merged image of these three dyes. The emission intensities at 520 nm for PyMDI-Zn were plotted as a function of the BSA concentration, and a typical calibration graph of the response to BSA under the optimum experimental conditions was obtained. 2017M612998). 0000017368 00000 n Protein estimation can be performed using as little as 0.5g protein. Proteins were loaded in 12% SDS-PAGE. (b) Protein samples were commercial protein markers, which contain proteins of 80 kDa (100 ng l1), 60 kDa (100 ng l1), 40 kDa (200 ng l1), 30 kDa (100 ng l1) and 20 kDa (100 ng l1). 0000003736 00000 n 0000004515 00000 n According to excitation/emission spectra (figure1d), we found that PyMDI-ZnBSA complex had an excitation maximum at 486 nm (blue dashed line) and an emission maximum at 520 nm (green solid line). Protein laboratories around the world have traditionally used Coomassie dyes (i.e., R-250 and colloidal G-250) for visualizing protein bands resolved by SDS-PAGE. Images were obtained using the LAS AF software, then subsequently processed with the Adobe Photoshop program. Then we selected more potentially interfering compounds including buffering agents, chelating reagents and organic solvents. The concentration of protein was plotted against the corresponding fluorescent intensity to obtain a standard curve. Researchers prefer Coomassie dyes since they are simple, economical, and very easy to use. Two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy for functional cellular imaging: advantages and challenges or one photon is good but two is better! Moreover, unlike the current official method based on the analysis of nitrogen content, direct protein quantitation can be realized based on PyMDI-Zn, providing a more accurate and reliable method for determining food proteins. 0000002729 00000 n Spectral behaviour of PyMDI-Zn (a) Absorption (ab) and emission (em) spectra of PyMDI. Several fluorescent reagents targeting proteins have been developed and widely applied for the detection of proteins in solution or gel for electrophoresis, e.g. and Z.T. The datasets supporting this article have been uploaded as part of the electronic supplementary material. 0000005185 00000 n The change in color density is proportional to protein concentration. The insert reveals the sensitivity of the assay in giving a limit of detection of approximately 0.9 g ml1. For one, it does not react uniformly with all proteins and cannot detect certain proteins (e.g., glycoproteins) due to its limited dynamic range. The cells were basically green-stained, and the nucleus areas show higher brightness under laser irradiation (figure3a), which is reasonable because the nucleus consists of approximately 90% proteins by dry weight. The authors are grateful for the valuable comments from the editors and the reviewer, which have substantially improved the quality of their work. think G-Biosciences! (b) Detection of contamination protein samples. 0000004288 00000 n Contact Us Protein Cross-Linking & Protein Modification, Ion Exchange Chromatography Resins and Methods, Protein Extraction & Lysis Buffer (PE LB) Systems, Molecular Biology Accessories, Buffers & Reagents, Biotechnology, Science for the New Millennium, Biotechnology Basics by Ellyn Daugherty, Purification Resin Synthesis & Production. The mixed samples were incubated at room temperature for about 5 min and this assay was tested at wavelength 486 nm for excitation and 520 nm for emission by Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash. Fluorescent protein stains are versatile (can be used to stain native, denaturing, 2D, and IEF gels), highly sensitive (can detect nanogram levels of protein), have wide linear dynamic range, and offer low interference. 0000072756 00000 n 0000129292 00000 n (a) PyMDI-Zn, (b) DAPI, (c) the merged image of PyMDI-Zn and DAPI, (d) Pyronin Y, (e) the merged image of PyMDI-Zn and Pyronin Y, (f) the merged image of these three dyes. 0000005068 00000 n 0000010940 00000 n Webmail. [1,2]. RecR, RuvA, RuvB, RecA and MutL were cloned into an expression vector, and the proteins were purified. SARPStain Protein Dye, 100 small gel equivalent, SARPStain Protein Dye, 250 small gel equivalent, SARPStain Plus Protein gel staining kit (100 small gel), G-SNAP in-gel protein visualization reagent (100 small gel), G-SNAP in-gel protein visualization reagent (200 small gel), Ponceau S, ready to use protein on membrane staining solution, Coommassie protein gel staining solution, Ready to use. 0000003001 00000 n The insert reveals the sensitivity of the assay in giving a limit of detection of approximately 0.9 g ml1. Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. 0000098742 00000 n In this work, we report a fluorescent dye, PyMDI-Zn, which could specifically bind with proteins and provide a red-shifted fluorescent emission. (a) Nine proteins were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE, RecR (22 kDa); RuvA (24 kDa); RuvB (38 kDa); RecA (39 kDa); T4 DNA ligase (55 kDa); BSA (66 kDa); HSA (66 kDa); MutL (69 kDa); Taq polymerase (94 kDa). The (Z)-1,2-dimethyl-4-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)-1H-imidazol-5(4H)-one (PyMDI) was synthesized according to the synthesis procedure described in [20]. 0000009043 00000 n 0000008287 00000 n 0000015847 00000 n 0000099108 00000 n Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. 0000017604 00000 n Flow cytometry experiments were performed on a MoFlo XDP Cell Sorter (Beckman Coulter). Unfortunately, the CBB staining method undergoes a complex process, in which protein in SDS-PAGE needs to be fixed and stained for 3 h to overnight, and then rinsed in deionized water or dilute methanol/acetic acid solution for at least 30 min [2124]. The stacking layer runs at 40 V, and the resolving layer runs at 80 V. The gel was rinsed with deionized water and stained with PyMDI-Zn (100 M) for 5 min at room temperature (25C). 0000033684 00000 n Proteins are the primary functional agents in all cellular processes, facilitating various functions such as enzymes and structure-forming or signal-transducing molecules. 0000006472 00000 n Silver staining protocols (i.e., silver nitrate and silver-ammonia complex methods) involve the use of simple equipment and reagents, have high sensitivity about 10 to 100 times more sensitive than Coomassie dyes and are compatible with downstream applications such as mass spectrometry. 0000005500 00000 n 0000031944 00000 n This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. 2017TD0021); Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology (grant nos. Our previous data show that E. coli cells could be stained and lighted up with PyMDI-Zn (electronic supplementary material, figure S1), indicating the potential to apply it in cell imaging. Moreover, the total proteins of E. coli bacteria were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE and stained with 100 M PyMDI-Zn for 5 min. Each visualization technique has its own unique advantages and limitations, and so may only be suitable for certain applications. Different protein-targeting detection methods, including the fast and simple fluorescent staining in SDS-PAGE, live cell imaging and accurate quantitation in solution, have been realized based on this new fluorescent molecular probe. 0000032190 00000 n 0000099742 00000 n Together, PyMDI-Zn could light up (520 nm) when binding to proteins and excited around 486 nm, indicating that PyMDI-Zn might be a promising tool for protein detection and analysis. 0000033440 00000 n Figure 4. 0000004648 00000 n Sypro Ruby, Cyanines, BODIPY, pyridinium bromide and Fluorescamine. Figure 2. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, Natural Products Research Center, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, People's Republic of China, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, People's Republic of China. G-250 is ideally used for quantifying the amount of protein in the solution (Bradford assay). Careers 0000098766 00000 n The green fluorescent protein-like chromophore (PyMDI) has been developed and carefully investigated by the Tolbert group. The green fluorescence of PyMDI-Zn might be induced by some components, and some probable biomolecules (DNA, RNA, protein, sugar or polysaccharide) were carefully investigated in vitro. Unexpectedly, the flow cytometry received a strong fluorescent emission at 520 nm with excitation at 488 nm (figure1b), and cell imaging with a confocal microscope showed similar results (electronic supplementary material, figure S1). Super Stain Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 20000X, About Us If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. 0000034291 00000 n 0000099368 00000 n Aside from the two additional methyl groups in the G-250, these two variants have almost identical chemical structures. To address these limitations, G-Biosciences offers a glutaraldehyde-free silver staining kit that provides maximum sensitivity and visibility. A general fluorescent light-up probe for staining and quantifying protein, Statistical determination of the average values of the extinction coefficients of tryptophan and tyrosine in native proteins, Spectrophotometric and colorimetric determination of protein concentration, A protein-responsive chromophore based on squaraine and its application to visual protein detection on a gel for SDS-PAGE, A highly sensitive switch-on fluorescent probe for protein quantification and visualization based on aggregation-induced emission, Design and synthesis of intramolecular charge transfer-based fluorescent reagents for the highly-sensitive detection of proteins, Fluorescent probes for sensing and imaging within specific cellular organelles, A critical and comparative review of fluorescent tools for live-cell imaging, Single centrosome manipulation reveals its electric charge and associated dynamic structure, Live cell imaging: approaches for studying protein dynamics in living cells, Reaction-based BODIPY probes for selective bio-imaging, Application of probes in live cell imaging. 0000011020 00000 n 0000004402 00000 n (b) E. coli cells stained with PyMDI-Zn were performed on MoFlo XDP Cell Sorter (Beckman Coulter), including E. coli cells without staining (black), E. coli cells stained with PyMDI-Zn, excited at 355 nm and detected at channel FL10 (457/50) (blue) and 488 nm for channel FL1 (529/28) (green). 0000007910 00000 n trailer << /Size 183 /Info 61 0 R /Root 65 0 R /Prev 497924 /ID[<7e6e70feff513a00a2beed98f2a4a3f8><7b7842c5a3b99e058cce5a899fec3c77>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 65 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 63 0 R /Metadata 62 0 R /Outlines 69 0 R /Threads 66 0 R /OpenAction [ 68 0 R /FitH 804 ] /PageMode /UseOutlines /PageLabels 60 0 R >> endobj 66 0 obj [ 67 0 R ] endobj 67 0 obj << /I << /Title (tx1)>> /F 90 0 R >> endobj 181 0 obj << /S 447 /T 699 /O 751 /L 767 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 182 0 R >> stream 0000099628 00000 n Nucleus was stained with DAPI, nucleolus (white arrowhead) was stained with Pyronin Y, nucleus and nucleolus could be stained with PyMDI-Zn in the meantime from the merged picture. Protein solutions are normally assayed in triplicate. Absorbance, excitation and emission spectra were measured with a Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash. 0000004094 00000 n 0000003714 00000 n 0000005896 00000 n 0000009704 00000 n Staining of two-dimensional gels is a primary concern in proteomic studies using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with respect to the number of proteins analyzed, the accuracy of spot quantification and reproducibility. 0000025541 00000 n and Z.T. An improved Coomassie Dye based protein assay based on the Bradford Protein Assay. HepG2 was cultured in a 96-well plate, the cells were exposed to PyMDI-Zn at a concentration in the range of 50 500 (DMSO as a control) for 24 h, then the medium was replaced with 200 l DMEM containing 10% (v/v) Alamar Blue. 0000008477 00000 n 0000007363 00000 n Protein quantitation with PyMDI-Zn. A Pierce Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit was purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Proteins are essential players in most biological systems and are involved in a variety of complicated biological processes including signal regulation, small molecule transport, immunity and enzyme catalysis. 0000015395 00000 n 0000006997 00000 n Protein quantitation with PyMDI-Zn. This assay is based on a single Coomassie dye based reagent. Melamine or urea was added into the test solution containing protein and PyMDI-Zn respectively. 0000018432 00000 n carried out the molecular and cell laboratory works, participated in data analysis, carried out the design of the study and drafted the manuscript; J.Z., K.X., X.H., J.D., X.C. Dyes, Ions, or Fluorescent Stains: What Are the Best Ways to Visualize Protein In Gels? Because of the good cell penetration and low toxicity, PyMDI-Zn has been successfully applied to locate protein-rich regions or organelles in live cell imaging, and its excitation/emission maximum (488/520 nm) is the most commonly used channel on the most laser-based cell-analysis instrument. The fluorescent signals of PyMDI-Znprotein complex increased along with the rising of protein concentration (BSA as a model protein, figure4a). Taken together, these results suggest that PyMDI-Zn could be applied to locate protein-rich regions and organelles in live cell imaging. 0000034220 00000 n All the solutions were prepared with sterile ultrapure water. (a) Calibration plot for BSA using PyMDI-Zn. J.Z., G.C., F.D., Y.Y. Hela and HepG2 cells were grown in a 20 mm glass-bottom cell culture dish, and the cells were washed with PBS three times, followed by incubation with PyMDI-Zn (50 M), DAPI (nucleus location because of binding to DNAs) and Pyronin Y (nucleolus location because of binding to RNAs) for 30 min at 37C. 0000006198 00000 n Figure 3. Laser 355 and 488 nm were selected when using a flow cytometer, and laser 405, 488 and 552 nm for Confocal Microscope. 0000024763 00000 n 0000005326 00000 n 0000006022 00000 n Protein staining in SDS-PAGE with PyMDI-Zn. As shown in figure4b, the addition of melamine or urea did not cause the increase of the fluorescent response of PyMDI-Zn to BSA (a standard protein). 0000007454 00000 n 0000002944 00000 n 0000126614 00000 n Learn more about DOAJs privacy policy. Electronic supplementary material is available online at 0000004030 00000 n PyMDI-Zn can quickly respond to different proteins with a wide range of molecular weights and resist the interference of most foreign substances. In this review article, the efficiency of the most widely used dyes was investigated. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 0000033399 00000 n 0000060973 00000 n JM109, DH10B, BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cell, ProteinRuler I and ProteinRuler II, were purchased from TransGen Biotech (Beijing, China). As expected, the Kjeldahl method was easily interfered with by nitrogen-rich compounds such as melamine and urea. Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. Photos used throughout the site by David Jorre, Jean-Philippe Delberghe, JJ Ying, Luca Bravo, Brandi Redd, & Christian Perner from Unsplash. 0000010413 00000 n (c) Fluorescent intensity was collected in the presence of excess DNA, RNA, glucose, glycogen, starch and BSA mixed with PyMDI-Zn, PyMDI-Zn for background control. 0000016252 00000 n The present study demonstrates a light-up fluorophore PyMDI-Zn which could specifically bind to proteins and provide a red-shifted fluorescent emission. 0000085625 00000 n Figure 3. Melamine or urea was added into the test solution containing protein and PyMDI-Zn respectively. Besides, fluorescent dyes, such as Alexa Fluor, BODIPY and Sypro Ruby, have also been widely used in cell imaging to provide critical insight into the basic nature of cellular function, while they must be modified with a specific probe for a certain protein, such as phalloidin conjugated to Alexa Fluor for F-actin, glibenclamide conjugated to BODIPY for endoplasmic reticulum, ceramide conjugated to BODIPY for Golgi complex and so on [815]. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License One hundred microlitres of solutions containing different amounts of protein (0600 g) with 100 M PyMDI-Zn were incubated at room temperature for about 5 min. 0000016644 00000 n Scale bars 20 m. 0000048223 00000 n It also shows that our approach could provide good sensitivity, a contrast to CBB. 0000033222 00000 n 0000032435 00000 n 0000005662 00000 n Staining and visualization of PAGE gel is essential for quantification and data extraction from the gel. The left gel was stained with PyMDI-Zn for 5 min, the right one was stained with CBB for 12 h, then destained overnight. This assay is suitable for the simple and rapid estimation of protein concentration. Figure 2. And since they produce intensely colored complexes upon binding to protein molecules, they can also be easily detected in just a few minutes; maximal staining can be achieved within an hour. The colorimetric determination of protein concentration uses the chromophores that can bind with protein and exhibit a colour change. We found that the fluorescence intensity of PyMDI-ZnBSA is very stable in most detergents and retains 90% fluorescence at the concentration of 10% for SDS, 10% for Triton X-100, 2.5% for NP-40, 0.25% for Tween 20, respectively. The protein concentration of the unknown samples was determined by the standard curve. However, disadvantages, such as insolubility in an aqueous phase, aggregation of dyes and instability under ambient conditions, impose restrictions on their practical application [6]. Apart from this, there were some highlighted particles that appeared in the nucleus (as indicated by the arrowhead in figure3a and electronic supplementary material, figure S5B), which we suspect might be nucleolus because the nucleolus consists of the high concentration of protein and could appear in the nucleus during cell-cycle progression [2528]. 0000031344 00000 n Furthermore, Coomassie dyes offer a medium to relatively high sensitivity, as they can detect proteins as low as 1 g, and are compatible with most downstream applications (e.g., mass spectrometry, qualitative visualization, quantitative densitometry) since they do not alter the chemical structure of the target protein. 0000006602 00000 n 0000008194 00000 n (d) Excitation spectrum (blue dashed line) and emission spectrum (green solid line) of PyMDI-ZnBSA complex.Download figureOpen in new tabDownload PowerPoint. Hb```f` b,wXO68eiCbFT3(yj. Enzyme partial purification and characterization. 0000048199 00000 n Figure 1. Cell images were recorded using a Leica TCS SP8 Confocal Microscope. (c) Total proteins of E. coli (JM109; DH10B and BL21) were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. According to their results, PyMDI would emit blue fluorescent light in the presence of Zn2+ ions with the absorption/emission maxima (figure1a) [20]. 0000006340 00000 n The responses of PyMDI-Zn to these commonly used reagents were investigated, revealing that the protein detection methods based on PyMDI-Zn probe could tolerate most interfering compounds which could be frequently encountered during the purification and detection of proteins (electronic supplementary material, table S1 and figure S3). Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0) Public Domain Dedication. 64 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 68 /H [ 3001 735 ] /L 499332 /E 142913 /N 8 /T 497934 >> endobj xref 64 119 0000000016 00000 n 0000114012 00000 n Moreover, the direct protein quantitation can be realized based on PyMDI-Zn, providing a method of screening for food adulteration by nitrogen-rich compounds. 0000008005 00000 n And the response of some fluorescent reagents, such as Sypro Ruby, against proteins, will be greatly affected by detergents like sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), thus it takes a long time to get rid of SDS for staining proteins in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) [7].

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protein staining dyes