sermon how is your relationship with god

He sent a friend of mine to knock on my door on a Saturday morning and invite me to a youth rally at his church. Make sure the relationship that defines you best is the one you have with God. I want that for each of you. So you can love them! I knew he was really listening to my questions! I love them and want them to love me. When we sing Do it again like we just did, and we get to the part that says, Ive seen You move, You move the mountains, and I believe You can can do it again, it makes me think of that time. I love them and want them to love me. John Perkins is the author of One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race. Sit with someone you know, or invite someone you love! It was God who took the initiative and moved toward Abram and called him and gave him a promise. I knew in my knower that He loved me. I didnt want to gobut Im a people-pleaser and didnt want to disappoint my friend. He opened the package and slowly peeled away the tissue paper. You can be religious and not know God. 1 John 4:710 (p. 1056) Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. I want to be attentive. Our secretwe love being together. In a moment were going to sing The Goodness of God. The chorus says, Your goodness is running after, its running after me. Do you know where that comes from? So far weve talked about Gods part of this: that He loves you, created you for relationship, initiates and pursues you. You are worth the sacrifice of His Son. The most important thing in life is a love relationship with God. From the verses we just read. Come with holy expectation. How do we know thats what love is? It felt like God was hugging me. Jesus and His crew show up for dinner at Mary and Marthas house. Before I dive in, let me thank all of you who are so faithful and generous in your giving to Life Center. The revival started on the west coast and spread across the country, making. Mary had chosen what is betterwhat was it? When we realize that everyone else can connect to God in the same deeply meaningful way we do, it should be easy to find reasons to deeply connect with them. When we value people for who they are and not what they do for us, we begin to see them as God does. Lupita Nyongo Says Chadwick Boseman Was With Us Filming Wakanda Forever, Jordan Peele Is Not Interested in Your Best Horror Director of All Time Compliments, Thanks, TikTok Might Be Coming for Spotify With a New Streaming Service, 10 Covers of Classic Hymns That Actually Improve on the Originals, Chance the Rapper Is Quietly Releasing Some of the Best Music of His Career, Watch the Grizzlies Ja Morant Leave a $500 Tip for His Shocked Waitress, The U.S. Soccer Federation Has Agreed to a Historic Deal for Equal Pay, Instagram Wont Be Turning Into a TikTok Knockoff After All (At Least, Not Right Now), Get Ready to Explain Facebooks Big Redesign to Your Parents. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. Jesus said this to the Pharisees who devoted their lives to the study of Scripture religiouslyand missed the point. We have a conversational relationshipa relationship built one conversation at a time. We talk about PBJ timePrayer, Bible, Journal. We talk, we listenmostly I talk and she listensbut it works for us. God is love. Finally, when they were both living in Dallas, Texas, Tedd reached the end of his patience. But one high school student in the back seat said, Discipline? He loves you because He is love, and nothing you do can change that, because thats who He is. In those instances, it will be a relationship devoid of all the stuff that makes our world unbearable and the people we run across insufferable. Do you think it should be the priority of your life? Our church and the way we do church is a direct descendent of the Jesus People Movement. Lots of ways to give. If you think about your story, youll see where God made the first move towards you. God is always at work, moving toward you, taking the first step. Jesus was clear: Love God with all youve gotall your heart, soul, mind and strength. He is always with me, always working, but often Im oblivious, just not paying attention. And whats remarkable is that God wants a love relationship with you! John 5:3940 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. In fact, I considered myself an atheist. By spending time with Him. Thats love. Yepeven 50 years ago I was pushing this! It gave birth to the Maranatha Music and the modern worship movement, to Calvary Chapel and the Vineyard movements and renewed churches all across the country. Have you ever wondered why youre here? This week is the second reality: God pursues a love relationship with you. I was not seeking Godat allnot even a little. I have read that from 10,000 to 30,000 foods are edible. In the real world, the company we keep is one of the most telling characteristics of who we truly are. What is more important than loving God? I want to talk with you about three things that I hope will inspire you and equip you to have a personal, real and practical love relationship with God. I want to be attentive. Do you know Him? Thats first and most important. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. ). Yepeven 50 years ago I was pushing this. Dont view it as a religious obligation. God called Moses. Dr. Collins is both a devoted Christian and a widely respected scientist. She handed him a box the size of a book. If you are a Christian, its because He found you, not that you found Him.,, Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment, On the one hand, it is mysterious, because, we cannot see God smiling at us, but then again. What are you saying Yes to? First John 2 provides that rock solid evidence. at 70? Laina and I have been married for 46 years and are closer now than weve ever been. Relationship with Jesus. I knew in my knower that He loved me. He opened the package and slowly peeled away the tissue paper. Lets sing. Dr. Francis Collins is the author of The Language of God, and head of the Human Genome project and since 2009 director of the National Institute of Health. Dr. Collins is both a devoted Christian and a widely respected scientist. He wants you to know youre the most valuable thing in this world to Him. Do you believe it with all your heart? So when we say God loves you, we mean that He is stubbornly committed to your well-being, to doing what is best for you. He didnt love you because you deserved it; He loved you because He is love. None of them were volunteers, like. Heres how Jesus described it: John 15:911 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, the thing God wants from you more than anything else is to love Him with all you have! How has God loved you? He sent a friend of mine to knock on my door on a Saturday morning and invite me to a youth rally at his church. Does it mean He feels affection for you? Martha gets understandably frustrated and bursts into the living room. We will then realize that our number one priority in life. Im Pastor Joe, the founding pastor of Life Centerand a couple months ago, I turned 70. I want to be more attentive to Gods presence and Gods activity in my life and the lives of others. One of the hallmarks of the Jesus People movement was the emphasis on a personal love relationship with Jesus. So what does our relationship with God teach us about other, less divine acquaintances? He wants you to know Him because He knows you. What did you bring me? he asked. After dinner, it was time. Every Valentines Day, Tedd proposed to her. And just like that I came across your blog and the one by Keion Henderson, and it was really amazing! 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Fathers commands and remain in his love. Jesus intercepted Saul on a mission to arrest and imprison Christians and calls Saul into relationship. You can know the Bible religiously and not know God. I was not interested in God. He is a pastor, teacher, community developer and civil rights activist who is 91 years old and has an amazing life and legacy. Hundreds of you are in an Experiencing God group, and were looking at 7 realities of experiencing God. Let that sink in. He came after us. Now: imagine that person coming to you and saying, I would really like to get to know you. Tell her to help me!, 41 Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are neededor indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life. Because I saw Him moveand I know He can do it again. However, our relationship with God has to be defined on His terms, because He has ownership of our past, present and future. Yes to honest conversation. Since Im 70, that means I was around for t, in the 70s. And I want to be curious. How has God loved you? Now remain in my love. He initiates the relationship. If Hes a part of your life, then Hes also a part of your marriage, your friendships, your random encounters with strangers and every other relationship the world uses to define you. Often they are good things. More than you can imagine. Notice that over and over again, God has called those who trusted in Him His children. He loved the patriarchs of old like Noah and Job who endured, despite mounting pressure to give up. He created you out of His love so that He could have a love relationship with you. How many edible foods are there for humans? He wants you to know youre made in His image. We ended every day by sitting around a bonfire, singing to the Lord. For me, here are some authors Ive enjoyed lately and Id love to hang out with these folks. He bought a ring, took Janet to a romantic restaurant, and was prepared to reinforce his proposal with the diamond. What Jesus labeled as the greatest commandment. Ecclesiastes 3 shows that He created us with this desire for eternity. Not religiona relationship with Jesus Christ. Someday we will be face-to-face with eternity. He was patient with the Israelites as they perfected being indifferent to the God of their fathers. Today, the trials of those who love Him find the same patience and forgiveness those first-century Christians found while studying at the feet of Paul, Timothy or Peter. What a ride that was! But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Relationships tell us who we are, whose we are and what is expected of us. There are no shortcuts. Being made in Gods image cant be taken away because someone deems you unworthy. God is love, so He created you for Himself, to have a relationship with you. Approach it as an opportunity to get to know someone who loves you with an infinite love. I think of the story in Luke 10:38-42. It was my first year at camp, I was 14 and a new Christian. Second, God pursues you relentlessly and initiates the relationship. How do we know thats what love is? God is taking the initiative, moving toward you, pursuing you with His love and goodness. Why were they so generous? When thats true of you, every other relationship will be blessed by Gods presence. When we realize we all possess the opportunity to be Gods children, we see hope in relationships. You cannot excuse lack of intention to keep His commands. That relationship, that value defines you above everything else. We can trust in the one who does not change, cannot lie, whose mercy is ever lasting and whose truth endures to all generations (Psalm 100:5). In First Samuel 15, David was defined by who hed replace. Our secretwe love being together. I really asked myself, How is your relationship with God going? I whispered a prayer: Lord, thats what I want too. He wants you to know youre special. He prayed: 1 Chronicles 29:14 But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? You exist because God is love. Its not a discipline for meits a joy! He created you out of His love so that He could have a love relationship with you. When I was a youth pastor, I was driving some students to youth group, and was encouraging them to practice the discipline of PBJyour daily time with God in prayer, Bible and journal. While everyone else sang, I sat there and wept, and when we were done, and everyone else left, I sat there and continued to cry, tears of joy and gratitude. So I said yes, and went, and was ambushed by Jesus. How has He shown His love for us? He loves you at your worst and at your best. In the midst of huge social upheavalthe VietNam war, hippies, free sex and drugsGod started moving, . before eternity begins you have one-on-one time with the Lord? should have been our relationship with God. Because God was generous with them. Why you exist? When I say that God loves you, what exactly does that mean? Shatter your pride during trouble and seek Him. Love is doing what is best for another no matter what it costs you. This longing leads us to search for all the things that promise life. He wants what is best for youalways. is an Episcopal priest, theologian and author of, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ. Click here: Does it mean He feels affection for you? One said: Not religion! Who is on your list? So I said yes, and went, and was ambushed by Jesus. Our church and the way we do church is a direct descendent of the Jesus People Movement. He loves you. We know and rely on, or believe in, the love God has for us. Be attentive. They are born from love for love. Even though theyd been dating for seven years, they always seemed to be at different places in their lives. One said: Not religion! Last week, we talked about the first reality: God is always at work around you. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. I knew that He loved me just as I was, with all my faults and failures. You did nothing to earn His love; you can do nothing to lose it. What are you going to do or where are you going to go, when you get to the end of lifes journey, and. Those ideas matter more than we like to admit. I want to be more attentive to Gods presence and Gods activity in my life and the lives of others. 2022 RELEVANT Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. This 84 year-old powerhouse is widely acknowledged as one of Americas best preachers, and a teacher of preachers. 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We did a lot of buttons and bumper stickers. Thats first and most important. No, Christian Nationalism Isnt Just Loving God and Country. The Scriptures point to Jesus and yet when He stood in front of them, they didnt recognize Him. Tedd Kidd was five years older than Janet, finished college before her, and started to work in a city hundreds of miles from her. That line comes from the most famous psalmPsalm 23. He cares for them and values the relationship they share with Him on a daily basis more than any other relationship in this world. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. If you are a Christian, its because He found you, not that you found Him. When I say that God loves you, what exactly does that mean? Were the only creation in this world with whom God wants a relationship. we have to work on that relationship now. When faced with a choice between spending time with Jesus and something else, what do you choose? You are deeply loved by God. It was my first year at camp, I was 14 and a new Christian. How about you? (Turn your eyes upon Jesus). He moved towards us while we were rebels on the run. God made the first move. say even more that the God of heaven wants us. It wasnt Davids ideait was Gods. Our relationships define where weve been, where we are and where were going. Here, it is Gods love and goodness pursuing you, running after you, to do you good. You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. And since this is all about relationship, and relationships are reciprocal, back and forth, were going to cover one point and then respond with worship. Be attentive. I pass the time praying and it makes the therapy manageable. ILL: Tedd Kidd was five years older than Janet, finished college before her, and started to work in a city hundreds of miles from her. Parents, you should all understand this immediately. Jesus called His disciples. The revival started on the west coast and spread across the country, making national news. You can go to church religiously and not know God. I met Jesus when I was 13, and far from God. In the midst of huge social upheavalthe VietNam war, hippies, free sex and drugsGod started moving among young people. My deepest desire for my children is to have a love relationship with them. A relationship defined by mutual appreciation of the One who made us is a relationship that will endure. Most of us would immediately reply with something like this: In the Letter of First John, a few words before John wrote those words. He wants a love relationship with you and wont give up. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Fathers commands and remain in his love. The Spirit of God uses the word of God to make us like the Son of God, 10252015HowIsYourRelationshipWithGodDonRuhl, Don Ruhl Savage Street, Grants Pass, Oregon October 25, In the year of our Lord, 2015, Song Leader and Song Suggestions: Kevin Michael No suggestions. How the Church Can Help Shape the Digital Age, Sydney Sweeney Says Acting Just Doesnt Pay the Bills Like It Used To, Daredevil Will Be Born Again on Disney Plus, Trailer: The Rings of Power Invites You Back to Middle-Earth, Eight FX Shows That Justify the Hulu Subscription. Yesand so much more. Be attentive to Gods work. This is true of your relationship with Jesus. God makes the first move, and calls you to respond. Have you ever wondered why youre here? Oppenheimer Became Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. 1 John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. ILL: Laina and I have been married for 46 years and are closer now than weve ever been. Fleming Rutledge is an Episcopal priest, theologian and author of The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ. Hundreds of you are in an Experiencing God group, and were looking at 7 realities of experiencing God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race. God loves you and created you for a love relationship. It cant be taken away because someone treats you with prejudice or a lack of decency. First John 2 did not state, therefore, that we have to do it perfectly. The Holy Spirit knows that we cannot do it perfectly. I love Jesus and I love spending time with Him!, Out of the mouth of babes. The Bible says this is love and points to Jesus on the cross. Moses was minding his own business, tending sheep in the backside of the desert, when God took the initiative and got his attention through a burning bush. God loves you, and calls you to love Him back. You were created from love for love. We ended every day by sitting around a bonfire, singing to the Lord. After dinner, it was time. The Bible says this is love and points to Jesus on the cross. All of you in Experiencing God groups are going to read Exodus 3:1-6 which tells the story of Moses and the burning bush. You can know the Bible religiously and not know God. Its a daily yes because He keeps pursuing us, moving towards us every day. Our appreciation of their soul and its well-being should encourage a relationship that is significant, selfless and sacrificial. Now remain in my love. They can also love Him, serve Him and live eternally with Him right alongside of us. In fact, I considered myself an atheist. We are in a really sweet spot in our relationship. Abram responded by believing and doing what God called him to do. Your children were born out of your love with your spousedont make me explain that. God is love. Too often I act like a know-it-all, not a learner. What a ride that was! Thats how God loves you. In fact, there are two words that the Lord keeps saying to me over and over lately. Were going to sing the sermon! What is the most important thing you can do with your life? And why did you want to have children? Why You May Need to Rethink Your Summer Mission Trip. When the Lord puts someone on your heart, and you begin praying for them, that is God working to move towards that person, to call them to Himself. . Could BeReal Be a Real Turning Point for Social Media? So you can love them! Im a disciple of Jesusthe word disciple means learner. Its the opposite of a know-it-all. Seven yearsseven Valentines Day proposalsrelentless pursuit. Too often I act like a know-it-all, not a learner. Last week, we talked about the first reality: God pursues a love relationship with you. The most important thing in life is a love relationship with God. When Hes a part of who you are, the world knows who He is. He wants my Yes. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life. He is always with me, always working, but often Im oblivious, just not paying attention. You are valuable because God says so. I was not interested in God. Here is the most remarkable thing in the universe: : Who do you admire from afar? Right now, God is actively seeking a relationship with you that is life changing.

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sermon how is your relationship with god