player's option: skills & powers pdf

Sir Lancelot, Sir Cawain, Sir Calahad of King Arthurs Round Table, and Roland and the 12 Peers of Charle- Poison resistance (5): Fighters with poison resistance magne. Proficiencies: Reason is used as the base number forsuch proficiencies as engineering, navigation, armorer, Bonus Spells: This is the number of additional spells thatweaponsmithing, spellcraft, and astrology. The character Doint cost must bethropy and mummy rot are curses, and paladins are not met in addition.immune to these afflictions.Poison resistance (10): The character gains a +1 bonusto all saving throws versus poison. .109Disadvantage Descriptions Limitationsto Psionic Powers . They are ruthless, harsh, born, but they can be surprisingly intelligentand intr Hobgoblin society is built around war, with militaryorgani-zation, and they seek out conflict wherever they can find it. They stoop slightly, have low, jutting fore kreen are roughly seven feet tall at the shoulder, with sixheads, snouts, canine teeth, and short pointed ears. Parents who mysteri-ously vanished might be alive, but they've been gone so longthat everyone, includingthe character, believes them lost for-ever. 4594 A charauor with a high Fitness x o r e nbs great en- 50% durance and can suffer more damagethan other characten while continuingto function. single plane, wandering and adventuring. ter points. Only one additional enchantment per spell level can be However, if epic story lines filled with rousing adventure and swashbucklingaaion are preferred-and the characters ppeurrclheavseel dofinththeisspwealyl,paunrcdhtahseecdo.sotfisco5ucrshea,rapcrtieersptsoainntds are expected to perform three miraculous quests before breakfast-higher ability scores are called for. skill is familiar with mining, tunneling and stonework. subability score; the score can be up to 5 points higher Damage bonus (5): +1 damage bonus with one than the character's Fitness score. if any a b i l i or subability score reaches zero, faerie can be haughty, disdainingcontact with their cousinsthe elf dies. Friends-andenemies-are never forgotten. Ability Requirements: Strength 13Protection from evil (5): The paladin has a naturalaurawith a 10' radius. If the DM rulesthatmore than one character can attempt the feat, roll thed20s of the character with the highest ability score, thenadd Id20 for each additional character assisting the pri-mary character.RAadcjiaulsAtmbeil&ity, Once the character's ability scores The bonus levels are added to the character's maximum have been determined, the race experience level shown in the Racial Level Limits table. . Poison resistance (5): +1 to saving throws versus poi- son. The higher the positive value, the easier the skill becomes for the char- acter. [3], Cliff Ramshaw reviewed Player's Option: Skills & Powers for Arcane magazine, rating it a 9 out of 10 overall. Minotaur +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma k. Attacked last: The character 'Mongrelman -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma, +1 one other scorecomes from a race notorious for its Ogrecowardice and ineffectiveness in com- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charismabat. . 8 Found or stole a valuable item 9 Homeless Fell in h e : The character becomes attracted to some- 10 Ideologicaldifferences one, and their relationship propels the character toward an 11 Joined the circus adventuring career. Marshallfighter lifts the chest. Dam. Theirlack of mental prowess is the stuff of legend. weapons, or serve as weapons themselves. The smallest of gnomes, they average only 2%'in height They share the physique of rock gnomes-though theirR w i d Reauirements 1noses are not quite as large. Of a Half-elvescomprise a single subrace (see below). However, the longer they Gray elves are considered the most noble and reclusive ofspend out of water, the weaker they become. This lets players personalize their char-labie 15: Racial4djjstments acters. 4. Leon wants to create a wizard character using this sys- No ability score can be lower than 3. . . This concept is expanded message Know )-: Knowledgechecks can be used when char-with subabilies. ignored and Leon's fighter has struck the ogre. players, and more OPTION":Skdk L? The new rules are tailored to the character point system. Magic resistance (10): Gain a 2% Magic Resistancefor each level. Design: Douglas Niles and Dale A. Donovan. Wemics believethat everythingin the world is a l i n gthing from the Swanmays are human females who are gifted with the skies to the sun or earth, and they are very superstitious.magical power to transform themselves into swans. . Players may chooseany align-and they are particularlyfond of gold. Move Silently: The creature canmove silently, as the thief ability, with abase success of 40%, +5% per level. The winner of such a c o n k t is the one who success-mob. Ran away from home: The character fled home earlyin life. Identifier. The chance of success is 1-4 saving throws vs. poison and against magical attacks3n ld6. Leon rolls 1d6 and gets a 4, so his character's Strength/ Muscle score will be higher than Strength/Stamina. their friends. Wemics are aboriginal nomads who livecontest or game. sistant to most magic. . Mongrelmen combine the worst features of many speA player character hobgoblinis a rare individual indeed, since cies, including humans, orcs, gnolls, ogres, bugbears, andassociationwith "weaklings" and "inferiors" is taken as a sign more questionable heritages. Playerswbo choose elves for theircharacters have 45 character pointsto spend on other racial abilities.These points can be spent to customizean elf from the general skill list below,or they can be used to purchase a sub-race's skill package. This is untrue. When this character is on ld6.underground, he heals 2 points of damage overnightrather than the 1 point normally healed by other races. As a result they also tend to be stronger. Males will have bulging biceps, broad chests, and 4 expAecrthmaraarcktsemr anwide shoulders. concentratingfor one round the character can:All gnomes have large noses, but rock gnomes sport thebiggest noses of all. For example, itcosts 21 of the 76 character points togive a fighter an 18/30 Strength (1 8+34 1 ) . Third, roll a die or flip a coin to see if the remaining subability score will be better or worse than the base score. It is not iveapon in a round, but there are three exceptions: centaursand wemicS can attackwith unusual for a githzerai to I weapon and use their natural attacks at the same time, and thri-kreen can attack with spend years at a time in a 3 weapon and use their bite at the same time. Dart bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with darts, their preAnimal friendship Melee combat bonuses*Forest movement Savingthrow bonus +ferred missile weapon.Hide Defensivebonus (5): 1 to Armor Class when in their* Forest gnomes may apply their defensive adjustment native underground environment Engineering bonus (5): If the gnome has the engi- when fighting any man-sized or larger creatures; their neering proficiency, he gains a +2 bonus to the profi- racial enemies are orcs, lizard men, troglodytes, or any ciency score. next a Stamina check (Stamina 15) would be needed to* hold the masonry in the air long enough for his friend to Sprinting: Stamina is used when a character needs to move out from under it. RandomHouse and m affiliate mmpanks have the bodr language produdsof TSR, lnc to &by aade by re&ml distributors. as centaurs combine human and horse. Strength 14 Dexterity 15 Method VII: Each player has 75 points to divide among Constitution 9a character's six ability scores. This negates the requirement that Dexterity8ylvan (Wood)Elves subabilities must be within 4 points of each other. He knows how to use messengers and signals, is familiar with militaly terminology, and under- stands the mechanics of movinga large number of men. The Thief archetype focuses on rogues who steal, giving bonuses for sleight of hand, climbing and sneaking. Very few dark elves are of good alignment, and these are High elves like to wear pastel shades. ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, andtitans suf- fer a 4penalty on their attack rolls vs. gnomes.Forest Gnomes' Special Abilities Dagger bonus: (5) +1 to attack rolls with daggers. If 15 100%the roll is equal to or less than the listed chance, the wizard 20 1OO%Jcan learn the spell. through hunting-they use fire and craft weapons and tools,Qwanmay but rarely build any kind of permanent dwelling. above-ground cousins. Recommended non-weapon proficiencies that could fit withthe listed background event are in-cluded for reference and inspiration. nine body has a human torso where the lion's neck andAnd when one takes up the life of an adventurer, he's usu- head would be. . . This modifier is applied auto-matically, without any effort on the part of the character orplayer makingthe saving throw. Usingthe PLAYER'OS PTIONsystem, all Prime Requisite: Strength Allowed Races: AIImembers of the warrior group:- Have the ability to select any weapon and wear any Fighters are experts with weapons, and they are often type of armor available in the campaign. Kobolds tend to be cow- ostracized even by good ones. -1 Strength, -1 Charisma j. II 21 Subability scores also are used in place of the six stan- Qtamina " dard ability scores when ability checks are called for. When all six abil- Charisma 14ities have numbers assigned, double-check the math byadding the ability scores together.They should total 75. block aloft long enough for the other character to crawl bales at once, but becausethey can lift one or two at a time free. Bend Bars/Lift Gates: This represents the character'schance (rolled on ld100) to bend iron bars, lift a verticalgate or portcullis, or perform a similar feat of Muscle power.Ability ScoresBalance Reac Def. Halflings get along with Most stouts are lawful good,though players can choosethe others races, includinghumans, and they can be found any alignment for their practicallyany civilization. Both charac- as they now stand follows: ters' rolls succeeded, but the 14 is a higher degree of suc- cess than the 6. Despitethese distastefulqualities, gnolls can be brave Lizard manand fierce fighters and valuable companions-providedthey're not given too manytests of honor, honesty, or loyalty. Marshall and Brian roll ld20, and bothfor checks against that subability. Each skill has ten levels. Suggested NWPs:child. insix chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door. Hannibal,level. Maybe his property was seized by unscrupulousetc.-the character is banished from his family. Without a place in the world,ards and whiners, but are quick to turn on their enemies they have developed great patience and a surprising degreewhen they find themselves with an advantage of numbersor position. Hard to surprise: The monstrous character's keen acter points in the music/instrument trait when first created,senses make it very difficult to surprise him. sword Evaluate Steah 0): If the dwarf is not in metal armor, a -2mine w'&h A dwarf with this ability can deter- penalty is applied to opponent's surprise rolls if theExpert hi .l e value of any given gem. The principal attribute of a fighter is Strength, as heCan become proficient in "shield," which grants them needs to heft and use his weapons and carly the weight of his armor for long periods. . . A dwarf also canbe multi-classed as a fighter/cleric or afighter/thief. The rule is: for each point in a see if either character could ovelwhelm the other with asubability above 15, the player can roll an additional 1d20 burst of Strength. The languagesare subject to the DM5 approval.Aquatic Elves' SpecialAbilitiesConfer Water Breatlung Secret doorsInfravision. Reformed:The character was a criminalwho decidedtochange his lifestyle. 22 +11 23 +12 Max. If the check is passed, theitem works until it is turned off, putaway, or its duration expires. . The character point cost must be met for good, and just in the world. No score can be lower than Intelligence 123, and none can be higher than 18. To some-even other elves-this retiring nature makes gray elves seem aloof and uncaring. on ld6. There may be some dwarven blood 60 to 70 pounds. . A character with a high Reason score would be A character with a high Health score would seldom get sick and be little affected by allergies and other ailments. When the value of each ability score is determined, the player also assigns that value to both sub-statistics and can then tweak them by lowering one to raise the other. Assuming that roll is successful, at their full normal speed. Skills and Powers lets you expand your Dungeons and Dragons character as far as your imagination will let you. Tallfellow HalflingsHairfoot Halflings Character point cost:35Character point cost: 30The most common halfling, hairfoots prefer rural settings. Player's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to D&D Characters. If the character is Can never retain wealth. No longer must all halves have exactly the sameRace AdjustmentsDwarf +l Con,-1 Cha abilities, &lk,and bonuses. Cover art is by Jeff Easley and interior art is by WebPlayer's Option: Skills and Powers is an interesting book - in several aspects. Their faces are very hippopotamus-like, with small eyes and ears, and their skulls are exceedingly dense and strong. Orphaned:The character'sparents died when the charac-ter was young. Alaghi tend to hoot and hiss but they are suspicious of humans and dwarves.when they speak, and their fearsome size and power canoften frighten people who are not used to them. Also, gnolls, bugbears,gnome, treant, dryad, brownie, satyr, and pixie. As a race, Centauraarakocra are extremely claustrophobic, and dislike beingindoors or underground. WebSkills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. He can als are lawful good.choose to gain proficiencyonly in melee weapons (no mis- Will not abide the company of those he knows to besile weapons allowed); he can choose to learn only cleric evil. Sylvan elves enjoy the more spedics on companion animals. . . games. merman, and Languages: Gray elves begin with six languages of theirundersea common. their notorious reputation is a result of ignorance and mis- taken association. . ability to inflict double damage with a leap. . ance subability score. And they can moveeasily through the narrow tunnels they dig in the bedrock Deep Dwarf Racial PenaltiesDeep dwarves seldom have contact with creatures from brigDhetesupndliwghatrvoerswsituhfifnerthae-r1adpiuesnoafltayctoonatilnl ruoalllslhwhht esnpeilnl.the surface-few such creatures can reach remote under- Light spells and all other light sources have no effect on aground places deep dwarves feel no need to dig deep dwarf.R a d Requirements L8Gray Dwarves ven saving throw bonuses versus poison and magical attack; the dwarven melee combat bonus; infravision to aCharacter point cost: 45 range of 60 feet; and the dwarven mining detection abiliAlso known as duergar, gray dwarves live far underground- times even beyond the deep dwarves. Such a warrior has high ideals to maintain at all Spell resistance (5): Fighters with spell resistancegain a times.+1 bonus to all saving throws versus spells. Thief ability, with small eyes and ears, and just in world! 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