gender inequality progress

After this initial degree of drop-off, it is very difficult for women to make up the ground lost. In Northern Mozambique, where internally displaced women and girls face increased vulnerability to GBV, the Investing in Inclusive Human Capital Development Project supports coordinated GBV services by training health, police, and other staff on referral services to identify and respond to GBV. In many contexts, menstruation is still seen as a taboo topic. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is also higher among displaced women compared to women in the host population. And as the largest development financing partner in education globally, the World Bank works to incorporate gender sensitive elements into all of its education projects and to help overcome barriers that are preventing girls and boys from equally benefiting from countries investments in education. In addition, more support is needed to ensure life-saving personal protection equipment, tests, oxygen and especially vaccines are available in rich and poor countries alike as well as to vulnerable population within countries. TheWomen Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi)is supporting these women not just to survive the crisis, but to thrive with greater long-term resilience. According to the World Bank GroupsWBL 2022,40% of countriesworldwide limit womens property rights. In Burkina Faso, Chad, Cte dIvoire, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger, theSahel Womens Empowerment and Demographic Dividend(SWEDD) project is aimed at enhancing women and adolescent girls empowerment; increasing access to quality reproductive, child, and maternal health services; and improving regional knowledge sharing globally. Removing legal restrictions on the jobs that women can hold can reduce occupational segregation and the gender wage gap. How can we ensure that the role of women in the workplace and in society is central to efforts to rebuild economies in the COVID-19 era, and that women do not fall further behind? Countries withmore gender egalitarian legal regimesgenerally have higher levels of property ownership by women. They are less likely to experience female genital mutilation, internationally recognized as a human rights violation. Furthermore, women comprise 70% of the global health and social care workforce, however, they only hold around 25% of decision-making posts. In spite of greater awareness of the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents, some key issues have not improved. The global gender gap in food security has risen dramatically during the pandemic, with more women and girls going hungry. In 43 countries, male and female surviving spouses do not have equal rights to inherit assets and 42 economies prevent daughters from inheriting in the same way as sons. The World BanksMeghalaya Health Systems Strengthening Project in Indiais helping to review HR policy to promote womens entry, transition, and career advancement, including through preferential clauses in the PPP contracts for women professionals. The majority of our operations and strategies target the closure of specific gender gaps by: In support of this, the WBG curates data through theGender Data Portal, which is a comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated gender statistics providing open access to over 900 indicators compiled from officially recognized international sources covering demography, education, health, economic activities, assets, leadership, gender-based violence, and more. Goal 11. Women may have less time to refresh or learn new skills or to search for employment because they spend much more time than men on unpaid care work. On average, women have just three-quarters of the legal rights afforded to men. To learn more about cookies, click here. We must do more to support women in the workforce. Learn about gender and development work across the World Bank Group. All is not doom and gloomthere are significant bright spots to celebrate. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, global progress in tackling gender gapsin both work and societyhad been marginal since 2015. AWorld Bank studyfound that expanding educational attainment and reducing fertility could boost the countrys GDP by over 12% by 2030. Gender equality benefits efforts in areas such as sustainable forest management and compensating countries for their efforts to preserve forests and reduce emissions. Even before the pandemic, women in low- and middle-income countries were 8% less likely than men to own a mobile phone. Improving Access to Health and Nutrition Services for Women and Girls. They are less likely to have sex with a partner who they are not married to or living with and more likely to use condoms when they are sexually active. The importance of reducing the gender gap in who takes responsibility for caregiving cannot be overstated, and governments can play an important role here. In Bangladesh, the Emergency Multi-Sector Rohingya Crisis Response Project is financing the establishment of gender-friendly spaces to serve as a safe space for women and adolescent girls, and to provide some immediate GBV response services. Globally, girls continue to lag substantially behind boys in secondary completion rates, and gender bias in the education system reinforces occupational segregation. Countries are inching toward greater gender equality, but women around the world continue to face laws and regulations that restrict their economic opportunity, with the COVID-19 pandemic creating new challenges to their health, safety, and economic security. Strengthening the link between knowledge and operations, East Asia and the Pacific GIL reviewed the global evidence on institutional childcare and womens employment and outlined design features of childcare interventions that maximize the gains on womens employment outcomes. For instance, they can remove legal barriers against women working (such as regulations prohibiting women from working night shifts) and can enforce laws protecting women from violence. The WBG is helping governments, development practitioners, donors, and beneficiaries identify and seize opportunities to make climate action more gender inclusive. There is still a lack of good data on levels of unsafe abortion among adolescents, and the risk of mortality and morbidity resulting from it. Womens contribution has been profound. Even among individuals who earn the majority of their households income, 43 percent of women who are primary household income earners continue to do all or most of the household work, compared with only 12 percent of men. Both advanced and developing economies would stand to gain considerably; all regions could achieve at least 8 percent in incremental GDP over business-as-usual levels. It is also about ensuring that girls learn and feel safe while in school; have the opportunity to complete all levels of education; acquire the knowledge and skills to compete in the labor market; learn the socio-emotional and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to a changing world; make decisions about their own lives; and contribute to their communities and the world. UN Womens latest report, together with UN DESA, Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2021 presents the latest data on gender equality across all17 Sustainable Development Goals. We are helping women return to economic activity, including through cash-for-work programs, expanded childcare support, agricultural inputs, and better access to credit and liquidity for women-led firms. The report highlights the progress made since 2015 but also the continued alarm over the COVID-19 pandemic, its immediate effect on womens well-being and the threat it poses to future generations. Repayment of loans stands at 99.1%. Building forward differently and better will hinge on placing women and girls at the centre of all aspects of response and recovery, including through gender-responsive laws, policies and budgeting. Please email us at: Coca-Cola: The people-first story of a digital transformation, Americans are embracing flexible workand they want more of it, The potential value of AIand how governments could look to capture it. In other areas critical to womens empowerment, equality in time spent on unpaid care and domestic work and decision making regarding sexual and reproductive health the world is far from target. Commit to end racism and discrimination in all its forms, invest in inclusive, universal, gender responsive social protection systems that support all women. It focuses on four key areas where countries and companies can focus investments and new policies and policy reform efforts to ensure equal economic participation: The strategy emphasizes outcomes and results, which requires: Looking forward, addressing the structural barriers that have limited opportunities for women and girls will create a stronger and more resilient recovery. Recent analysis shows that gender gaps among displaced persons are greatest for employment, with rates for displaced men at least 90% higher than for displaced women, peaking at 150% in Nigeria where approximately 36% of displaced men are employed compared to about 15% of displaced women. The number of employed women declined by 54 million in 2020 and 45 million women left the labour market altogether. Of the grants awarded so far, totaling $1.3 million, 56% has been allocated to women. Life on land. Creating more opportunity for women and the next generation is an aspiration and a very real goal that can lift the global economy as well as contributing to a more just society. However, some regions have experienced declines in either gender equality in work or gender equality in society since 2015. These outcomes are mirrored in the day-to-day experiences of women of color in the workforce56 percent of black women say they and their peers have equal opportunity for growth, compared with 69 percent of white women. Individuals need to make a contribution, too, from advocating for themselves in their own careers to helping others advance through sponsorship and mentorship. A new global analysis of progress on gender equality and womens rights shows women and girls remain disproportionately affected by the socioeconomic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, struggling with disproportionately high job and livelihood losses, education disruptions and increased burdens of unpaid care work. When women have access to assets, communities thrive. MGI mapped 15 indicators of gender equality in work (how men and women engage in paid work, how they share unpaid work, and their representation in high-productivity and formal jobs, and in leading positions in the economy) and society (essential services and enablers of economic opportunity like digital and financial inclusion, legal protection and political voice, and physical security and autonomy). Women of color also experience more workplace microaggressions. For example, 40 percent of black women and 30 percent of Asian women say they needed to provide more evidence of their competence than others, compared with 28 percent of white women and 14 percent of men. Ensure women activists, scientists and researchers have equal voice, representation and access to forums where these issues are being discussed and debated. InIndia, for example, female employment remains concentrated in industries related to sanitation, education, chemicals, and tobacco, while higher-value industries such as research and development, computers, and transport have the lowest rates of female participation. InKenya, the Bank is helping health care providers identify the risks and health consequences of GBV and offering frontline support and medical treatment. That would be roughly equivalent to the GDP of the United States and China. While girls are on average 4 percentage points less learning-poor than boys, the rates remain very high for both groups. There are just 9 years left to achieve the Global Goals by 2030, and gender equality cuts across all 17 of them. Expanding access to civil registration and identification systems (ID) and closing gender gaps in possession of IDenables governments to respond effectively with social protection and reach economically marginalized women. Putting women at the center of digital Government to Person (G2P) payment programs can help countries mitigate exclusion risks and maximize impacts on women and girls. Still,30 countriesdo not have laws specifically addressing domestic violence, and46 countriesstill lack robust laws that prohibit and punish cases of sexual harassment in employment. Cross-regional collaboration of Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean GILs recently developed the groundbreaking report, Breaking Barriers: Female Entrepreneurs Who Cross Over to Male-Dominated Sectors focused on sectoral choice as one of the contributors to the gender gap in firm performance. As one of many examples around the world, the double shift is a fact of life for millions of women in China, who go out to work but then do the lions share of work in the home as well. In conflict-affected countries, 18.9 per cent of parliamentary seats are held by women, much lower than the global average of 25.6 per cent. And they may not have the professional networks and sponsors that could make it easier for them to navigate job transitions, among other factors. COVID-19 is also intensifying womens workload at home, forcing many to leave the labour force altogether. Even in areas with strong foundational legislation, implementation and enforcement of laws are lacking. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. This is also expected to encourage women patients to utilize health services, particularly pregnant women and at the village level. We-Fi has allocated $49 million during the COVID-19 crisis for WSME recovery programs and deployed another $55 Million in the early spring of 2022, with a particular focus on urgent issues around finance, data, and technology gaps. It increases their ability to start and grow businesses by giving them the collateral they need to secure credit. How can individuals use their influence for positive change? After fully disbursing its IDA commitment in two years, the project was expanded through co-financing from Japan, Italy, Canada, and the European Investment Bank. The research also found a penalty for bottom-quartile performance on gender diversity: companies in the bottom quartile for both gender and ethnic diversity were 27 percent more likely to underperform the industry average than all other firms. The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating these gender gaps, reversing decades of gains for women and girls in areas like human capital, economic empowerment, and voice and agency impacts which threaten to outlast the pandemic. Increasing Womens Professional Entry and Access to Health Care. Underpinning each of these areas requires a fundamental shift in approach: Also a member of the World Bank Group, theIFCtakes a comprehensive approach toreduce gender inequality, providing investment and advisory services to promote business opportunities for women in the private sector, which accounts for an overwhelming majority of jobs in developing and emerging economies. For many years, it has been clear that economic growth (rising per capita GDP) does not lift all segments of the populationwe cannot grow our way out of some aspects of gender equality. Reforming Policies to Improve Girls and Womens Legal Standing. InNepal, the Bank is promoting entrepreneurial business development skills for women and providing them with better farm equipment. The combination of school closures, increased GBV during the pandemic, and disruption of health services may also increase adolescent pregnancy. In contexts of fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), girls are 2.5 times more likely to be out of school than boys, and at the secondary level, are 90% more likely to be out of secondary school than those in non-FCV contexts. Despite the challenges, women-led businesses are responding to the COVID-19 crisis with resilience and innovation. More gender equal lawshave been linked to higher female labor force participation, a smaller wage gap between men and women and better development outcomes, such as womens health and education. InAfghanistan,Mauritania,Mozambique, andTogo, the Bank is providing cash transfers through mobile payments to address lower incomes and bank account ownership among women. In Tanzania, the BOOST Primary Student Learning Program for Results is helping schools make improvements to support young girls, including improving school environments to ensure girls are comfortable, establishing life skills clubs to improve sexual and reproductive health knowledge, supporting gender-sensitive teaching, and sensitizing school management and teachers on GBV prevention and response. Gender-based violence affects more than1 in 3 womenover the course of a lifetime. In 19 countries, women do not have equal ownership rights to immovable property. This has led to new thinking on how to motivate, support, and recognize womens contributions to sustainable and productive landscape initiatives. COVID-19 has added a new lens on the WBGs work in gender. TheCompetitive Value Chains for Jobs and Economic Transformation Projectin Cote dIvoire seeks to alleviate constraints of women in labor force participation through the provision of childcare services, including mobile childcare services. The public provision of childcare is regulated in nearly all economies in the OECD high-income region and Europe and Central Asia. This Portal allows users of all technical backgrounds to easily access and explore the data through interactive data visualizations and compelling narratives that convey gender progress and gaps in a deeper and more tactical way with the goal of influencing policy and decision-making. And through the establishment of a Long-Term Investment Facility (LTIF), the project will also improve access to financing for at least 200 startups and young SMEs including those led by women and 30 large enterprises involved in green investments. Others have accelerated gender equality through incentives for womens education, entrepreneurship, and business lending, for instance. The total share of women in power utilities in South Asia ranges from 3% to 25%, and the share of women engineering/technical employees is even lower less than 1% to 21%. The World Bank Group takes as its starting point that no country, community, or economy can achieve its potential or meet the challenges of the 21st century without the full and equal participation of women and men, girls and boys. They also remain underrepresented as leaders in their communities as well as at the highest levels in the government and private sector.

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gender inequality progress