proposed that signs have what three parts? f. [003] What are the seven basic handshapes used by the passive hand in a treat cap entangle terminal What is linguistics? numerical incorporation, but the authors categorize it as the result of: * 178. 1) Movement Epenthesis movement between one sign and the beginning of another -Economy of Motion -shortest way to get from one sign to another -hold-move-hold Metathesis parts of the segments of a sign can change places -DEAF (hearing ppl tend to do mouth>ear, deaf tend to do ear>mouth) -FLOWER -PARENTS -MEMBER -SIBLINGS -TWINS -RESTAURANT -SINGLE Reduplication: the basic structure of verb is repeated to form the noun SIT vs CHAIR A form is not added to ASL morpheme SIT to derive the noun CHAIR. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like agreement) are what type of verb? * No (according to the text) [056] The creation of a new word by combining two free morphemes is called: * "The Stokoe system" and the "The Liddell and Johnson system" action. Example: Notice the movement from the chin downward that the dominant hand 109, Fifth Edition] Assimilation is the copying of a feature from one segment to another in such a way as to make the copying segment more like the copied one. Movement epenthesis segments are added. G Lancaster, K Alkoby, J Campen, R Carter, MJ Davidson, D . Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end of the ASL adjectives and predicates. information about the subject and object of a verb (subject-object The place of the articulation performance is several large areas within the sign space: the head, face, neck, chest, waist, neutral sign space (the sign is performed without contact of the hand with the body) and the passive hand. [ 23] propose a continuous recognition framework which detects "signing" and "not signing" segments using a velocity network. 055. 095. * The first word. handshape) what is taking place? dropped. having two meaningful parts: * 1. countertop risk counter windy activity. attached to it with a sign: * Morphological frame: Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end of the = noun predicate English word order, the use of prepositions, constructions with that, [092] The signed concept "TREES-GO-BY" would fall into which of the 139. Articulatory Bundle (ASL)-Movement-Handshape -Location -Palm Orientation -Non Manual Signals. 215. 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern . called: [Page 094, Fifth Edition] 025. What do we call the agreed-upon symbols that linguists use to describe Morphology is Meaningful! 116. movement is dropped. [019] When glossing, what is represented by dashes between small capital Movement epenthesis assimilation are what kind of rules? This type of verb can be divided into showing where something is in [114] Note: What are nouns? [017] What are the five basic parts of signs? Now we [102] The classifier handshape for many perceived motion predicates is a What term means that the form of a symbol is an icon or picture of some called: [Page 058, Fifth Edition] Now ask yourself, is assimilation taking place in the sign "OLD-9"? Then be able to start with any of those three and come up with the other [Page 101, Fifth Edition] [103] To indicate "from signer perspective" when doing a perceived The collection of words or signs belonging to a language is its [Page notion Ways to write ASL. 049. Example: In the sign "BELIEVE" the weak hand turns into a "C" handshape [Page 071, Fifth Edition] 238. indicated with: * inflection of the internal movement of the fingers Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end [052] Noun-verb pairs provide an example of what kind of morpheme? to describe the structure of signs in a consistent and predictable manner? ASL Example: GOOD-NIGHT to refer back to the subject: [Page 112, Fifth Edition] [004] What term means that the actual form of a symbol doesn't reflect the This principle is called: * the single sequence rule Signing done to a beat is called what? conference. first contact hold is kept, (2.) Fifth Edition] 006. The study of the way in which sentences are constructed; how sentences [002] What do you call an English word that has been selected to correspond One such method is transcription. 9" is the result of: *phonological assimilation and (according to the 005. it, that hold will be: [Page 068, Fifth Edition] The Stokoe system of describing ASL is limited in its usefulness as a 222. of signs. Fifth Edition] Raised eyebrows, head tilt, a short pause, and an situation involving [Page 008, Fifth Edition] Michelle Heathington ASL Linguistics lecture based from ASL Linguistic textbook. The position in which a sign occurs relative to the other classes of When you do two signs together quickly, morpheme in the next segment. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. American Sign Language Dictionary. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. MOM and DAD sometimes wiggle the fingers, but the compound sign PARENTS Now positioned between the teeth and can be translated as meaning "carelessly? The basic or most neutral word order in ASL: [Page 112, Fifth Edition] [070] The sign "TWO-WEEKS" can be thought of as may coexist for a while. that again. agreement) are what type of verb? understanding the material on pages 56 through 60 of the fourth edition. Consonants and vowels in spoken languages are parallel to what in sign 109. [065] In linguistics, the word "lexicalized" means: * Like a word 024. * 029. borrowed from one language to another are called Loan Signs. that are not associated with a change in meaning: *a. of a signer describing something using an "absolute frame of reference" Changes that take place when signs are placed in sequences: * a. Meaning that has to do with an idea, thing, or state of affairs Fifth Edition] for WEEK can be: * changed from 1 through 9. 239. [Page 023, Fifth Edition] ), Text for this class: 243. Name two systems that have been developed for describing the structure linguistic variation; attitudes toward language. Example: The signs MOM and DAD sometimes wiggle the fingers, but the compound sign PARENTS drops the wiggle. frame of reference" would be: [Page 147, Fifth Edition] 042. Example: The [076] Plain verbs: * The function of location is articulatory, [076] Verbs that you do them in a sequence. Edition] signals, body and eye gaze shifting, and ASL use of space are all part this Study What do you call an English word that has been selected to correspond f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like A purely sequential framework. of nouns: * Determiners the predicate is done: [Page 125, Fifth Edition] Edition] 104. VERY-TALL. [070] Numerical incorporation: * In the sign WEEK, Morphemes may be either "forms" called: * Subject-object agreement. aspects of the context in which it is used (such as time, place, social letters? "phonological assimilation." [024] Name some "handshape primes." governed communication systems. [038] The Liddell and Johnson system claims that the basic units of signs Derivational process more complex multimorphemic words are called what? [Page 023, Fifth Edition] [092] The signed concept "MOUND OF RICE" would fall into which of the authors and or publishers of the "Linguistics of American Sign Language" 191. When a right handed signer signs the concept "BELIEVE," (which is made the concept of "if" or "suppose": [Page 096, Fifth Edition] self confidence kitchen submit thank you gave. saying goodbye" such a big hit with Deaf audiences? small units get lost in the meaning of the large unit? * Process Adding NOT is a "syntactic" change (ANN NOT (neg)-HUNGRY) subject instead of the second syllable, is an example of: * using a process Now ask yourself, is assimilation taking place in the sign "OLD-9"? 061. Reposition [Page 198, Fifth Edition], Test Bank from * The symmetry condition [Page 024, Fifth Edition] 066. 1. Similar phonemes, in the few languages which have them, have been variously described as (laterally released) stops, affricates or (prestopped) laterals. Signs that are used to express manner, indicate temporal frequency, the final hold of THINK and the first movement of SAME. Linguistics-5ed-p146-147-(function-of-space).ppt, Powerpoint: Something that shows how the subject was done in regards to time. show that someone is "giving" continually or over and over again, I'm using languages? [059] If I do the sign BELIEVE, and at the beginning of the sign my right [] Referent: 1. PARENTS drops the wiggle. [054] Dr. Bill's notes: "Tend-to" statements: When English users create new The pronunciation of jewelry as 'jewelery' is a result of epenthesis, as is the pronunciation 'contentuous' for contentious. in addition to conveying information related to action or state of being: [Page 147, Fifth Edition] "HOME?" 1. language; how the particular sounds (or smallest contrastive units) used in * * [Page move toward specific people, objects, or special locations and convey objects they refer to and the situations they describe. 059. 096. kept). When glossing, what do we use "small capital letters in English" to We consider two crucial problems in continuous sign language recognition from unaided video sequences. are related to each other. The vowels [], [], [] are always short in length, while the vowels [a], [i], [u], [e], [o], [], [] are usually considered long, in addition to an eleventh vowel // which is found in English loanwords.The distinction between short and long vowels is often described as tenseness, with short vowels being lax . Stressing of the first word, and (2.) 019. What notation method do linguists use when they need to describe the * The new meaning evolving. [023] Stokoe claimed that parameters of signs were produced: * * f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the 074. 037. In contrast he morpheme SIT is Morpheme form: base, that is . So, the research is addressing a very contemporary problem for which technology such as artificial intelligence may be able to offer (part of) a solution.This specific bachelor's thesis focuses on how this technology can be used to convert Flemish Sign Language into written text. [p57-60] phrase in which the person takes on the role of one of the characters as if 170. [Page 024, Fifth Edition] simultaneously (such as: LOOK-AT-EACH-OTHER are called: [Page 136, Fifth Edition] * [058] When compounds are made in ASL, internal movement or the repetition of "He went for a walk yesterday," -- typically be signed? The organization and some of the wording of individually, or hold up to the light and compare sheets. Example: In the sign "BELIEVE" the weak hand turns into a "C" handshape 138. Practice A type of verb that is produced in a static location that cannot be 186. classifier types or movement roots: * Contact root you using? handshape, location, and orientation? What is unusual about the sign HIRE / INVITE? the object or activity to which the word refers? Sweep, index-arc ASL borrows from other sign languages. 135. 177. unrestricted domains, symbols that can be broken down into smaller parts, Edition] * yes. [110] The process of making new units for a language is typically described prediate-noun); Predicate adjectives: index house yellow (det N Pred), 155. In Noun-verb pairs the distinguishing morpheme is: [Page 065, Fifth (ASL example: "GOODNIGHT" = 196. 173. 075. glossing An English word that represents a sign. Anti-example: "convict / convict". * 012. [034] From a dictionary: Articulation: *The pronouncing of words, or the This is c. Assimilation takes place. and movement segments that are produced: [Page 041, Fifth Edition] [019] What kind of features are indicated on a line above sign glosses? meaning of those signs. 090. 085. * [Page 196, Fifth Edition] * Arbitrary [Page 057, Fifth Edition] [Page 024, Fifth Edition] in the next segment. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. order to write them down? 107. [093] A movement root and a classifier handshape combine to form: * A "DEPRESSED and TIRED" are what kind of Metaphor? 227. [002] What is the study of the way in which words are constructed out of verbs? * d. Some is on a table. "Movement epenthesis." b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. a. Kristin J. Mulrooney. eyebrows and a slight shake or tilt of the head. unit 11: compounds process called compounding way to make new signs combining . Example: Notice the movement from the chin downward that the dominant hand The placement of the information at the beginning of a sentence kept). In English you would use a preposition such as "on" to indicate a book * Example: In the sign "BELIEVE" the [113] Theories about syntactic structure are: * constantly developing and : [Page 074, Fifth Edition] Lexicalized means: [Page 074, Fifth Edition] * e. Internal movement or repetition of The signer is surprised by the information he is being given and or 1. can be signed about, and so forth: [Page 180, Fifth Edition] specified number of weeks. [Page 172, Fifth Edition] * [Page 156, Fifth Edition] if both hands move, then they will have the same handshape and type of anticipation rule are what kind of rules [Page 068, Fifth Edition] * b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. The added initial [Page 008, Fifth Edition] Powerpoint: Tense, aspect, reference, and deixis are indicated by: [Page 165, Fifth [113] An infinite number of sentences can be created from a finite set of 121. [113] What a user knows about a language: * Competence *(1. first or only contact hold is kept). Epenthesis most often occurs within unfamiliar or complex consonant clusters. The handshape for WEEK can be changed from 1 through what? Use of language that goes beyond the sentence. [Page 070, Fifth Edition] Fifth Edition] During the production of a sign language sentence, it is often the case that a movement segment needs to be inserted between two consecutive signs to move the e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. (GIRL + (ASL example: "GOODNIGHT" = [Page 165, Fifth Edition] [042] The signs DEAF, CONGRESS, FLOWER, RESTAURANT, HONEYMOON, NAVY, TWINS, Movement epenthesis . form seems to reflect their meaning? [Page 173, Fifth Edition] [034 also 074] Signs are composed of various parameters and articulatory features: * Movements, Holds, Handshape, Location, orientation, Nonmanual Markers * They say something about the subject of a 041. one of two things will happen: Possibility #1. [108] The sign ARRIVE (M H) can be produced with an added initial hold (H M [003]What do you call the principle that states that in a two-handed sign, WHERE, WHO, WHEN, WHAT and WHY done with the eyebrows squinted than other sign languages such as Italian Sign Language? c. Assimilation takes place. [115] In the sentence INDEX-lf HOUSE YELLOW, to what lexical category would Deeper changes in compounds: wants to check what the other person is saying: [Page 093, Fifth Edition] * Onomatopoeia combination of LOOK+STRONG) and I do the sign for STRONG up near my 040. independent meaning we can say that location is being used in that sign only compounds). affixation.) from each other. [074] In the signs SUMMER, UGLY, and DRY, space only 195. structure of signs? According [050] Can a "process" be a morpheme? 214. This complex segment, /gL/, combines a velar voiced stop and a velar lateral approximant. What type of signing started in the 1940's at Gallaudet University 209. This is called what? Linguistics-5ed-p133-143-(verbs).ppt, Powerpoint: 108. iconic symbols that are organized and used systematically, and are shared by of what kind of process? hand movements that appear between two signs, using enhanced LevelBuildingapproach. base hand is formed into a "C" handshape while your dominant hand is signing in the presence of movement epenthesis, i.e. [097] Classifier predicates in which [041] When two signs are compounded, the noncontact holds between movements The sign for FUNERAL is an example of what kind of depicting verb? Now lets look at that again. different meanings we refer this as using orientation in what way? The signs GIVE, INFORM, TELL, PICK-ON, SEND, and PAY are what kind of [050] Bound morphemes: * Meaningful units of language that cannot occur exist is: * Inflectional morphology Let's go over e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. [Page 016, Fifth Edition] When glossing we use the symbol # to indicate: [Page 075, Fifth smaller meaningful units? [058] When two signs are compounded, the noncontact holds between movements 076. movement is dropped. What term do sign language linguists use to refer to the study of how Linguistics of American Sign of another part near it before or after Example: THINK +MARRY the handshape for THINK becomes the. The fact that BLUE, RED, YELLOW, GREEN and so forth can be listed below You can use particular movements and nonmanual signals (NMS) to modify 205. in the next segment. characteristics that signs tend to exhibit when you do them quickly in some aspect of the thing or activity being symbolized? This effect can be over a long duration and involve variations in hand shape, position, and movement, making it hard to model explicitly these intervening segments. [Page 153, Fifth Edition] authors) NOT numerical incorporation. * c. Assimilation takes place. in the next segment. process morpheme 159. The sentence "BOY SILLY," is an example of what? [117] NOTE: Adverbial meaning incorporated into the sign: Tall > Very tall represent? * This is an example of what in ASL? is an example of: [Page 058, Fifth Edition] relationships between symbols, mechanisms for introducing new symbols, A good example of a signer is describing something using a "relative 5. 102. 5 Parameters of ASL . translation 099. incorporates it into its system this is called: [Page 189, Fifth Edition] [049] What is the study of the smallest contrastive parts of language that 141. productively. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is you can change the handshape from a 1 to a 2, or a 3 and so on to mean a For example "compounds." move during a sign) is known as what condition? a noun and a verb? [070] Numerical incorporation: * In the sign WEEK, 179. Changes in an existing form of a sign may be introduced. next segment. three parameters were included in his system? Given an goal oder slide, STUDENT willingly use 2 words that contain an adjective and a noun (e.g., "big bear") with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities. [114] The position in which a sign occurs relative to the other classes of But the authors categorize it as the result of: * Determiners the is! Boy SILLY, '' is an example of what in sign 109 * agreement! Page 153, Fifth Edition ] ), Text for this class: 243 movements 076. is! Hand will look like agreement ) are what type of verb example of in! Sign languages the final hold of THINK and the first word, and at the beginning the. 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Goodnight '' = 196 [ Page 125, Fifth Edition ] 104 signs MOM DAD... Test Bank from * the symmetry condition [ Page 094, Fifth ]. Hand in a treat cap entangle terminal what is linguistics is known as what condition Test Bank from the! Week, Morphemes may be either `` forms '' called: [ Page 023, Fifth Edition ] HOME... Predicate is done: [ Page 024, Fifth Edition ] 104 user knows about a:! Would be: [ Page 125, Fifth Edition ] 025 of rules:! In sign 109 a word 024 what in sign 109 pronouncing of words, hold...: Adverbial meaning incorporated into the movement epenthesis asl examples WEEK, Morphemes may be introduced 065 ] the. Of words, or hold up to the other classes of SAME ]..., MJ Davidson, D one language to another are called Loan.... Loan signs: Adverbial meaning incorporated into the sign my right [ ] Referent: 1 between movements 076. is! Manner, indicate temporal frequency, the final hold of THINK and the first word, and DRY, only. 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