Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch.) Sure enough he was right and none of the Dorkings perished. This is one of the early breeds we gathered up as breeds were rapidly disappearing and have maintained for sometime. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. Large bodied birds that are calm and easy to handle. (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation).We have maintained this breed since 1986. Available from April 4 through October 17. Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 20 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 16, Buff Catalana - Originally from Catalana, Spain. They are excellent foragers and mothers. For many years no one saw the value they had then the world woke up and thankfully we had maintained them for sometime and they were still around to be appreciated. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch). The original colours for Scots Dumpy's were black and cuckoo. We have maintained this breed since 1998. I was so excited that I was now only 4 hours away from his chicken empire and hoped he would let me visit. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. White eggs, vigorous foragers. We have worked with them for several years to increase vigor and productivity and crossed several lines to get to the point where we have a vigorous bird of decent size. I hope someone that I sent them to has maintained them or they are lost. One of the oldest french breeds. Mille Fleur Leghorn - Our dear friend, Ron Nelson, shared these with us. Most of them tend to lay what would be considered a tinted egg (off-white). Scots Dumpies are a very ancient native breed of Scotland. Omlet 2023, Currently, there is a waiting time due to high demand. The availability of this is sporadic and would only be available on the weeks when I dont have time to keep any extras for further study. Chicks $5.00 each (maximum of 15 per hatch), ASSORTED ENGLISH:This assortment may be made up from any of the breeds listed under English, Sussex, Orpingtons and, Dorkings. It is characterised by very short legs, so short that the body is a few centimetres from the ground; as in other breeds of creeper chicken, this chondrodystrophy is caused by a recessive lethal allele. Brown eggs, rather small single combs. Introduced into the APA Standard in 1898. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Swedish Flower Hens- the largest of the Scandinavian breeds we have. They do not have yellow legs. Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch), Mixed Game- A colorful mix of American Game Fowl various strains. Brown egg layers. Hens are cinnamon color. As a biologist and conservationist I firmly believe in preserving the old and established breeds but also see the need to utilize those old maintained breeds as reservoirs of genetics to make and improve on existing material. We have maintained this breed since 2010. Suddenly a few articles and they started to rebound and are now offered from a number of hatcheries. 9 May 2010. We have maintained this breed since 2019. A Scots Grey is classed as a non-sitter. Photo is from Craig Johnson who obtained stock from us and continues to work and improve on them.Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Bielfelder- I first saw a picture of these many years ago and had them on my wish list for sometime. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023, Black Penedescenca- Black Minorca-like chicken with a unique single comb that has almost a crown at the back side. If you are looking to buy chickens or other poultry, have a look at the map below to locate breeders with poultry for sale in your area, or underneath this in the listings which are organised by county. Hens are productive layers. We have maintained this breed since 2009. The short legged gene is lethal so some birds will have longer legs. They have a small pea comb, off-white eggs. Shades of reddish orange. These were admitted to the APA Standard in 1914. The roosters lets just say were a bit aggressive. We have maintained this breed since 2013. We have maintained this breed since 1995. Do your own research and find your own favorite that matches with your climate, lifestyle, and personal interests. The birds are deep, rich buff with black tails. We have maintained this breed since 2005. Chick color will range from a warm cocoa brown to black to an occasional mottled one. Chicks $4.00 each ( maximum of 25 per hatch), ASSORTED CRESTED:This assortment may be made up from any of the breeds under the Crested category. We were, a source of very nice birds and we are able to offer them again. Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch. They have a single comb with five or more points. The golden color is often described as rich and deep, while the silver is actually white. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 27, Partridge Chantecler- Still working on improvement of comb type. They lay a tinted egg, forage well and have a pleasant disposition. I have found over the years they are very susceptible to many poultry ailments with almost no tolerance or resistance. They do not have yellow legs. It is a good all round layer of whitish eggs. Lay deep, dark brown egg. We have maintained this breed since 1995. We have maintained this breed since 1990. They are medium sized, lay a white egg and are excellent foragers. Late winter of 2020 confirmed what I had noticed had been happening with tolerance to cold. They lay very pale brown eggs and have a medium sized single comb with five points. Females are a cuckoo pattern with gold in neck and hackles. In 1990 shortly after I started this operation and was gathering up rare breeds as well as breeds I was fond of, I had a disaster. Their history is very old. Chicks $5.00each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Silver Spitzhauben- gorgeous black and white spotted very old breed with more of a tuft than a crest.6 .Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Thrifty and colorful with dark black bodies and nice white crests. Knowing Icelands moderate maritime climate and that this breed had developed there for over a thousand years, I was fearful they would not handle the extremes of Iowa weather very well. Variations in the depth and color of the cuckoo will occur. The breeds in this class are listed in the APA Standard unless otherwise noted. Chicks $8.00 each ( Maximum 10 per hatch), 2019by Sand Hill Preservation Center Proudly created with. Many of the crests will be a deeper shade of blue, but not necessarily black. These are rather mild mannered for a Leghorn. We are continuing to work on developing larger flocks. Males have more red. They were first exhibited in London in 1852. Chicks $7.00 each (maximum of 15 per hatch). We have maintained this breed since 1990. We have maintained this breed since 2004. These were developed in 1940 from off-colored sports between Barred Rock male and New Hampshire female. Cuckoo color pattern (grey and white barring). Golden Erminettes- Ron was working on a golden version of the Erminette and when I saw Ron's flock in 2010 with my passion for buff colored poultry I wanted to bring them all home, but Ron being a perfectionist felt they were not yet ready to distribute. This breed is not currently in the APA Standard. We have maintained this breed since 1991. They are hard to find in todays world of no one wanting white egg laying chickens. SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13, Available all season as supply allows SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13. White eggs. We have maintained this breed since 1990 . In our first few years of offering them the demand for them was near zero and they appeared to be on the path way to slide to extinction. Eggs are a paleblue color though white eggs do show up . We have selected these for over 20 years and watched the vigor and tolerances to issues continue to improve and offer them to the backyard enthusiast that wants a hardier bird that tolerates, many issues and cold as well as still goes broody. Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Black Australorp- Faster growing than the Black Orpington but slightly smaller in size. We have maintained this breed since 1991. Superb layers of large white eggs. SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13, SUPER ASSORTED CHICKENS: Chicks $1.75 each ( 100 maximum per hatch) Can be any of the full size breeds we offer. They are superb layers of small to medium sized off-white eggs. Males tend to be a bit sexually active while hens are mellow much like Welsummer hens. They should lay a white egg but do expect a few tinted eggs. These were developed in 1934 from White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Australorps and Brown Leghorns. Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 20 per hatch), Coronation Sussex- a gorgeous color variant where the neck feathers are a pale silvery blue. They finally got to the farm here when I fixed a place for them in January 1989 a month after I moved in. Please be patient. Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $150. I was pleasantly surprised to see none dead even though there were massive losses in adjoining pens. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT 2023, SilverLeghorn- I had long marveled at the color of these when I judged fairs and was always saddened at how small they were and then one year I found an exhibitor with a magnificent pen of large birds. Chicks $7.00 each (maximum of 15 per hatch), Barred Holland- A barred medium sized breed, not as big as Barred Rocks, good layers of a white or tinted egg. Chicks $7.00 each ( maximum of 15 per hatch), Sicilian Buttercup- Originated in Sicily. Photo is from Craig Johnson who obtained stock from us and continues to work and improve on them.Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023. The adults look like a mixed up Silver grey pattern some more uniform than others and some have more rusty salmon on them. Scots Dumpy, also known as Bakies, Crawlers and Creepies have been bred in Scotland for over a century. Their behavior is very calm compared to their Penedescenca relatives. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 25 per hatch), Buckeye- Large sized, dark rich red color, small to medium sized pea comb, gentle temperament. They lay a dark brown egg. The absence of the tail makes it a challenge to get fertile eggs. They lay a brown egg are nice sized and are a beautiful white color with black specks. Now much more common in Latin America, but very rare in the USA. We werefortunatethat our good friend Joe Putnamfounda source of very nice birds and we are able to offer them again. They lay a very pale brown egg. Not large chickens. We have maintained this breed since 2011. Buckeyes had their fame and fortune early on in their creation and then steadily declined and when we first obtained them in 1990 there were just a hand full of flocks in breeders hands. You will get the equivalent of 25 chicks (or more), Occasionally we have some extras from genetic crossing experiments. I was saddened to learn he had cut back to nearly a handful of breeds, this not one of them. Ameraucana (Easter Eggers)- A mixture of types and colors. First came to America in 1835. . Color variations occur within this variety. Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch. Interestingly enough it showed true and the crosses handled things well. Chicks $5.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch). This assortment is not necessarily available at every hatch. Thanks in advance. Good foragers. Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum 10 per hatch), Black Langshan- Black colored tall statured birds. We maintained this breed from1999 until May of 2020 when the last ones were destroyed by raccoons. They are superb foragers with a most pleasant temperament. We have.maintained this breed since 2007. They are good on both small-scale and large-scale farms. They lay a nice white egg.Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Single Comb Light Brown Leghorn- We maintain the production line so they are not the top show birds. Chicks $10.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023. I quickly gathered them up and isolated them but a few days later I came home to wheelbarrows of dead birds and a few gasping birds. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. Chicks $6.00 ( Maximum of 5 per hatch), Lavender Maran - Very attractive and thrifty. They lay a nice blue egg, really closer to blue with my vision than any Ameraucana. We have maintained this breed since 2005. When we first got these we knew of only 2 remaining breeders in the US. They have a unique, buttercup shaped comb, something like moose antlers. We have maintained this breed since 1992. During their first year of laying they are superb layers, from the second year on they love to become broody and egg production drops off. This is another breed that had near zero interest in the "Dark Age" of poultry. We have maintained this breed since 1998 until May 2020. Males look the same, but hens can be 2 different colors. As a young child I dreamed of the day I could obtain some. There is still some variability with these but they are colorful and good layers.Please expect some color variations and degrees of the mille fleur color pattern as well as some of the eggs will be tinted. Of the dark egg laying breeds, these are the tops for production. )SOLD OUT FOR 2023, Rose Comb Colored Dorking- The rose comb version of a very old type that is very hardy and lays well. I never recommend this attractive breed for 4H kids to exhibit as they are somewhat flighty and a challenge to show but it can be done with the right individual spending the right amount of time. It might be all chicks, all ducklings, etc. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 30, Bresse -an excellent all around chicken. ( maximum of 15 per hatch), Barnevelder- I have been working with these for over 30 years. Originally, they were left to fend for . They tend to lay best in the Fall and Winter and once it gets warm production decreases. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 20 per hatch), chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 20 per hatch), Mottled Java - One of the older breeds of poultry admitted to the Standard in 1883. Remember with Blue, the multiple possibilities for off-types occur. We are continuing to try to stabilize the color to the proper spotting so variations do occur. Brown eggs. It is a very ancient native breed of Scotland. We have maintained this breed since 1990 Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch), Crele Orpington- large blocky Orpington build, colorful and calm . They have a small pea comb, off-white eggs. Superb layers of large white eggs. $179.00 Roosters are calm and hens are docile. I was saddened to learn he had cut back to nearly a handful of breeds, this not one of them. yet another one of the white egg laying breeds in serious danger of depletion. An order for 25 chicks will usually include 4 or 5 different breeds. They forage well.We have maintained this breed since 2000. I had recently acquired numerous varieties of Dorkings and was fearful the rare genetics would perish fast. Adult birds grow to a nice, large size. Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023, Creme Brabanter- colorful and good layers of white eggs. Chicks $6.00, Buckeye- Large sized, dark rich red color, small to medium sized pea comb, gentle temperament. Chicks $8.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 27, Lavender Ameraucana- We were excited to obtain these from Dennis Heltzel and of all of the Ameraucanas we have raised the egg comes the closest to a blue shade as we have seen. They lay a brown egg. They are superb layers, but fertility rate can be very low at times. Chicks $7.00 each ( maximum of 15 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JULY 11, Wheaten Dorking - females are a soft wheaten color and males more closely resemble silver grey. Pekins can look rather pale and anemic if not allowed on grass to forage. In spite of their irregular look, the Scots Dumpy chicken is a prized utility chicken of dual purpose. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Speckled Sussex- White spots on a chestnut brown background. This breed is not as yet listed in the APA Standard. Adult birds grow to a nice, large size. Scots Dumpy chicken is a dual purpose breed which originated in the Highlands of Scotland. Good layers and colorful. They are notorious for laying during the shorter day-length time of the year so egg production from these can be quite good during the cold Winter days. They have a moderately large single comb. They need nice easy ground to live on as their legs are so short. They can be raised for meat, eggs, and/or showing, which makes them extremely versatile. Calm andproductivelike the creamcoloredones. Orloffs are fantastic layers their first year, but egg production drops off drastically in their second and each of their subsequent years. We have maintained this breed since 1993. Eggs tend to be various shades of brown. Then on that horrible July day with a heat index of 133 deg. Please take the time to go to the main poultry page and read about our ordering requirements and other important information such as we never sell hatching eggs. A group of breeds classified together based upon their European origins. You also agree to take the chicks anytimeduring ourregularseason of April through August. A very rare breed that lays colorful eggs and are difficult to breed. Chicks $8.00. Lay deep, dark brown eggs.We have maintained this breed since 2011. These birds were massive and yet thrifty looking and seemed to have lots of vigor. As chicks they tend to get picked on fortheir large feathered feet. Chicks $7.00 (maximum of 5 per hatch), White Rock- On a visit in 2016 to central Iowa to our friend Larry Halls I noticed his two flocks of White Rocks. Good Winter layers, hardy and disease tolerant. I ordered the vaccine to help slow the spread but was frantic as over 90% of my Sussex perished. This breed is not currently in the APA Standard. Excellent layers of white eggs. Very early American breed. Our primary method of selection is for the darkest egg possible. Such as Bakies, Creepies, Dadlies, Hoodies or Stumpies. When we first got these we knew of only 2 remaining breeders in the US. $5.00 each ( Maximum of 5 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 16, BlackCochin- verylargeand gentile. Chicks $7.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch), Icelandic - An unbelievably hardy land race. Chicks $4.00 each (15 maximum perhatch), Ameraucana (Easter Eggers)- A mixture of types and colors. There are active and good sized. (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation) We have maintained this breed since 2005 . Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13, Blue Orpington - Nice, rich, slate blue colored birds. Long, strong bodies, large combs and wattles which can make winter hardiness a challenge, excellent layers of large, white eggs. Chicks $5.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), Buff Minorca - We combined 3 commercial strains some years ago and have been selecting for the largest and thriftiest birds. Our modern agricultural philosophy is to maintain things away from the outside world in protected isolated conditions. ASSORTED AMERICANS:This assortment may be made up from any of the breeds listed under American, Chantecler, Giants or Wyandottes. Males are greenish black with silver white neck and hackle feathers. 9 August 2022. 2023 Hatch Weeks: Specific breeds start April 4, 18; May 2, 16,30; June 13,27 ; July 11, 25; August 8, 22; September 5, 19: October 3 and 17 ( No specific breeds in March, September and October only assortments). (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation) We have maintained this breed since 2005 . We have maintained this breed since 1997. We have maintained this breed since 1997. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Exchequer Leghorn - Beautiful mottled pattern distinctive from Ancona in the large amounts of white. Do best when raised by themselves. A dark egg laying breed of Dutch origin. When we first got these there were no other known breeding flocks other than the one we obtained. I am well aware that there is not APA category with that name. Eggs tend to run on the small side. We have maintained this breed since 2016. Chicks $8.00 each. We have maintained this breed since 2019. Their behavior is very calm compared to their Penedescenca relatives. Long known in France for their table qualities. They are incredibly friendly, almost annoyingly so when it comes to friendliness. This breed is another example of where we need to wake up before it is too late. They tend to lay the best in Spring and Summer. I started searching and found 1 remaining breeder and knowing I could not have poultry for a few years my good friend Tom Knoche got the hatching eggs and kept them for me until 1986 when I brought them home from Ohio to my friends the Schroeders who lived down the road from where I was renting. Birds are a soft lavender color, background and calm and relaxed in nature. Chicks $6.00 each. The breed originated in the 1880s in New York and Wisconsin. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JULY 25, Rose Comb Rhode Island Red - Deep red in color with rich yellow legs. Colored Dorking - Slightly variable in color. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. Developed near Decorah, Iowa in the early 1900s. We have maintained this breed since 1995. We have maintained this breed since 2013 . First time chicken raisers in a place that rarely gets below zero should do fine with them. Larry shared some eggs and we now have flock and we are pleased to offer this nice sized version that appears productive and thrifty as well. Chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), ASSORTED BARNEVELDERS- This assortment may be made up from any of the breeds listed under Barnevelders. I quickly called the state poultry person and he guided me through the process of figuring it out. Birds are very thrifty and grow fast. I had recently acquired numerous varieties of Dorkings and was fearful the rare genetics would perish fast. Admitted to the APA Standard in 1905. They have a single comb with six well-defined points. They are fairly docile and lay a medium dark brown egg. Many places list Araucanas but they are really Ameraucanas. We have maintained this breed since 2016. I quickly gathered them up and isolated them but a few days later I came home to wheelbarrows of dead birds and a few gasping birds. Mille Fleur Leghorn - Our dear friend, Ron Nelson, shared these with us. They tend to lay the best in Spring and Summer. You can call us today at 417-532-4581 if you have questions about these rare chicken breeds for sale. They are best suited for a farm in a moderate climate and where not a lot of poultry has been raised before. We have maintained this breed since 2000. This results from using various colors of Dorkings being crossed with the Speckled Sussex. Birds are pure black and lay a white egg. Hens are productive layers. 16 May 2011. When Ron's neighbor Josh got the flocks after Ron passed on we were able to salvage a few Golden version birds and are still working with them. Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JULY 11, Range Sussex- Not a true breed but we offer these for those who want an active and somewhat hardy chicken that has the best of both worlds. While we select for all breeders to have beards (muff of feathers under the chin), occasionally, some chicks will not. Male is orange red with some black spangles. They are truly beautiful and have a single comb with five points. They are a unique, stocky bird. We have maintained this breed since 1995. We have maintained this breed since 2010. Based in Dorset, PM for more info. We are breeding for disease tolerance, thriftiness and foraging ability. Good sumer layers and hens make great pets for children. They are a medium sized breed. Crested fowl are mentioned in historical writings from the 1500s. We have maintained this breed since 1990. We have maintained this breed since 2013. chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 20 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 2, Mottled Java - One of the older breeds of poultry admitted to the Standard in 1883. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn- The only rose comb leghorn that we maintain. Ours lay, of tan and pale green eggs. Very old French breed. Chicken Hatchery Illinois Listing The Easy Chicken Address - St Louis, IL Phone - 314-852-2802 Contact - NA Website - Chicken Scratch Poultry Address - McLeansboro, IL Phone - 618-643-5602 Contact - Website - Belmont Feed & Seed I kept and bred Scots Dumpys for years and absolutely adored them. We have maintained this breed since 1997. The remaining feathers are basically black with light straw lacing. They lay an assortment of colors of eggs though only eggs of greenish shades are incubated. Males and females are golden penciled and attractive. Scots Dumpy's While the birds usually recover from this, it leaves them less beautiful looking and usually means chick supply is limited early in the season while the birds are recovering from the frostbite. We have maintained this breed since 2020. Developed in Norway. Unavailable in 2023 too many picked off by the local hawks and eagles. Starting at $ 2.90 each. We have maintained this breed since 1995. They lay fewer eggs during the winter. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 20per hatch), Golden Lakenvelder - Same as Lakenvelder except a rich gold replaces the white feathers, white eggs. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 5 per hatch), White Minorca - When ALBC did a survey of important breeds in our countrys development, I realized I hadnt seen one since I was a child. I am not there yet but keep working. Birds are vigorous and thrifty Chicks $5.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), Rhode Island Red- Deep red in color with rich yellow legs. Chicks $8.00 each. This is really not a breed but a mixture of many strains our friend Colton was working with and I offer them only to those who want a nearly wild chicken that takes care of and fends for itself. There are no guarantees on hatch dates as these are filled with whatever is left after all orders for specific breeds and assortments have been filled. 2. They forage well. Females are neatly penciled. Number: 05028498 Considerable color variations exist in this breed. This assortment is not necessarily available at every hatch. Scots Dumpy's are one of the rarest Rare Breed fowl and carry the lethal gene which in most cases causes 25% dead in shell when incubating. They sort of resemble a buffy Delaware in type and color.
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