(Make sure the little black O ring stays intact. I pour the filtered oil into the original quart container that came with the freeze dryer, aiming for just over 600 ml, which is enough to fill the pump again. This works great, but when do you change out the toilet paper? I wasnt happy with the Harvest Right filter. Harriet Godhard 1817 Im not that mechanical and would NOT enjoy changing the oil in anything! We are looking for alternatives for the POS oil filter that came with our unit so what are you guys using? Id suggest checking the owners manual or contacting Harvest Right directly via their website or Facebook page. I am to remove the oil cap, clean the window (inside) with a Q-tip. Its nice and thickeasy to see any water in it and is reasonably priced. We ended up contacting Harvest Right several weeks after our order placement and were given an estimate of another week or so prior to it shipping without an actual estimated date. So even though we see the filtered oil and it looks as good after the 6th use as it does after the 2nd use, it wont do the job of lubricating and protecting the machinery because those components are used up. Marlene Bush Pet All Dogs (W) Thomas Harvest Right users use all kinds of filters from Brita water filters with toilet paper rolled up in them to something called a Harvey Filter. Now the window is obscured.. This was initially puzzling as to where the water was coming from as there was still ice buildup in the unit. I FINALLY got it! Im hopeful. We understand that Harvest Right is a small family owned company, but that doesn't excuse these issues. You will need a funnel or two and extra oil. Out of the 6 loads we have done we have only had 1 or 2 loads without any issues. Turns out the problem was a silly mistake (forgot to close the valve) but during the trouble shooting process, I had to change out fresh oil. August 1 (Anniversary) A Plump Wife We will let you know how this goes. Thanks a lot, your posts are really helpful! This could have helped the issue when I got the insulation pad stuck in the door preventing the unit from achieving vacuum by providing me an alert instead and running all night trying to get a vacuum. Edit: Another possibility is that the inside of my standard vacuum pump is just so filthy that the oil came out dirty. I want to keep up with how long this lasts because, ideally, I would not be ordering any kind of oil in June. The container is wiped clean for the next use, and the oil drains through the filter. We recently purchased a red medium Harvest Right Freeze Dryer. The second issue we found was water build up in the unit. Something went wrong. If you filter and reuse, a gallon lasts a long time. Thank you for your time. If you can't use Brita-style filters for vacuum pump oil, how do you filter your oil without the original filter system? Maintenance, mostly meaning frequent, regular oil changes with every load (unless you are one of the lucky ones who could opt for the Oil Free Pump!) This also turned out to be user error, as the black insulator door pad had gotten caught in the door. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The TP filter combo I'm demonstrating here is widely recommended by many freeze drying enthusiasts. I cant find a video of cleaning the new HR pump, but the process should be similar to cleaning the JB, as shown in the video below: Have you ever tried to feed freeze dried food to a five year old? Im glad you found it useful, too. If you choose to make the jump to buy your own freeze dryer, use the banner below to make your purchase. Get this post in a printable format. But I cant find any information on how to open the pump and clean it out. Sign up for the Printables Vault and get access sent to your inbox immediately! Eldest son rarely restocks TP. But if you really want me to clean a bathtub, Ill gladly teach you how to change the oil in the car, truck, cycles, boats, etc.! In this run we dried some turkey meatloaf, skittles, and mixed veggies. We transitioned to a Brita Pitcher filter, using Scott toilet paper. Laurie, your homemade vacuum pump oil filter is genius. Last but not least was a very elaborate setup that utilizes what looks like an automotive oil filter but that one also looks as though you need an engineering degree to build. The TP filter is amazing and it keeps the water in it too. Your email address will not be published. Ive used filtered oil with no problems, so I dont know whats going on. I hope you enjoy your unit, Jody., and thank you for taking time to write. Then it goes into my DISCARD jar where my husband takes and spreads it at the bottom of our driveway to keep down dust. How do I eliminate possible problems? Hi Betty. plus share what they freeze dry. Mama Loves You GB, Vince Forever and Ever by Brenda Gervais (this chart is kinda hard to find right now) You can also subscribe without commenting. We use old yogurt containers. Never Buy Bread Again has over twenty bread recipes for all occasions, plus troubleshooting for common baking problems and tips on how to store your bread. A Changed World (W) And more! Glad you appreciate the videos. There is an additional change for the oilless pump. I know people who have very tight budgets, but still go on vacations, or buy a 4 wheeler, or have the latest phone or clothing or accessories. Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Cost Analysis and Optimizing Load Size, https://affiliates.harvestright.com/115.html. Isnt that a long ways from your kitchen? The new pump also trips a 20A Arc-Fault breaker once in a while; the oil version does not. the video result of clear oil is the clincher I bought a pack of cheap TP for filtering the freeze dryer oil, and had it up in our bonus room, where we keep paper supplies. Since we made the video for this, my eldest built a small slide out platform attached to the underside of the counter top, which makes draining even easier. Any insights are appreciated. It would have been nice to know about the several week delay when we placed the order for our freeze dryer. Ive never had my window cloud up. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae94d30063d29caceaf5500ad1b119ef" );document.getElementById("b4f367d558").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. What is the best way to take care of your Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Vacuum Pump? Thinking of buying a harvest right unit cant afford an oiless pump yet but if it works like they say i can see upgrading when i can afford it maybe tax time next year then ill have a spare have some questions about reclaiming oils that are lost in the ice on the drum. Harvest Right has three sizes of home freeze dryers large, medium and small. After a few batches, I got the unable to achieve vacuum error message, and after a few tries to restart the process, brought out the old oil burner to save the day, and it worked great. The manual could use more pictures to help people setup the freeze dryer. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Home canning allows you to preserve almost any food even entire meals but you need to follow the rules. (My sons usually do the oil change, and they are out digging drainage channels to deal with the snow melt at the moment.). Jean Farish Needleworks Terms of Use - Privacy Policy - Disclosure, 2022 Common Sense Home - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Pickled Green Beans Quick and Easy Canning Recipe, Above Ground Root Cellars Enjoy Your Local Produce Longer, 25+ Healthy Asparagus Recipes Plus 4 Ways to Store Asparagus, How to Can Food at Home Quick Guide to Safe Home Canning. even in Covid times, I can get enough toilet paper to keep this going where I have to hunt for stock on oil filters that can cost $19-26 Canadian. These are very basic items for a manufacturing company. For something this important you would think that this was in big, bold letters in the front of the user manual. So the second issue is technically user error, but this could have been easily solved by better documentation from Harvest Right. We filter the oil after every batch and throw it out after every 6 batches. This will allow us to make the small commission so we can continue to provide these meal kit instructions for you. Funny story on the cheap toilet paper. Nicole Grateful, Thankful, Blessed (and I am to have her for a daughter-in-law) I disliked changing the oil in the vacuum pump so much that I upgraded to the pricey oil-less scroller vacuum pump. (Thank you!). When your oil stops dripping, remove the pitcher. It would be much better to order this kind of stuff in November or March when it isnt sitting around on a blazing hot truck or dock but . November 24 (Thanksgiving) Caroline Amelia Trowell Fox and Rabbit Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. This is the oil filtration setup that comes with the freeze dryer. Bonnie also got me onto the Brita Water Filter Pitcher to filter the oil. And then another minute or so off. Waxing Moon Chart PDF (Etsy) This post may contain affiliate links which wont change your price but will share some commission. I had to think about that one! After getting splinters in my bottom, I explained to him the locations of the different types of TP, and my preference for using something a bit less rough on sensitive areas. They have a layaway plan that allows you to lock in a sale price with a minimum $250 downpayment. The hose goes to a diesel water separator (like you also have in cars). Well share what they are, when to harvest, and how to use them. We never get the oil smell out completely, but have found that it goes away after running 1 or 2 more loads in the freeze dryer. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Engine filters are are not cheap when you need to replace it so often. If you want to be in the home freeze drying game you have too, as they are the only company in the US to provide home freeze dryers. Filed Under: For Beginners, Maintenance/Upkeep. I am heading out to a thrift store because your version is so much more sustainable! Thy Love Divine (W) Right now, there's no way to avoid this. Bottom line, would we purchase a unit from Harvest Right again? Anyway all back together and Im running another batch. These pickled green beans with garlic and cayenne pepper are crunchy and spicy, and, Read More Pickled Green Beans Quick and Easy Canning RecipeContinue, When you cant dig a traditional root cellar, there are still above ground root cellar type options that will allow you store fruits and vegetables longer. Press J to jump to the feed. Meg is also limited in choice of meals (particularly lunch and dinner entrees) as they contain ingredients that she cannot eat, so this is another big motivator for getting the freeze dryer. This was the first run using this setup and did notice it takes much longer to filter the oil than the filtration system that came with the freeze dryer. (Its literally called vacuum pump oil.) but wouldnt you know that the one time he decides to do it, he grabs the only pack of poopfinger toilet paper in the place. You can call harvest right and order spare filters, I find mine last about 3-4 months in my climate before they plug off. Due to the construction of the setup, oil always remains in the upper container. Attic Needlework Shop Plus, we put too much money into these machines to let poor maintenance on our freeze dryer vacuum pumps and more to waste it. We again contacted Harvest Right and it was ultimately shipped out, but it took 3 shipments to receive the products we ordered. I was told that I would need to maintenance my air-oil separator by putting new batting etc inside. - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window. If you continue to have trouble, it would be best to contact Harvest Right directly. Is there a way to clear the window. Im not familiar with an air-oil separator on the unit. You never want water in your oil, but there will always be some. Copyright 2022 Freeze Drying Mama on the Foodie Pro Theme, What Freeze Dried Food Storage Options Are There . However, when spending several thousand dollars for a freeze dryer, you would think they could ship the correct item. Second, they do make pumps that dont have oil that has to be changed but theyre very expensive so I opted to go with the standard oil pump. It makes a HUGE difference when you share our articles. I filter the oil every cycle am using the used oil. Spicy pickled green beans are a recipe that bring back memories of growing up on the farm, like pickled beets. Im not afraid to get my hands dirty and hes been known to even wash out a dirty diaper in the toilet, before we discovered disposable diapers with our last child! The customer service and user documentation are significant issues that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. This is meant to be temporary while we wait for the new check valve, but I am thinking about trying to make it more permanent as it is very difficult to clean the freeze dryer to remove any pump oil. Fill to mid-line of sight glass at front of pump. We bought Robinair vacuum pump oil, and it works well. I just might have hubby teach me how to do it in our vehicles-maybe! I am having trouble with the unable to create vacuum message. The problem is the new units have built in sloping bottom, so this is an unnecessary step. Weve had people of all ages sample foods that we freeze dried during our annual open house. I put the fresh vacuum pump oil I have through a Brita water filter I had bought and it came out the other side more cloudy than it had gone in. Christmas Day Christmas at Dunn Hill, Away We Ride (W) (Next CS 501 Project) do what you have to do. Chad Mighty Acorn (from Winds of Autumn book), January 1 Elizabeth Eyles I put a small sticky note on the jar and pitcher. TIA, If I remember correctly, the new HR pumps hold around 600 ml of oil. Ive learned all kinds of things in the past week. I opened her up and wiped her down with paper towels but the truth is that it is longing for a deeper degreasing You just take the brita pitcher and remove the filter. Thanks! Ever since I posted my Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Review, people have asked for more information about the freeze dryer oil change and filtering. Four gallons of pump oil . I went ahead and ordered the Harvey Filter. I changed the oil. With the Dixie cup its easy to see the water as you slowly pour oil off the top back into your filter. Another thing I learned is when your process is complete, let the pressure out slowly so it doesnt make your food smell/taste like oil. It will be a little healthier and tastier, too, though. Needless to say I'm afraid that I messed up my oil somehow. Heres my beginners check list I laminated and taped to the side of my machine. Now another problem, six times in a row Ive had the unable to achieve vacuum notice. Then, a vacuum is pulled on the airtight chamber where the food is located. Gridding/Reference Lines Even though I always change oil after every run, I decided to change oil again and it worked. After the first load we went to filter the oil and realized the filtration system that came with the unit is terrible. Brita water filter best used if purchased used (much cheaper). Ive never thrown out any oil since I started using freeze dryer. Any reason not to use them? Beginner Sampler Recommendations, Colorado Stitcher(Sheri/Loopy Ewe) The manual needs some updating and one improvement would be to include more pictures to remove some of the vagueness within the manual. Also, since the oil has to be filtered after every use, I needed a filter. First, the check value on the vacuum pump failed and this allowed oil to be pulled up into the vacuum line and into the Freeze Dryer. Have you double checked your door gasket? We contacted Harvest Right and they had us run a test on the check valve, which passed the test. Carefully pull that amount off the roll and roll it up tightly. Then take a Dixie cup and tip the pump to remove what is leftits mostly water. Jos Introductory Post We went back to using the Freeze Dryer and the same issue occurred again. We contacted Tech Support and they were not very helpful with this issue. For those in cold climates there are a number of above ground options that can help you store your harvest without processing. I learned that oil has certain lubricating components in it that get used up during use. THANK YOU! October 31 The freeze dryer oil change process is simple: Some recommended freeze dryer vacuum pump oil brands include: Because of the water in the used oil, I place the oil in the freezer for a few hours or overnight before filtering. Thank you so much for blogging on the filtering process. The expensive equipment and the process worried me a bit, but now I feel much more confident in starting up. When this happens, you really have to clean the entire unit and take it apart as much as you can to reduce the oil smell. The one in your picture. I will continue to follow you and watch your videos. The vacuum pump requires vacuum pump oil. In unsuccessfully trying to troubleshoot my no vacuum problem on my own, I measured the clearance between the plexiglass door and the FD unit when it was sealed with an outside micrometer and found that the gap varied greatly around the perimeter. It basically talks about the differences in the way men and women think and how it affects relationships. Thank you so much! Bumble Stitches Needle and Flax Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. This lack of attention to detail by Harvest Right is very frustrating, especially considering the cost of the machine. I will never endorse, nor share a link with a product that I have not tested and loved. ), cleaning house and doing a deep clean of our three bathrooms, it dawned on me that in our entire marriage, he had NEVER cleaned a shower/bathtub! Addie Walk Beside Overall, we have mixed feelings about the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer. Love the idea of the brita filter, I will try to find one, thanks for the videos, they are great. Lemon ground cherry jelly will help you use up a LOT of ground cherriesin a hurry. So far Ive looked into the modified Brita filter pitcher option and the way they utilize toilet paper concerns me, not only because the paper is a bad option (particulate) as a filter media but because of the amount of oil that it will hold in the end. We have had our Freeze dryer now for about 3-4 years. Ive had my freeze dryer for 1 month, and am filtering the oil, using the Brita, and toilet paper roll. Your email address will not be published. Sarah Casey Unwin 1848 February 14 Valentines Day G. Leger Now we dont have to hold the container. Go to the vault if youd like a copy. Youre welcome, Roy. I dont think its hard to learn to use it but there are some things that have to be done. I let it be the end of the conversation with visions of me laying on my back on cold cement with oil dripping in my face and hair. An example of this is that the user manual talks about is adjusting the feet to ensure the unit slopes backward. Thats an air/oil separator = https://images.homedepot-static.com/catalog/pdfImages/12/12c5b6b7-10c6-4f86-9816-468a2d33064d.pdf, I FD dill pickles and the oil turned very dark. Its an elusive lil bugger! I understand the physics as to why this would happen, however this is not mentioned anywhere in the user's manual and never even brought up by Harvest Right Tech support. For those in warm climates , Read More Above Ground Root Cellars Enjoy Your Local Produce LongerContinue. You let the fuel pump run for 30 seconds each time the vacuum pump is on. Any commision earned helps defray the cost of running Patchwork Times and I appreciate your using these links! You can make your own payment plan and the price is locked in at the time of your deposit. Its fun to have you report on all this. This was not a minimal amount of water: a small flood occurs when you open the door. With the freeze dryer we also ordered the silicon mats for the trays. Once Upon A Stitch Sorry you had some trouble with the oilless pump, but glad you got it working again, and thanks for sharing your experience with the troubleshooting. Apparently, the unit is supposed to rest for 24 hours before using it, but this little tidbit is buried deep in the manual. Before placing it into the pitcher, wrap the bottom of the tissue in a coffee filter. on the way. Wondering if anyone has used the filters that come with the Brita to filter the oil. At the end of a batch as you start the defrost, pour your filtered oil from your pitcher into a clean peanut butter jar (or whatever you have) to be used for the next batch. We may earn money or products from the companies and/or products mentioned in this post. Little Yellow House Crafts Its Snow Time I have had a HarvestRight freeze dryer for about a month and the oil changing process has been the one inconvenient factor. These guys dont say, I need to go change the oil in the car just to get out of changing a diaper! Unplugging the little red oil plug helps it drain. Knowing what sticklers our men all are about changing the oil in all their toys, I knew I had to cowgirl up and get my mind into this to make sure I took proper care of my freeze dryer vacuum pump. It's a simple process, but not something that's required for other home food preservation methods. . Have you checked your door gasket and all your other connections? I said, Honey, how come you have never cleaned a shower or a bathtub? He replied, Because I change the oil. End of conversation. What is the oil doing, and why does it need filtering? Nicola Parkman It turns out that if you have the drain hose in any water the water will be pulled up the drain line when you open the value. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. I had build my own version of the oil Filter with some plastic containers and the WIX hydrolic fluid filter and it works great when the filter is new but it only survives a couple batches before I have to replace it. Then a hose to a small 12 v fuel pump and then back to the inlet on your pump (where you normally refill the oil). Youre welcome. I just received my Harvest Right freeze dryer. We can control our HVAC and sprinkler systems from a smart phone and this would be a great improvement to these units. Read More Garlic Scapes (Tips for Harvest & Use)Continue, If you happen to raise ground cherries, you may end up finding yourself swamped with an excess of the little fruits. Who here has a Harvest Right Freeze Drier? You can usually find Brita pitchers at used stores (savers, Salvation Army, etc) for super cheap, we bought a few because filtering in this method is slow but it really cleans, and we can rotate more easily. Me Little Red Chair Getting Read to Start Stitching One roll of tp lasts quite a long time, and its cheap. This is why we need to change and filter the freeze dryer oil. Thanks for yours sage advice! Once that's done and while the pump is still hot, it's time to change the oil. Ive done all the recommendations listed but to no avail. Also, why have a clear door when you put a black pad between the door at the trays, it seems a bit bizarre. So our second load had to wait until we ordered more oil. One day, after a particularly hectic day with kids (you know what those are! Be Kind Sampler (PNPS mag) You can connect a hose to the point where you normally drain the oil from the vacuum pump. Ultimately we moved to the Dairyland Vacuum pump oil, on recommendation from other users on the Harvest Right Freeze Dryers - Freeze Drying Adventures Facebook Group. Im sure they will come up with something better. The freeze dryer pump with oil is the default option for new freeze dryers, but Harvest Right also sells an oilless pump. Nicky Noodle Saltbox Stitcher When it works, it works great. From the incorrect information in the manual to the additional supplementary sheet of paper that was included, it is clear that Harvest Right is using up old material instead of providing the correct information. Right now, Im thinking the first things Im going to FD are: That should be enough to keep me busy for a few days! Included in this purchase was also the impulse sealer, some Mylar Bags, 1 quart of oil, and the oil filtration set up.
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