microsoft word visual basic examples

Word does not keep printer information associated with documents. You can create a macro to count the characters, but the approach you use to the macro will determine how efficiently the requisite counts are collected. You can define a macro for each printer you use and put buttons for the macros on a toolbar for easy access to all of the printers. Filling Table Cells with a Macro Need to adjust all the footers or headers in a document that uses lots of them? Here are some things you can try to get that important feature back on your screen where it belongs. Word provides a built-in shortcut to change the case of a text selection. It's easy to do if you are using a macro. When processing a document using a macro, you may need to know the precise size of a particular file. Getting a list of fonts available in a document is not something you can easily do in Word. This tip examines three ways you can keep your macros out of the dialog box. Changing the Default Drive Finding a Lost Menu Bar This tip provides ways you can find the latter type of graphics. Jumping to the Top of a Page Printing the Active Document from a Macro When creating macros, it is often necessary to know which directory is the default. Printing a File List One of the most common movements is to move the insertion point to the beginning or ending of the document. When you get a text file from a program other than Word, tabular information may be formatted with nothing but spaces in between columns. When working with documents in a macro, it makes sense that you may need to create a document from time to time. Printing Graphic Thumbnails This tip discusses some ways that you can get around this apparent limitation. If you have text surrounded by quotes in a document, you may want to remove the quote marks and make the text that was within them italic. Can't find your menu bar any more? Converting Numbers to Text An easy way to display the document's full path name in the title bar. This tip explains how you can "move" the page a bit so you can see what was found within its context. Inserting a field from the Insert > Some users have been concerned about Here are a couple of ways you can find what you need, however. VBA provides three handy functions to remove those leading or trailing spaces easily. Consistent Spacing Word is very dynamic in how it "flows" text from one line to another and one page to another. the particular merge was run, then switch it back on again on completion. Changing Text Case Importing AutoCorrect Entries This tip presents a handy function you can use to make sure a replacement is done correctly. Got some numbers you need spelled out? This tip shows how to check if a document has been signed, but it does not verify the signature. You may want Word to use a tab instead of the space. If you get tired of documents that always seem to have extra spaces at the end of lines, here's a quick way to get rid of them. Quickly Dumping Array Contents You can use this simple macro to add both brackets in a single step. Word can't perform such a complex task, but there is a way you can simulate color separations in simple documents. Need to know if the Num Lock key is on or off? One of them is identical to the Word collects a wide range of statistics about your documents, but one of the things it doesn't collect is how many times individual characters appear in the document. Getting Bookmark Information in VBA Your editing arsenal can include a command to do this is you use the macro in this tip. When creating macros, it is often necessary to move the insertion point around the document so that text can be processed in the manner desired. It can be used to move the insertion point to the beginning of a line of text. If you are doing work with a lot of graphics, it may be helpful to create a summary page that contains thumbnail representations of all the graphics. Search | Check the box and you will see the further dialog. When writing a macro, you may need a way to clear the undo stack. Perform a grammar check, and Word displays some statistics that represent an analysis of your words. It's easy to do using the TypeText method. Merging to Individual Files A common task when using Visual Basic is to specify an area in a document and then do something with it, such as insert text or apply formatting. When working with macros, you may want to create a variable that will remain constant from one instance of the macro to another. It's easy to do using the Move method, as described in this tip. Adding quote marks is normally as simple as typing them from the keyboard. Checking for a Text Selection Length Toggle the SQL security entry in the registry through vba, Format part of a found text string in a list of items, Create a bar chart based on the content of a dropdown form field, Repeat a block of formatted text and form fields based upon the content of another form field. What are objects, properties, and methods? Use the InsertBefore method or the InsertAfter method of the Selection object or the Range object to insert text before or after a selection or range of text. Automatic Blank Pages at the End of a Section Determining the Day of the Year Need to have a series of documents customized for individual users? Determining Differences Between Dates If you want your macro to change paragraph alignment within the document, there are just a couple of properties you need to focus upon. Changing the template associated with a couple of documents is easy, but what if a whole directory needs to be changed? Need to format your document using a macro? The AutoCorrect feature in Word is quite handy, but getting a lot of entries into the feature can be tedious. Want to know the absolute value of a number? Once in a while Word can get confused and stop displaying an object you need to fully use Word. It is a good idea to make sure that the user actually made a selection before running your code. Hiding Macros If part of the processing involves making text selections uppercase, Word provides two ways that the conversion can occur. our WordTips site focusing on the ribbon interface. Click the Quickly Formatting Multiple Documents Here is a VBA macro that will convert up to 999,999,999. This tip explains how you can change macro names on toolbars, as well as change the ToolTip that appears for a macro. Got a macro that processes or uses styles? Links | the security implications of turning off this warning message. When you do a word count, the value that is returned does not include any text contained in text boxes. of the web page, whereas users frequently require the pasted text to adopt the formatting of the document into which it is Here's how you can find out by using the CurDir command. You can access the list in a macro by using the RecentFiles collection, as illustrated in this tip. adapted for use in a mail merge macro to switch off the warning while Character Frequency Count When creating a macro, you may need to figure out how many fonts are available to Word. Updating Fields in Locked Forms Moving Through a Table in a Macro Determining How Many Styles are Available Got a version of Word that uses the Numbers to Text, Take Three (Over a Million) You definitely need to know how many styles Word has available in the document. Once you understand the criteria that Word uses when determining which macros to display, you can use this understanding to your benefit. You can use a short bit of macro code to figure out the state of the key. Need to format a bunch of documents so they all look the same? A great place for your macro to display status information is, well, in the status bar. Working with Multiple Printers Changing Print Dialog Box Defaults Determining Picture Size in a Macro Printer Name on the Status Bar You can create your own toggle command, however, as described in this tip. Understanding the Select Case Structure Resetting Character Formatting in a Macro article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article. Need to process a document, paragraph by paragraph, in a macro? This tip explains how you can customize the defaults within a template. Need to repeat an action a whole bunch of times? However, if you want to add quote marks around both ends of a text selection in a single step, you'll love this tip and the macro it describes. Understanding the For Next Structure Some versions of VBA include commands to perform this task, but not all do. You can use Word's Find and Replace tool to locate the inline graphics, but not the floating ones. If you develop a macro to process your document, you may want the macro to save the document to disk. The Word Pages | Home | The following example displays the dialog box named UserForm1. There is, however, a way to get the information you need. When processing a document using a macro, you may need for your macro to figure out the sizes of the images in your document. Correct Line Numbers When Printing Selections Finding an Unknown Character If you know the secret, you can use actual words as "bullets" in a bulleted list. MSForms). The VBA language used by Word's macros includes several powerful programming structures, including the Select Case structure, described in this tip. Contact, Public Sub FillBM(strBMName As String, strValue As String), Insert > Quick Parts > Here's a handy macro that can make quick work of such a page. It's easy to do using the FileCopy command, described in this tip. This tip provides a macro that will allow you to enter entries quite a bit faster. Printing Personalized Copies of a Document The Find object is available from the Selection object and the Range object. Here's how you can speed up the process of loading the last document you worked on and jumping to the proper place in that file. that may have wider use, which you can adapt to your own requirements. This is easily done using the Save or SaveAs commands in your macro code. Here's how. This tip presents the syntax and usage of the function. Applying Bold Italics to turn off the security message. When processing a document via a macro, it is often helpful to understand what style has been applied to a paragraph. If you use small caps text in a document, you know that there are several steps involved in properly formatting the text. Part of developing macros is learning how to use and manipulate variables. One of the powerful programming structures provided in VBA allows you to conditionally execute commands. Continually Saving There is a page on this site dedicated to numbering documents but on a number of occasions I have been If those files are on a different drive than the current one, you'll appreciate that you can change the default drive very easily using the ChDrive command. When comparing two pieces of text, you may find that Word's smart quotes can mess up the comparison. The following will work in other Windows versions also, but requires an extra step to overcome the SendKeys issue. Selective Formatting in Replacements Sometimes, however, you might need to save the resulting documents into separate files for each address. For this purpose, commercial printers often deal with color separations, or separating a document into its component colors. The "requested member of the collection does not exist" error occurs when you try to access an object that does not exist. The reset macro above will reset this version equally as the following uses the same stored number data. Here are the techniques you need in order to do this. Sometimes it seems that we focus on getting a particular document hammered out to the exclusion of other documents we could be working with. To interact with users, you can use the standard dialogs MsgBox and InputBox, Display built-in Word dialog boxes, or custom made dialogs or forms (synonyms: UserForms. These steps can be combined into a single macro that makes adjusting the text easier than ever before. Determining if Num Lock is On Here's a way you can determine, in a macro, how many of those windows are open at the current time. for the When you process a document in a macro, you may also want to print that document from within the same macro. Determining a Paragraph's Style in VBA the other is displayed when the user responds to the first box with 'No'. Understanding the If End If Structure You get a document from a colleague and you notice that each paragraph starts with a tab character. Line numbers can be indispensable on some types of documents. It just takes a single line added to your macro. Batch Template Changes After you have added controls to your dialog box or document, you add event procedures to determine how the controls respond to user actions. It's easy to do if you understand how the footers and headers are related to each other. Just use the InsertBreak method, described in this tip. When working with macros, you can often speed up processing by turning off the updating of the screen. Replacing Text in a Macro Here are a couple of macros you can use to make it easier to change the line weight. The following example displays the name of each document in the Documents collection. When you use Word as your e-mail editor, it allows you to format the text of your e-mail messages using tools you are familiar with. Clearing the Undo Stack in a Macro Colour a form field check box with a contrasting colour when it is checked. In this structure, Visual Basic repeats a block of statements for each object in a collection. If you need to move the insertion point within your macro, then you'll want to note the HomeKey method, described in this tip. SendKeys command to physically uncheck the box i.e. The result is that the field may be inserted with either switch as appropriate e.g. Bookmarks are a handy way to "mark" locations within a document. Removing Tabs Used to Indent a Paragraph Here's an easy way to add helpful notes throughout your document. Specifying a Paper Tray in a Macro You may want to use a macro to process and then print your document. the registry entry if it is not present and then toggles the setting You can figure this out by using the Style property, described in this tip. Typographical measurements are often expressed in points. Determining if Caps Lock is On In most cases we are willing to allow Word to do its job in this area. Quickly Formatting Footers in Documents with Many Sections This is a great use for document variables, as described in this tip. Your macro may need to determine if the user has overtype mode turned on. Instead of printing a batch of similar numbered documents, the following variation simply Replace a list of words from a table and offer a choice of replacements, Add tabs to centre of text area and right margin, Extract e-mail addresses from a document to a list, Fix scrambled view of some open type fonts in Word 2010. How to construct a word frequency list. If your macro needs to determine the status of the Caps Lock key, you need the code in this tip. In some situations, however, you may need to know if a paragraph has flowed to a new line so that you can "force" it to fit all on one line. Want your macro to get rid of the formatting applied to a selection of text? Some of the better examples that my fellow MVPs and I have come up with appear elsewhere use a later version of Word, visit Misbehaving Rulers Documents can consist of other elements, as well, such as headers, footers, text boxes, footnotes, etc. Toolbar buttons can have a different appearance depending on their state"whether they have been clicked or not. Full Path Names in Word Word can check to see if you have a consistent number of spaces at the end of your sentences. Graphics can be added to a document so that they are either inline with the text or floating over the text. Printing Copy Numbers Automatically Inserting Brackets For example, you could fill a list box, set text values, or set option buttons. { CREATEDATE \@ "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" }. What's New | If you are creating a macro that processes the document in some manner, it may be helpful for your macro to determine if the insertion point is within a macro and, if so, grab information about that bookmark. The hidden text can be easily unhidden by anyone, however. Here are a couple of ways to get rid of those extraneous tabs very easily. Part of that printing may involve specifying which of your printer's paper trays Word uses. Here's how to do it using a single command. (This would be considered a "frequency count" of each character.) Determining the Current Directory Updating form fields in Word can be confusing, especially when the fields are locked in a form. following code was conceived with that issue in mind. When upgrading from Word 2000 to 2002, many people have a problem with the Ruler function. Field in Word 2007/2010) opens the dialog with the check box unchecked, This site is for you! Do you need to do some simple math using dates in a your macro? Mail merge may be overkill, but the macro presented in this tip will help make short work of the individualized printouts. If you want to apply bold and italics simultaneously, you can create a tool to handle this formatting easily. It's easy to derive in VBA by using the Abs function. Determining if a File Exists Setting the Right Indent of a Paragraph in a Macro Checking for a Security Certificate It also provides a macro that you can use to apply the formatting you want to the list. Here's a handy macro you can use to ensure that there is only a single space after each sentence. Printing Color Separations with VBA One thing that is harder to do, however, is to limit the line length of e-mail messages created with Word. If you need to turn AutoCorrect on or off, there is no built-in way to easily do it in Word. Using a macro to format your document (or portions of your document) is not all that uncommon. The macro uses a bookmark in the document template named RecNo. Bumping Numbers in a Document Saving Information in a Non-Document Text File Finding Unused Styles Macros can be used to read and write all sorts of files. Downloads | Determining the Number of Fonts Available Your macro may need to know if a particular file exists. adds the incremented number to each new document created from the template at the bookmarked location Word provides a VBA command you can use to easily select any of those bookmarks. This can be done with a single command, as described in this tip. Searching for Floating Graphics Frankly I have never found any real use for the switch and so I always You can easily set the right margin for an individual paragraph by using the RightIndent property, described in this tip. Finding Long Lines You do that by changing the Italic property for the selection. Photo Gallery | Field menu option (Insert > Quick Parts > Screen Flip Flop with VBA Word doesn't make this as easy as you would think. Word has no similar command, but you can create your own that allows you to save document copies to any drive you want. Use this VBA macro to determine which styles are being used in the current Word document. Adjusting Small Caps Text One is to format manually, another is to use a style, and the third method (described in this tip) is to use a macro to handle the formatting. There are a couple of ways you can approach this problem, as discussed in this tip. Determining the Size of a File If you store information within a variable array, at some point in your macro you may want to get rid of that information. All you need to do is use the DatePart function. It may be as simple as implementing a couple of macros that get a bit more aggressive when it comes to saving. FREE SERVICE: Get tips like this every week in WordTips, a free productivity newsletter. named RecNo. It is a good idea to make sure that the spacing following each sentence in your document is consistent. the macro recorder will not accurately record that action so. You receive the "Opening this will run the following SQL WordPerfect included a command that allowed users to save a copy of their current document to the A: drive. If all the documents are open, you can use a handy little macro to print them all at once. Word doesn't have a built-in way to generate such a list, but there are a couple of ways you can get the desired information. Inserting a Break with a Macro This can be achieved with Paste Special > Unformatted text, but previous version, Automatically Adding Tabs in Footnotes Toggling AutoCorrect Settings Here's a handy macro that can convert numbers like "123" to words like "one hundred twenty-three.". The names you use for macros can affect what you see when you add those macros to a toolbar. The following articles are available for the 'VBA Examples' topic. switch, then adds the appropriate switch to the field. using the same method as above, but if you check the box, you are presented Protecting Hidden Text When writing macros, you may need to know how to switch which document is displayed. Automatically Saving Document Copies on Floppy Inserting Text with a Macro Frequently the Word forums throw up some interesting exercises in macro programming. There are several formatting settings that, when accessed through a macro, require measurements to be made in points. Although Word macro viruses haven't been commonly used for some time now, hackers often try old, known techniques just to see if there is an "easy" way into their target system. When you use the Search feature to find information, if the information is not on the visible page, then Word displays the page with the information and the occurrence of what you are searching for is highlighted on the top row of the window. Grabbing the MRU List Have a bunch of documents you need to print? Moving the Insertion Point to the Beginning of a Line Replacing Quoted Text with Italics Some of the built-in defaults in Word can't be changed. Determining the Number of Pages in Your Document While your macro is processing the text in your document, you may need a way to determine the current page number where the insertion pointer is located. Here's how to do it. This is done by using the Information method, as described in this tip. If you have a word that you need to make sure is formatted the same way throughout your document, there are several ways you can approach the task. Determining if Overtype Mode is Active This tip presents a handy macro that switches which of two document windows is displayed on top. Want a fast way to add brackets around a selected word? When you add a footnote to a document, Word's normal formatting adds a space after the footnote number and before the body of the footnote. Macros are often used to process documents. Ever want to change the default settings for how Word handles page numbering? Here's a macro that creates a list of all your bookmarks so that you can print it at any time. Inserting a break in your document is easy. Want to know what the reference address is for a particular cell in a table? Moving to the Start or End of the Real Document Spacing After Sentences Making this determination is not as easy as you might like. To display a dialog box from Visual Basic, use the Show method. Other supported languages: Spanish, German, Portuguese and French. examples as they come up, but for the moment we will start with the InsertField dialog: The InsertField dialog (the illustrations are from Word 2003 (top) and 2007, other You can do this using the FontNames collection. The following example inserts text at the end of the active document. Here's a quick and efficient way to do it. Word makes it easy to insert today's date in a document, but not as easy to insert a date X number of days in the future. Strip Trailing Spaces Problems Using Words as Bullets This tip examines a technique you can use to exchange the contents of two string variables. Specific Capitalization Deriving an Absolute Value If your documents include words that contain numbers (such as a list of parts numbers) you may need a way to increment those numbers. The "object doesn't support this property or method" error occurs when you try to use a method or property that the specified object does not support. Printing a Bookmark List If you need to determine a random value in a macro, you can do so using the Rnd function. Here's an easy way to make the conversion. So, you need to convert a number to text that is over one million? Turning Off Default First Page Numbering If your file is continually saved when you exit Word, even when you haven't made any changes to it, the culprit could be other programs you have operating on your system. You can use the Go To command to make the shift, or you can use the short macro described in this tip. The Case of the Vanished Menu Bar Understanding how that shortcut works (and the other options available to you) can make some editing tasks easier. The way you figure this out is to use the FileLen function, described in this tip. Object Doesn't Support this Property or Method. attachment, with the header details pre-completed, e.g. InsertFile command and uses the Jumping to the Start or End of a Document Only Showing Readability Statistics Sometimes the characters that appear in a document can be hard to figure out, especially if the document came from someone else. Need to find out the day of the year for a particular date? Determining a Random Value Determining if a Text Selection Exists The Vista version of the macro has two message boxes. command" message when you open a Word mail merge main document that is Send the current document from Word by e-mail as an the inserted field. A VBA macro to allow duplex printing. If you are formatting your document by using a macro, you may need to make some of your text italics. Copying a File in VBA If you paste text from the internet for example, the paste will bring across all the formatting Setting Maximum Line Lengths in Word E-mail Messages This tip explains why the difficulty arises and what you can do to work through the difficulty. The built-in bulleted lists in Word aren't the way to achieve what you want to do, and this tip explains why. pasted. Here are some considerations you need to take in account if you want to select a paper tray in your macro. Finding a Cell Reference Determining Word Frequency Do you want to easily jump to the top of a page in your document? Best news is that it takes only a line or two added to your macro.

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microsoft word visual basic examples