"The central point of the Christian life is to know Christ Himself. We must redeem the time because the days are evil. Value. ", eBooks: Apple Books, Kindle, Google Books. Or fastest delivery Tue, Mar 21 . . Now that all of these publications, in addition to the Life-study of the entire Bible, are available in audio format, we can convert times of drudgery into opportunities to sound the depths of this rich ministry through this new audio feature. For these reasons he decided not to publish further editions. Direct Mail Service (DMS): A subscription allows you to receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication automatically. In order to make use of this feature, please see the instructional video in this months newsletter. THREE CRUCIAL MATTERS IN THE BOOK OF DANIELGOD'S HEAVENLY RULE, IN THE NEW CREATION CHRIST PREPARING A BRIDE FOR HIMSELF, CHRIST PRODUCING HIS BRIDE IN THE NEW CREATION BY GROWTH, CHRIST AS THE CENTRALITY AND UNIVERSALITY IN GOD'S ECONOMY, MOSES AS THE SPOKESMAN OF GOD WAS LIKE AN AGED, LOVING FATHER, THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL AS THE AUDIENCE WERE EXPERIENCED, IT IS REQUIRED THAT GOD'S PEOPLE RESPOND TO GOD, ULTIMATELY THIS BOOK SHOWS US THAT THE LOVE OF GOD CONSUMMATELY WORKS, THE GOVERNING THOUGHT OF REVIEWING THE PAST, THE JOURNEY FROM THE MOUNT OF GOD TO THE ENTRY OF THE HOLY LAND, THE SLAYING OF SIHON, THE KING OF THE AMORITES, AND OG, THE KING OF BASHAN, THE WANDERING FROM KADESH-BARNEA TO THE CROSSING OVER OF THE BROOK ZERED, THE DEFEATING OF KING SIHON AND KING OG AND THE TAKING POSSESSION. We also request that all copyright notices be respected according to applicable law. We would, however, like to highlight some activities in our daily lives, such as cooking meals, doing the dishes, cleaning the house, or commuting to and from work, that are excellent opportunities to redeem our time without neglecting our human responsibilities. PRE-REGISTRATION (Waiting List): https://scyp.com/europe/. The life, ministry, testimony, collected works, life-study, conclusion of the New Testament, and the Recovery Version by Witness Lee - witnesslee.org. We now have the book, The History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery (2-volume set), in the D4 book room. THE CHURCH AS THE BODY OF CHRIST BEING THE ISSUE OF THE WONDERFUL, ONE UNIQUE BODY WITH ONE SPIRIT, ONE LORD, AND ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, LIVING A LIFE THAT CAN CARRY OUT THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE SEPARATION OF THE OUTER MAN FROM THE INNER MAN, THE SPIRIT USING AN OUTER MAN THAT IS BROKEN, THE WAY TO KNOW MEN FROM THE SIDE OF THE PATIENT, THE WAY TO KNOW MEN FROM THE SIDE OF OURSELVES, A COMPARISON BETWEEN DISCIPLINE AND REVELATION, THE RECOVERY OF THE DIVINE REVELATION CONCERNING GOD, THE RECOVERY OF THE DIVINE REVELATION CONCERNING CHRIST, THE RECOVERY OF THE DIVINE REVELATION CONCERNING THE SPIRIT, THE RECOVERY OF THE DIVINE REVELATION CONCERNING THE ETERNAL LIFE, THE RECOVERY OF THE DIVINE REVELATION CONCERNING THE BELIEVERS, THE RECOVERY OF THE DIVINE REVELATION CONCERNING THE CHURCH, THE RECOVERY OF THE PRACTICE OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES, THE NATURE, GROUND, AND CONDITION OF A LOCAL CHURCH, THE ARK SIGNIFYING CHRIST AS THE BUILDING OF GOD AND MAN, THE NEW JERUSALEM AS THE ULTIMATE CONSUMMATION OF THE MINGLING OF DIVINITY WITH HUMANITY, THE PRESENCE OF GOD, AN OPEN HEAVEN, BETHEL ON EARTH, AND THE HEAVENLY LADDER IN THE CHURCH MEETINGS, CHANGING DEATH INTO LIFE TO BUILD THE HOUSE OF GOD, BUILDING BY IMPARTING AND MINISTERING CHRIST, THE NEW JERUSALEM AS THE EMBODIMENT OF ALL THAT CHRIST IS, IN GODS BUILDING, GOD ALSO BEING MANS DWELLING PLACE, GODS BUILDING IN THE OLD TESTAMENTTHE TABERNACLE AND THE TEMPLE HAVING THE MINGLING OF GOD AND MAN AS ITS CENTER, GOD'S BUILDING IN THE NEW TESTAMENTTHE CHURCH ALSO HAVING THE MINGLING OF GOD AND MAN AS ITS CENTER, THE CHURCH COMING INTO BEING ONLY WHEN THERE IS THE MINGLING OF GOD AND MAN, GROWTH IN LIFE AND BUILDING BEING INSEPARABLE, GROWTH IN LIFE DEPENDING ON OUR GROWING UP INTO CHRIST IN ALL THINGS, GOD'S PURPOSE BEING ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH BUILDING, THE AMOUNT OF GOD'S BUILDING DETERMINING THE EXTENT TO WHICH GOD'S PURPOSE IS FULFILLED, GOD'S BUILDING RESULTING IN MAN'S GROWING WITH THE GROWTH OF GOD, GOD'S BUILDING RESULTING IN CHRIST BEING ABLE TO MAKE HIS HOME IN MAN, EDIFICATION AND BUILDING BEING GREATLY DIFFERENT, GOD CARING NOT FOR MERE EDIFICATION BUT FOR BUILDING, THE LACK OF THE BUILDED CHURCH ON EARTH TODAY, BUILDING BEING THE GREATEST NEED OF THE CHURCH TODAY, THE ENTIRE BOOK OF 1 CORINTHIANS BEING ON THE BUILDING OF THE CHURCH, BEING BUILT TOGETHER WITH OTHERS IN THE CHURCH AND ABSOLUTELY NOT BEING INDIVIDUALISTIC, A BUILDED CHURCH HAVING THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE BUILDED CHURCH HAVING THE RULING OF GOD, A BUILDED CHURCH HAVING THE FLOW AND SUPPLY OF LIFE, A BUILDED CHURCH NEEDING TO BE FULL OF GOD'S NATURE, NEEDING TO BE CONSTITUTED AS PRECIOUS STONES, BEING BUILT UPON AN INDESTRUCTIBLE FOUNDATION, THE BUILDING OF THE CHURCH REQUIRING THE FUNCTIONING OF ALL THE MEMBERS, THE BUILDING UP OF THE CHURCH NEEDING THE WORKERS TO PERFECT THE SAINTS INSTEAD OF REPLACING THEM, ALL MINISTRIES BEING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE CHURCH, AND THE CHURCH NOT BEING REQUIRED TO BE FOR ANY MINISTRY, THE BUILDING OF THE CHURCH REQUIRING SPIRITUAL WARFARE, AN ISSUE OF GOD'S WILL, PURPOSE, GOOD PLEASURE, AND COUNSEL. Audio and video messages now available on LSM Webcast. Although gospel preaching was not the central feature of his ministry, Watchman Nee published twenty-one booklets on the gospel. 17: Notes on Scriptural Messages (1), by Watchman Nee THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE LAMB (EXODUS 12:5; 13:2) THE STRIKING OF THE BLOOD (EXODUS 12:7, 22-23) Although Living Stream Ministry provides ebooks for various . Reading the Bible. In his training on Kuling Mountain, Watchman shared a series of fifty messages for the edification of new believers. This plan will read through the entire New Testament in one year's time. THE TEST OF SOME WALKING AMONG THE BELIEVERS DISORDERLY, THE TEST OF AN ELDER COMMITTING SIN AND BEING ACCUSED BY THE BELIEVERS, THE TEST OF MEN BEING LOVERS OF SELF, LOVERS OF MONEY, AND LOVERS OF PLEASURE, THE TEST OF A FACTIOUS, SECTARIAN MAN TITUS 3:10-11, THE TEST OF MANY ANTICHRISTS HAVING COME1 JOHN 2:18. Life-Study of the Bible: To help the saints with their long-term constitution and nourishment, we suggest all the saints enter into the Life-study of the Bible in a regular way. Read and search the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee covering God, Christ, the Spirit, the church, and the dispensing of the divine life, the economy of God. Although most may agree completely that we need to seize every available opportunity and redeem the time, it may still seem to us that we simply do not have enough occasions to sit down and devote more time to getting into the truth. Portuguese (Portugal) | Portugus (Portugal). For this reason he made a final decision to discontinue the publication of this book. All of the available material by Watchman Nee have been published in The Collected Works of Watchman Nee. var d = new Date();var curr_date = d.getDate(); var curr_month = d.getDate();var curr_year = d.getFullYear();document.write(" 1997-"+ curr_year + " "); LIVING STREAM MINISTRY. Current Issue: Ministry Digest Vol. which is Brother Nee's general comments on the matter: "In every age there is the ministry of that age," and later in the same place, "Luther was a minister of his age. 1: "The Rebuilding of the Altar of Godthe Altar of Burnt Offering. Please see the church calendar for the Zoom links and outlines. Location: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, IL. 5. Of the one hundred two messages remaining, ten were given by Yu Cheng-hwa and twelve by Witness Lee. To help the saints read through the New Testament once a year, we have prepared a reading schedule on Bible Challenges: Church in Atlanta - 2023 New Testament Reading 2023. He also published a book of questions and answers on gospel truth, giving explanations on fifty aspects of the gospel. After publishing two editions of The Spiritual Man, Watchman Nee realized that many of his readers became introspective. 1997- Living Stream Ministry. To help the saints with their long-term constitution and nourishment, we suggest all the saints enter into the Life-study of the Bible in a regular way. These publications, including the works of both Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, can be searched for topics of interest. In order to absorb the riches of this ministry in a way that is long lasting and operative, one should read the published ministry and read it habitually. Tucker, GA 30085, The Rebuilding of the Altar of Godthe Altar of Burnt Offering, The general subject of the ministry meeting this term is, In Adam and in Christthe Divine Transfer from Adam into Christ. Witness Lee himself testified to the benefit that listening to the ministry had on his wife: Although I have labored much on the Life-study messages by speaking and polishing them, I still enjoy reading them again. A schedule of the upcoming conferences and trainings is provided on lsm . SOME PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTACTING PEOPLE, RECEIVING THE IMPERATIVES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, SOME POINTS TO HELP US GO ON WITH THE LORD, CONTACTING PEOPLE IN A SPIRIT OF PRAYER WITH ENDURANCE, THE INCREASE OF THE LORDS RECOVERY IN NEW ZEALAND THROUGH THE SAINTS LABORING, LABORING TO COOPERATE WITH THE SANCTIFYING SPIRIT, OUR VISITING PEOPLE BEING A RESPONSE TO CHRISTS TRANSCENDING, BEING REGULATED ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF LIFE IN ORDER TO BE HEALTHY, NORMAL, VITAL BELIEVERS, GOD'S POWER BEING MANIFESTED IN MAN'S WEAKNESS, GOD'S CREATING OF MAN IN HIS IMAGE INDICATING THAT GOD WANTS MAN TO HAVE HIM, SATAN'S TEMPTING OF MAN TO TAKE THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE INDICATING THAT, GOD IN CHRIST AS THE SPIRIT ENTERING THE BELIEVERS IN CHRIST TO BE THEIR LIFE, THE PROGRESS OF THEOLOGY IN CHURCH HISTORY, CHRIST AS THE EMBODIMENT OF THE PROCESSED TRIUNE GOD TO BE LIFE, WE, THE TRIPARTITE PERSONS AS GOD'S REDEEMED PEOPLE, TO BE SAVED, THE SPIRIT AS THE REALIZATION OF CHRIST AS THE EMBODIMENT OF, FIVE ITEMS BEING THE BASIC FACTORS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT REVELATION, THE CROSS OF CHRIST BEING THE TERMINATION OF, THE GOD-MAN, THE CROSS, AND THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, THREE BEQUESTS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT CHRIST AS THE GOD-MAN, THE ACHIEVEMENT, LIVING A GRAFTED LIFE BY THE EXPERIENCE OF THE CROSS, THE PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF BEING CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST, ADAM'S DEATH BEING THE WAY TO DEATH AND CHRIST'S DEATH BEING THE WAY TO LIFE, WE CHRISTIANS LIVING IN RESURRECTION, NOT BY OURSELVES BUT BY CHRIST REPLACING US, THE CONSUMMATED SPIRIT OF THE PROCESSED TRIUNE GOD BEING, DEALING WITH OUR CHARACTER ACCORDING TO THE INNER REGULATION OF THE DIVINE LIFE, EXPERIENCING THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL ASPECTS OF THE DIVINE FELLOWSHIP, THE HORIZONTAL ASPECT OF THE DIVINE FELLOWSHIP BY THE HUMAN SPIRIT, THE DIVINE FELLOWSHIP BEING EVERYTHING IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, OUR FELLOWSHIP BEING DEEPENED THROUGH THE CROSS, GODS CREATION BEING FOR HIM TO BE ONE WITH MAN, PRODUCING THE CHURCH TO MATCH CHRIST AS HIS COUNTERPART, RECEIVING THE WORSHIP WHICH WE RENDER BY HIS SPIRIT, COMING WITH THE SON TO US AND MAKING AN ABODE WITH US, MAKING US COMPETENT TO BEAR THE MINISTRY OF THE NEW COVENANT, FULFILLING IN POWER OUR EVERY GOOD INTENTION FOR GOODNESS, HAVING WROUGHT US THAT OUR MORTAL BODY MAY BE SWALLOWED UP BY LIFE, XXXVIII. We hope that a newly developed way that makes the ministry even more accessible will help us to recognize and seize new opportunities to dive into these riches. PO Box 678 ABIDING IN THE LORD BEING THE SUBJECT OF JOHNS WRITINGS, ABIDING IN THE LORD AND ENJOYING HIS LIFE, A PROPER CHRISTIAN LIVING BEING A LIFE IN WHICH WE LIVE BY THE LIVING PERSON WITHIN US, TO LIVE BY THE LORD BEING TO LIVE AND WALK BY THE SPIRIT, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE ULTIMATELY BEING A MATTER OF GIVING THANKS IN EVERYTHING, A CHRISTIAN NEEDING NOT ONLY TO HAVE THE LORD AS LIFE BUT ALSO TO LIVE IN SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT TODAY BEING IN US AND ALSO POURED UPON US, TO ABIDE IN THE LORD REQUIRING US NOT TO QUENCH THE SPIRIT, GOD CREATING MAN WITH THE PURPOSE THAT MAN MIGHT TAKE GOD AS HIS CONTENT AND THEREBY EXPRESS GOD, NO LONGER I WHO LIVE, BUT CHRIST WHO LIVES IN ME, HE WHO EATS THE LORD LIVING BECAUSE OF THE LORD, THE TYPES OF THE TABERNACLE AND THE HOLY OF HOLIES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, DWELLING IN THE HOLIEST PLACE AND LIVING WITHIN THE VEIL, ABIDING IN THE LORD AND ENJOYING HIS LIFE BY ENTERING INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES TO TOUCH THE THRONE OF GRACE, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE HOLY OINTMENT, THE BACKGROUND OF GODS CALLINGBABEL, CALLED THE SECOND TIME AT HARAN AFTER HIS FATHERS DEATH, OVERCOMING THE TEMPTATION OF EARTHLY SUBSTANCE, TWO CATEGORIES OF GODS DOINGS FOR THE CALLED, GOD CONFIRMING HIS PROMISE BY MAKING A COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM THROUGH CHRIST, THE FREEWOMAN, SARAH, SIGNIFYING THE COVENANT OF PROMISE (GRACE), THE PRODUCE (ISHMAEL) BY THE EFFORT OF THE FLESH WITH THE LAW, PERFECTION REQUIRED BY GODS ALL-SUFFICIENCY, THE SUFFICIENT GRACE FOR FULFILLING GODS PURPOSE, NOT OUTWARDLY IN THE FLESH, IN THE LETTER, BUT INWARDLY OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT, DRIFTING INTO A SITUATION WHICH WAS WICKED AND SINFUL BEFORE GOD, BELIEVERS WHO LIVE IN THE WORLD AS THE WORLDLY PEOPLE AND SEEK TO SAVE THEIR SOUL, CHILDREN OF GOD WHO DO NOT ABIDE IN THE LORD AS THE ANOINTING TEACHES, ISAAC BORNCHRIST BROUGHT FORTH THROUGH US, IN HEBRONTHE PLACE OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, BEING INCARNATED TO BRING GOD INTO MAN THAT DIVINITY AND HUMANITY MAY BE MINGLED AS ONE, DYING FOR THE CREATION TO TASTE DEATH ON BEHALF OF ALL CREATION IN HIS HUMANITY WITH HIS DIVINITY, TWO DIFFERENT THEOLOGICAL TEACHINGS OF RECENT TIMES, THE WORKS WHICH THE LORD ACCOMPLISHED IN HIS PROCESSES, WE BEING THE MEMBERS OF CHRIST CONSTITUTING HIS BODY AS HIS INCREASE, ENJOYING THE RICHES OF CHRIST TO BECOME HIS FULLNESS, ENJOYING THE RICHES OF CHRIST BY PRAY-READING THE WORD AND PRAYING INTO THE SPIRIT, ENJOYING THE INCLUSIVENESS AND UNLIMITEDNESS OF CHRIST BY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, ITS SUPPLY BEING THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, THE NOURISHMENT AND THE BEVERAGE OF ITS SUPPLY BEING FOR THE SEEKING BELIEVERS GROWTH IN THE DIVINE LIFE FOR THEIR BUILDING UP TO BE THE ORGANIC CONSTITUTION OF THE PROCESSED TRIUNE GOD MINGLED WITH HIS REGENERATED, TRANSFORMED, AND GLORIFIED TRIPARTITE ELECT, ALL DISPUTES IN THE UNIVERSE BEING A MATTER OF AUTHORITY, THE LORDS PRAYER IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, THE WAY THE LORD CAME OUT OF HIS DIVINE FORM AND THE WAY HE RETURNED, GOD DESIRES THAT THE CHURCH BE THE KINGDOM OF GOD, GOD DESIRES TO MAKE THE NATIONS THE KINGDOM OF GOD THROUGH THE CHURCH, WE SHOULD HAVE CONFIDENCE IN SUBMITTING TO THE DELEGATED AUTHORITY, REJECTING DEPUTY AUTHORITY BEING TO REJECT GOD HIMSELF, IT BEING MOST SPONTANEOUS AND HARMONIOUS FOR THE BODY TO SUBMIT TO THE HEAD, THE CHARACTER OF THE DEPUTY AUTHORITY GRACIOUS TO OTHERS, THE SERIOUSNESS OF BEING A DEPUTY AUTHORITY, A DEPUTY AUTHORITY CANNOT AFFORD TO MAKE A MISTAKE, THE MORE A PERSON IS AN AUTHORITY, THE MORE HE UPHOLDS AUTHORITY, AN AUTHORITY DOES NOT DOMINATE OR CONTROL, BUT HUMBLES HIMSELF TO SERVE, WHOEVER WANTING TO BECOME GREAT SHALL BE THE SERVANT, AND WHOEVER WANTING TO BE FIRST SHALL BE THE SLAVE, AN AUTHORITY MUST SANCTIFY HIMSELF IN HIS LIVING AND HIS ENJOYMENT, HOW GOD DEALS WITH THE MISTAKES OF THE DEPUTY AUTHORITY, WITH THE DUST FOR THE BODY THAT MAN MAY EXIST, PUTTING MAN BEFORE THE TREE OF LIFE, INDICATING THAT GOD WANTED MAN, STIRRING UP THE HUMAN EMOTION TO DISLIKE GOD, BECOMING ONE WITH MAN AND ALIENATING MAN FROM GOD BY DEADENING MAN'S SPIRIT, THE SON OF GOD HAVING ABOLISHED DEATH AND DESTROYED SATAN, THE RENEWING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A. On November 16 we will read chapter 12, from the heading that begins THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF CHRIST to the end of the chapter. THE HOLY ONE, THE ETERNAL GOD, JEHOVAH, THE CREATOR OF THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, EMPOWERING AND STRENGTHENING THOSE WHO WAIT ON HIM, GOD'S FULL SALVATION BEING BASED ON HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND CONSUMMATED IN HIS LIFE, CHRIST AS THE SERVANT OF JEHOVAH SERVING GOD BY BEING A COVENANT AND A LIGHT, THE WAY TO RECEIVE AND ENJOY SUCH A FULL SALVATION OF GOD, CHRIST AS THE SERVANT OF JEHOVAH REVEALED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT ECONOMY, THE REPORT OF THE PROPHETS BASED UPON THE REVELATION OF JEHOVAH, THE ANGEL OF THE PRESENCE OF JEHOVAH FOR DEALING WITH THE NATIONS, CHRIST BEING MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JEHOVAH TO GOD'S ELECT, GOD'S WAY TO MAKE CHRIST EVERYTHING, THE CENTER AND THE CIRCUMFERENCE, TO ISRAEL, THE ULTIMATE CONSUMMATION OF THE REVELATION IN THE BOOK OF JEREMIAH, JEHOVAH RAISING UP TO DAVID A RIGHTEOUS SHOOT, AND HIS NAME, JEHOVAH MAKING A NEW COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, GOD'S FAITHFULNESS IN LEADING US INTO HIS ECONOMY, GOD NOT BEING DISAPPOINTED, AND HIS COMPASSIONS NOT FAILING, NOT BEING DISAPPOINTED BUT BEING ASSURED THAT GOD HAS A WAY TO CAUSE US TO MATURE, THE EVILS OF ISRAEL (ACTUALLY JUDAH) AS THE HYPOCRITICAL WORSHIPPERS OF GOD, THE WORDS OF WISDOM TO THE ERRING AND SUFFERING ISRAEL, GOD PRESENTING HIMSELF TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, A PICTURE SHOWING THAT WE ARE NOTHING AND THAT CHRIST IS EVERYTHING TO US, ISRAEL'S BREAKING OF THE COVENANT OF THE LAW, JEHOVAH'S MESSAGE THROUGH JEREMIAH THE PROPHET. MinistryBooks.org - Read the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee online LSM Webcast - Audio and video messages from conferences and trainings Topstone Books - Online resource . Now we can redeem and even treasure the time we spend performing menial tasks by making fresh discoveries in the ministry publications. The general subject of the ministry meeting this term is The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles. All rights reserved. www.ministrybooks.org presents electronic versions of many of the publications of Living Stream Ministry. For more information, please see our announcement for more details. How can we redeem some of this lost time? THE REAL FULFILLMENT OF THE SIGN GIVEN BY GOD TO AHAZ, THE KING OF JUDAH, THE UNVEILING OF CHRIST AS THE WONDERFUL ONE, JEHOVAH'S JUDGMENT ON THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL, THE SALVATION ENJOYED BY JEHOVAH'S BELOVED PEOPLE, EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE "FIRED" BY GOD AND REPLACED WITH CHRIST, JEHOVAH'S REACTION TO THE NATIONS' EXCESSIVE ACTION ON ISRAEL, JEHOVAH'S PUNISHMENT OVER THE DRUNKARDS OF EPHRAIM, JEHOVAH'S DEALING WITH ISRAEL'S RELIANCE ON EGYPT, THE PROPHET'S VISION IN THE FIRST THREE SECTIONS OF ISAIAH, CHRIST AS A COVENANT FOR THE PEOPLE AND A LIGHT FOR THE NATIONS, JEHOVAH'S WORD OF SHEPHERDING TO HIS SERVANT ISRAEL, ONLY JEHOVAH BEING GOD AND BEING ABLE TO SAVE, ISRAEL'S UNTRUTHFULNESS, UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, OBSTINACY, AND TREACHERY, JEHOVAH LIFTING UP HIS HAND TO THE NATIONS FOR THE GATHERING, CHRIST AS THE ETERNAL COVENANT TO ISRAEL, EVEN THE SURE MERCIES OF DAVID, BEING, SEEKING JEHOVAH AND RETURNING TO HIM AND HIS WORD, PRESERVING JUSTICE AND DOING RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR PROSPERITY AND JEHOVAH'S ACCEPTANCE, IT BEING BETTER FOR THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE GODLY TO DIE THAT, JEHOVAH'S HAND NOT BEING SO SHORT THAT IT CANNOT SAVE, CHRIST AS THE SERVANT OF JEHOVAH BECOMING ISRAEL'S LIGHT AND, JEHOVAH BEING WILLING TO BE INQUIRED OF BY THOSE WHO DID NOT ASK FOR HIM, THE ALL-INCLUSIVE CHRIST BEING THE CENTRALITY AND UNIVERSALITY OF THE MOVE, A COVERING CANOPY OF GLORY AND AN OVERSHADOWING TABERNACLE OF GRACE, A VISION SEEN BY ISAIAH IN HIS DEPRESSION. It covers the following main points: 1) the three parts of manspirit, soul, and body; 2) the distinction between soul and spirit; 3) the fleshly Christian; 4) the soulish believer; 5) the subjective aspect of the cross and the work of the Holy Spirit; 6) the spiritual man; and 7) the spiritual warfare. We are now able to turn our focus to the distribution of these riches, and we are pleased to announce that many of . In. "God's desire is to gain a full, corporate expression in man, bearing His image, manifesting His glory, and possessing His authority to deal with His enemy. dbo: abstract. April 1416, 2023Spring Young People's Conferences (Ridge Haven Camp, NC), April 2830, 2023Southeast Sixth Grade Conference (Athens, GA), May 2629, 2023International Memorial Day Conference (Chicago, IL) Respectfully submitted by various brothers representing the local churches and by the editorial section of Living Stream Ministry May . Read, search, and listen to the entire collections of the writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Daily, we can make fresh discoveries in the gold mine of the ministry that will bless, strengthen, and uplift our lives in the midst of these evil days. The prayer meeting of the church will be held in person by districts every Wednesday at 7:30 .. THE PRAISE OF GOD'S ELECT FOR GOD'S BEING REAL, TRUSTWORTHY, THE THANKSGIVING OF GOD'S ELECT FOR GOD'S BOUNTIFUL GOODNESS. P bloggen har du gjennom renes lp blitt presentert flere artikler om og av Watchman Nee (bildet) Det kommer du fortsatt til bli. Chart of Things to Come shows the outline of all prophecies concerning the future and depicts the raptures of the saints, the great tribulation, the coming of Christ, the judgment at the judgment seat of Christ, the millennium, the judgment at the great white throne, and the new heaven and new earth with the New Jerusalem. PRAISING JEHOVAH FOR HIS PLEASURE IN HIS PEOPLE, ISRAEL, THE SPIRIT, THE REALITY, THE CHARACTERISTIC, OF THE DIVINE REVELATION, A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PROPHETS ISAIAH, DANIEL, AND ZECHARIAH, THE VISION OF THE FOUR HORNS AND THE FOUR CRAFTSMEN, THE CONCLUDING WORD TO CONFIRM THE EIGHT VISIONS, THE PROPHECY CONCERNING THE NATIONS AROUND JUDAH IN RELATION TO ISRAEL. The "500" refers to the goal of reading at least 500 Life-study messages for your spiritual nourishment and growth. Audio Feature on ministrybooks.org; Ministry Excerpts: 2023 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference; Videos: Audio Features . All of the available material by Watchman Nee have been published in The Collected Works of Watchman Nee. He was also burdened to put out five books on the practicality of the church: This book was translated into English under the title Concerning Our Missions and was reprinted under the title The Normal Christian Church Life. The Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile, where the meetings of the 2023 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held, has sold out of rooms at the LSM discounted rate. The following thirty-five books were reprints of messages published in Notes of Scriptural Messages, which Watchman published for the use of young believers: The following nineteen books were published as general messages for Christians: He also published one hundred forty-four messages in twelve volumes called Twelve Baskets Full. Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians. $10.75 $ 10. GROW CHRIST! For this reason, he considered messages on these matters as the central messages. Please agree to the distribution policy to enable the download of this book. Find Customer Reviews and Ratings of Ministrybooks.org. The writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee focus on the enjoyment of the divine life, which all the believers possess, and on the building up of the church, the goal of God's work with man in this age. The Collected Works of Witness Lee is available on ministrybooks.org through a subscription purchased separately. All subscribers to this website now have the ability to listen to The Collected Works of Witness Lee in its entirety as well as the Life-study of the entire Bible. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. THE AMALEKITES' OFFENSE TOWARD GOD AGAINST ISRAEL, TESTED AND APPROVED IN TRUSTING GOD AND DEFEATING GOLIATH, SUPPLIED WITH THE HOLY BREAD OF THE PRESENCE AND WITH THE SWORD OF GOLIATH, STAYING IN THE CAVE OF ADULLAM AND IN MIZPEH OF MOAB, DAVID GOING UP FROM THE WILDERNESS OF ZIPH AND REMAINING IN THE STRONGHOLDS OF EN-GEDI, READING 1 AND 2 SAMUEL WITH A VIEW OF GOD'S ECONOMY. LIVE CHRIST! The purpose of this monthly digest is to help to encourage and assist in the daily reading of the ministry. PRODUCE CHRIST! [ Read More] Graves Park is at 1540 Graves Rd, Norcross, GA 30093, about a 12-minute drive from the District 4 meeting hall. To Reconstitute Our Being on the Positive Side, THE LOCATION OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF LIFE OUR SPIRIT, THE RESTORATION OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF LIFE, THE TRIUNE GOD THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT, KNOWING THE SPIRIT BY THE SENSE OF THE SPIRIT, OUR SPIRIT BEING THE HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART, OUR SPIRIT NEEDING TO BE THE MEANS OF OUR WORSHIP, THE SOUL NEEDING TO BE BROKEN THAT THE SPIRIT MAY BE DIVIDED FROM IT, AFTER THE BREAKING OF THE SOUL THE DENIAL OF THE MIND, EMOTION, AND WILL, THE CHURCH BEING THE ASSEMBLY, THE GATHERING OF THE CALLED-OUT ONES, THE LORD'S TABLE MEETING REPLACING THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER. The following eleven books were on the central messages, mostly translated by Brother Nee himself: The following seven books on inner life were translated by Brother Yu Cheng-hwa. Collected Works of Watchman Nee; Collected Works of Witness Lee; Conclusion of the New Testament; High Peak Books; Life-study of the Bible; Search Publication Titles "The Son of Man" (CWWL, 1958, vol. The Collected Works of Witness Lee a year-by-year tracing of Witness Lee's ministry in the United States . A video training will also be held locally here in Atlanta, GA. To Sign-up for Free Updates and Teachings, Click Here! An option to meet on Zoom will be available. Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. His burden to hold the overcomer conferences and to publish The Present Testimony was to present such central messages. 5, No. Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. A COMPARISON OF THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS, THE KINGDOM BEING RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY, FOUR DISPENSATIONS OF THE LORD'S DEALINGS, LEADERSHIP DEPENDING ON SPIRITUAL CAPACITY, ALL THREE COEXISTING (EXISTING AT THE SAME TIME), THE SON'S INCARNATION BEING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, GOD BEING TRIUNE IN HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH MAN, THE GOLDEN LAMPSTAND SYMBOLIZING THE TRIUNE GOD, THE INDWELLING OF THE TRIUNE GOD (EPHESIANS 3), THE TRIUNE GOD SHOWN BY THE NEW JERUSALEM, CHRIST BEING GOD ESSENTIALLY AND HAVING THE SPIRIT ECONOMICALLY, HIS TRANSFIGURATION INTO THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, SAVED BY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT, EXPERIENCING THE TWO ASPECTS BY CALLING ON THE LORD, EXPERIENCING THE FIRE IN THE WORD BY PRAY-READING, SETTING THE MIND ON THE SPIRIT THE KEY TO DEATH OR LIFE, THE SERVICE BEING THE MINISTERING OF CHRIST, WE HAVE THIS LIFE AND CAN EXPERIENCE IT EVERY DAY, LIFE BEING GOD THE FATHER IN THE SON AS THE SPIRIT FLOWING INTO US, CLEARING THE ARTERIES OF OUR PSYCHOLOGICAL HEART, THE ANOINTING AND THE PURPOSE OF SALVATION, THE OUTWARD FILLING OF THE SPIRIT FOR POWER, THE MANIFESTATIONS OF BEING FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE FRUIT OF SAVED PERSONS REGENERATED WITH THE DIVINE LIFE, THE BODY OF CHRIST BEING AN ORGANISM NOT AN ORGANIZATION, PRAYING TO CONTACT, TO ENJOY, AND TO FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, THE ESSENCE OF THE WORD OF GOD BEING LIFE TO THE BELIEVERS, USING OUR SPIRIT AND OUR MENTAL FACULTY TO RECEIVE THE SPIRIT AND LIFE FROM THE WORD OF GOD, SPEAKING AT EVERY TIME AND IN EVERY PLACE TO EVERY PERSON, BUILDING UP THE BODY THROUGH PROPHESYING IN THE CHURCH MEETINGS, THE CHURCH BEING THE BUILDING UP OF ALL GODS CHOSEN, REDEEMED, REGENERATED, AND TRANSFORMED PEOPLE, NOT A PHYSICAL STRUCTURE, THE NATURE OF THE CHURCH BEING OF HEAVEN, NOT OF EARTH, TO MAKE GODS WISDOM KNOWN TO THE ENEMY, THE FULLNESS (EXPRESSION) OF HIM WHO FILLS ALL IN ALL, THE SEVEN GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS SIGNIFYING THE SEVEN LOCAL CHURCHES AS GODS TESTIMONY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, CHRISTS CRUCIFIXION TO REDEEM PEOPLE FOR THE CHURCH, CHRISTS ASCENSION TO POUR OUT THE SPIRIT ON HIS PEOPLE TO FORM THE CHURCH, ALL THE REGENERATED AND PERFECTED BELIEVERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WILL BE THE COMPONENTS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM, WHICH IS THE CHURCHS ULTIMATE CONSUMMATION, CHRISTS PROPHECY ON BUILDING THE CHURCH, THE SAINTS BEING PERFECTED BY THE PERFECTING GIFTS WITH THE LIFE SUPPLY AS THE NOURISHMENT FOR THE GROWTH IN LIFE, UNTIL WE (THE GIFTED PERSONS AND THE SAINTS) ALL ARRIVE, THE UNIQUE GOD HAVING A UNIQUE EXPRESSION, THE LORDS ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE ONENESS OF THE BODY, THE GOAL OF THE CHURCH MEETINGSTO EXHIBIT CHRIST IN ALL THE SAINTS, EXAMPLES OF THE MEETINGS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, ENTERING THE CHURCH BY BELIEVING AND BEING BAPTIZED, PRAYING AND SEEKING THE TRUTH WITH COMPANIONS, THE SAVED ONES NEED TO COME TO THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, WE WILL BRING THE LORD AND THE KINGDOM TO EARTH AND WILL RECEIVE A REWARD, PRAYER IS MAN BREATHING GOD, OBTAINING GOD, AND BEING OBTAINED BY GOD, PRAYER IS MAN COOPERATING AND CO-WORKING WITH GOD, ALLOWING GOD TO EXPRESS HIMSELF AND HIS DESIRE THROUGH MAN, AND THUS ACCOMPLISH HIS PURPOSE, PRAYER IS MAN AS WELL AS HIS PRAYER PASSING THROUGH GOD, PRAYER IS THE EXPRESSION OF GODS INTENTION, PRAYER IS THE DISCHARGING OF OUR BURDEN BEFORE GOD, MUST BE ONE WHO LIVES IN GOD ALWAYS HAVING FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM, MUST BE ONE WHO WAITS CONSTANTLY BEFORE GOD, MUST BE ONE WHO PUTS EVERYTHING OF HIMSELF ASIDE, ESPECIALLY HIS ABILITY AND OPINIONS, MUST BE ONE WHOSE LIVING CORRESPONDS TO HIS PRAYER, THE MIND INTERPRETING THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SPIRIT, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WILL AND THE SPIRIT, A CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENSEA GUILTLESS CONSCIENCE, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WORD AND THE SPIRIT, THE WORK OF THE LIGHT OF LIFE ON THE NEGATIVE SIDE, THE WORK OF THE LIGHT OF LIFE ON THE POSITIVE SIDE, THE REST THAT RESULTS FROM LIFE ILLUMINATION, FASTING IS AN INDICATION OF MANS ABSOLUTENESS, FASTING IS FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF GODS WILL AND FOR THE DEFEAT OF SATAN, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRAYING IN THE LORDS NAME AND DOING GODS WILL, THE LORDS APPRAISAL OF THE SEEKING ONE, THE LINE OF CHRIST WITH THE CHURCH IN THE SCRIPTURES, GOD'S DESIRE FOR THE CHURCH, THE BODY OF CHRIST, GOING TO THE LORD IN PRAYER FOR HIS ENLIGHTENMENT, GOD'S INTENTION FOR US TO PUT ASIDE OUR NATURAL LIFE AND TAKE CHRIST AS OUR LIFE, THE EXPERIENCE OF THE ALL-INCLUSIVE SPIRIT, LIVING ACCORDING TO THE INNER LAW OF LIFE. 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